Show LEGAL B lii thi probate court in andhor utah county ulan territory in the matier of tea eshaia of thomas jaraian Jar nian deceased order tor nonce ol 01 application on and the i jaraian Jar nian heir at law ol 01 said praying for an ordner ol 01 ton of the estace de ciet it la tuai aadu day the alth bayot february A D aw 1 at 10 a ra ot laai anbe probate judge at the court house in fiovo city utah county U be appointed lor heating said und anat the clerk giro u by causing conces to be punted up to uw and a copy of this order ba tor three weeks la THE a newspaper published in brovo chiy proba judge dated territory ol 01 county ol 01 utah lv L clerk 0 the probate court in and tor utah county territory of U tau hereby nat the r a lull true and carreca copy ol 01 original partition of tha estate of thomai carmal Jar maL i cc mcd bui on allo and of record in 1115 attics my aid the seal of said chait at my office tu brovo n luu SEAL autti deyot ana L 1831 Y L cleiff of the probate LEGAL NOTICE in the probate curi C uri la and for utah county feretory of giai la the matter of the of joseph carlls deceased order appointing time aud place tor salele acco int and to beor petition lor distribution OP reading anc filing the petition of charle bancuch and nahum cartis or ine asi alert curtly decea seil set tins lorati 1 at iney nafe butir haal account of kneir upon said in tua court au the debi estate have been lily paia and poi tion ot ane said estate ram ains to be dividio divi diu among ane heirs 01 said and praying among biber tamsa for allowing baid account anil ol 01 at ane residue of bald the personifi it la ordered that hii interested in abe of the said burus deceased be and appear the probate court of the county ol 01 utah al the court lioom ot bald county lione on the of march lam at ten am then and there to know cause why an order of uon oe nid deul abe residue of said ad devesci of the said curds according to law it is further that abe ciera causa notice to be posted ui three placa la utai county and a copy of ahli order to be published in THE a ue printed ami circulated in utah conr successively prior to bald aid day ol 01 mara ISM dated jan 30 IBM JD JONEa probate adde or utah county I 1 V L halliday clerk of the chait in and lor auh coff nty territory at hereby ceralli ta a loll 1011 trae and conict copy ot jhb original ordet time aud place lor 01 haal account air 1 to hear petition for du eftie oJo eph contla ae cea difed and now on ale and 01 record in my cliness my hand and the eal or aalde court att ray office in broto city sata day of jan AB V L HALLIDAY clerk ol 01 the tow LEGAL NOTICE territory ot utah I 1 utah county inane probate court la and lor said county in mhd matter 01 the estate and guard lana a pot george B williams a williams and john I 1 williams minors lu kaow causa why order ot sale ol 01 erfal uil personal estate daouia not be made josepa alowa the guardian cl the persona ana ot beorse B joan T ana aled uia berela prime for ati arder of edlo ul a pan ot cue real an fn ol 01 naia ammo a ur lue ther riia abet it is eiore ordered uy itie probate juao ui bina court eliat all peranna eu lu hiie ol 01 aard deceased appear debore luo bald court on monday lau uty of alarea ibl at 10 ocl m lu a of laid day at court knorl ot ficaia conn at ino court lirose la brovo nii chui coui ay iy ol 01 ulan tu snow cause why an order should not be to ano guardias Guar to ao muan of ahe real and personal estate ol 01 the bald aa shrilla bu tiry and a copy ct tala arder be published ai berc boce a weevil lor buur geelt in 1 neumar a newspaper and m bald utan couney biati JD jonea dated fd 10 1891 territory ol 01 utah 1 county ol 01 ulan 1 1 V L ii aUlday clerk of the ajun in aej lor biah atah cerully inah me loreo mg is a ull crue aud couett copy 01 uia braer 10 banow cacao why order ol 01 of real and pc roual properly should noc bu made in ibe ui borge u a ii Haun and anuw on me and 01 lucord m witness my hand and the seal of said aprobato cubiat JAL J AL bolh day oi jb ed A U V bersot the probate couri aiau county 0 1 |