Show PE PILES OF affidavits attorneys working hard to save the murderer s neck illinois editors special to the feb 14 alter four post pone ments tb matter of the application for a new trial in the caad of eu gene has begun before judge brentano Brenta ao in the circuit court today despite the appalling appal liag nature of ahe deed and the fact that there was practically no defense the attorneys for the condemned man are determined to avail themselves of every loophole iu the law in order if possible to gave his neck atey appeared today with a formidable pile of affidavits in of their motion three of these were from court who had charge of the jury one was from a physician who was a witness at the case of east the othora were from men who profess to have personal knowledge of the fact that A gordon murray one 0 ane jurors who tried knew tb late carter H harridon Harri aon intimately though mr murray when selected Belec ted as a juror said he only had a ver bliest acquaintance with the late mayor dr james M brydon sets forth in his affidavit that he ha known A ardon murray five years july 15 the physician says he was one of three judges at a picnic of scotch people at burlington park appointed to iward a prize for the best appearing man in highland costume on learning mat one of the other judges was ggordon duriay dr B adon declares took him to garter H harrison and introduced him and told him that he murray bad appointed mr harri BOU one 0 the judges to fill the vacancy afterwards the prize was awarded to A gordon muirty by the committee on august 1 1892 dr brydia bays he A gordon murray and robert mattieson visited carter H harrison in his ace in tue times building to ask him to address a picnic of scotch people mr harnoon recognized A gordon murray as they entered the room and greeted him in a friendly manner and shook hands with him from what he saw dr brydon says he was led to believe that A gordon murray and the late carter H harrison knew each otner well J harvey bates says in his affidavit that he has known A gordon murray four years july 15 1892 mr murray he says asked him to go to the office of the late carter II 11 harrison in the times building Bui ldina with him which be did with robert mathieson and dr brydon when they entered the office mr harridon Harr called A gordon murray dy name and shook hande with him aad mr murray in turn in the affiant to mr harrison mr was asked by the corn cittee to attend a scotch picnic at bur ington park mr B am son replied bated naya that if he attended any pic nica it would bo with A gordon mur rays crowd in august 1893 at a meeting of scotch people in the regiment armory in Chicago Bates aabye he saw A gordon murray escort mr harrison from the front door of the building to the platform and find him a eaic among others there from the of both mr murray and mr harrison the affiant believed them to be intimate friends fred A braae a bailiff ot the crimin 1 l court ata forth in his affidavit that dec 19 1893 he was in charge of jurors jacob butter bergwick vastine john W S alien and charlea F on the morning of that day he accompanied them to cottage grove avenue the eleventh precinct of the bourth ward where voted he allowed to enter tha booth alona tn hia ballot braae baas the trip was made on the illinois central railroad and cottage broye avenue cable cars and that no one bloke to the jurors or made any remarks in their dearine about the case on trial on the return trip jula ju la baker 0 tho circuit court met them and said to good morning to which butter replied in the same manner dr D R brower makes affidavit that states attorney kern callei on bim in hia office and aaker him to make an examination of to see if he was of sound mind later dr A J baxter called on him and aalde ha was going to make an examination of prendergast A commission was form ed consisting of dr archibald dr harold moyer dr F J dewey and dr F S talbot the examination was made end a report submitted i A trade an attorney for the called upon him 0 o about mental coalition and wan told prendergast gaet waa a paranoiac after come discussion at orney trade dr brower bays told n in bis services would not be required by the state dr brower then reported to stites attorney kern that be be lieveld prendergast to be a paranoiac and insa ace affiant is of tho opinion that drs church mover dewey and cabbot also reported to states actor ley kern atiat they believed bredder Pr eDder ast paranoiac and insane mo 1 special to CHICAGO feb 14 evidently the country editors of illinois and of a good many other states are not yet cognizant af the alleged hard times and commercial depression it would appear so at least from the fact that abu executive committee of the illinois press tion appointed last year to consider the question of an to england and europe has not only decided upon an elaborate program ne bat has alf ready secured the necessary number of travelers for tae party required by the steamship companies the pro gramme will be formally latifi d at the annual meeting of the in thia city week it arranges for the starting af the excursion from chicago on april 25 the excursionists to round up in the same cita on july 25 or exactly three months later the itinerary includes london and all its attractions canterbury ripon the principal points in scotland liverpool oM on avon bristol plymouth exeter pris Crue and the field of waterloo antwerp ana the international expose tion and berlin by spenial directions of the qeeen hamton court palace and castle will be thrown open to the inspection of the edcur zionists over two hundred editors of illinois and other slates have signified their intention of joining the party and in many cases they will be accompanied by their families still another european press excursion growing out ot a discussion at the baat meeting of the national editorial association will start from new york on july ath this trip includes paris gut ui bin es london oxford liverpool dublin killarney and cork reaching mow borkon the return on august |