Show m legislature tire department and police ml ABOUT assignments bill divine mayors of first and second glass cities power to remove TUESDAYS H E booth from the committee on militia reported that they and the houam committee had agreed on a substitute lor the milti la bill and recommended ita ane judiciary committee offered a substitute for and C B 69 relating to assignments H J al no 11 relating to the Uinta hand reservations was favorably reported H B 84 relating to university lands waa favorably reported taylor introduced 0 B 86 relating to creditors of insolvent corporations H E booth introduced C B 87 relating to witnesses C B 49 the special order of the day was than taken up this bill ia in relation to giving mayors a qualified ye to and other powers after a lengthy upon the merits of the bill and a substitute offered by mr taylor qualifying the power of removal and re that charges should he and trials held the bill was re committed to the committee on judiciary C B 69 regulating the manner of as nis for tho benefit of creditors was this bill abolished abolish ea pre creditors the bill had been amended dy the BO that assignees must be removed by at lecat four degrees of by blued or marriage and partners and cherka are also haired the amendments were accepted by the council the house concurrent resolution relative to the printing of copies each of the worlds fair commission Commis aion and the report of the committee on waya and means was referred to the committee on wava and means A cumber of petitions were introduced and a few small claims acted upon the following bills wera introduced by powers H B ill providing for a new section in the civil code relating to appeal i from justices courts by tolton H B annexing a part of garfield to wayne county by H B the military coda f utah by wines H B to establish fish hatcheries 0 B 27 amending the general revenue law wai referred to the com on ways and means C B el relating to insurance companies was referred to the committee on private corporations 0 B 65 for the relief of W T who was one of the bondsmen of anil foote and became liable after footes escape was considered the bill provides for the cancellation of the lodgment against shields on account of bootee recapture it was re committed 0 o tue committee through stoker calling attention to a law of Co neresa for bidan ing the remittance of any fine etc HB to organize a fira aal police in cities of the first and second class came up as a special order it waa read aad amended and made a special order for saturday at 3 the bill provides for the of police and fire departments of cities of the first and second claar on a nou partisan oatis |