Show SALE WHEREAS wl ison H dusenberry and margaret T duzenberry on th eSOto day of july 1891 executed and delivered to the national building loan assoria As socia tion of salt lake city their 2 promissory noes una for the aum ol 01 one thousand bollara 1000 and ane for the sum of two thousand dollars 2000 and on thu bam 8 day for the of securing th payment ot said notes and h interest thereon the eaid wildon K dusenberry and margaret T dasen aeiry hia difo executed and delivered to H P mason trustee aber certain trust deed epou the property situated in the county of utah and territory of utah to wit commencing corner oi block twenty 20 B grovu city running theace theD ce boulb one and 1100 1 chains thence east j three 31 chains thence north one and 1100 1 HO I 1 J chains thence three chains lu tie place 0 beginning begin nine which eaid added was duly recorded in alip 0 tha aou nty Be corde ot utah county utah territory on the jtb day of august 1891 and said trust deed provided that in case oi default in the payment of eaid or the premium or installments or any part thereof then ahe said indebtedness should at once become due and said should be sold bv the said trustee oy hia in at public auction at tha front door of tabe court houe in provo utah county utah territory or on said premises or auy part thereof EB should be specified in the notice of such bale thirty days previous of eucha sale given by once iff each week for four weeks in any newspaper at that time published in the county of utah and haa been made for more than six months D the payment of the interest upon and the legal holder of eaid note has elected to declare and has declared ane entire amount thereof due and ahe of the said notes baa requested the said H P mason trustee aa aforesaid to proceed to ecil the aard property under the authority fayen by said trust deed is hereby riven that I 1 H P 1 mason trustee as aforesaid will on the fifth dax 0 february ot aard day afler for eala at public at uie arout door of abo court vitah county ilaa and will bell to the hii theat and beat bidder thereof for cash all of the eaid abaye described property for the pur of satisfying the amount due upon aid promissory notes tog ether with the interest thereon and the coat of x said B P MASON 0 W attorney for Tiu atee the eale 01 the aboa de property ia continued an monday the day of february 1894 at 21 noon H P MABON trustee TRUSTEES BALE andrew the day of may 1833 executed andl de livered to al joau sall acce atty hia 10 lo the thousand and onta bamfo dav for of ee coring the paiement pAi ment the idtse est th said aen andt la arta his wile executed and delivered bohr on uhe lee their the following described ed inobe county block seventy one prevo city barvey beginning at a point eighty nine 89 beet east from tha cogaer 9 said lot two 2 and running thence twenty seven 27 feet thence north ninety nine sa feet thence west twenty geyen 27 feet thence south ninetynine ninety nine 99 leet to th e place of be binning together with a arway eight feet wide leading from the west aide of said block along the north aide of said lot two 2 which said trust deed was duly recorded in the office of the county recorder of utah county utah territory on the sotel day of may 1893 and said trust dead provided that in case of default in the payment of said note or the interest premi umio installments or any part thereof then the eaid indebtedness indebted nesa should at once become due and aard premises should be sold by said trustee or hia successor in trust at public auction at the front door of tue court house in provo utah bounty utah territory or on said premises or any part thereof as should be specified in the notice of such eale thirty days previous notice of Bale having been publication once in each week lo lopour flucke weeks in any news papera the county of utah and default has been made for more than six months in the payment of note aa the legal holder of said boote hs elected to declare and has declared the entire amount thereof due and the legal holder of the said note requested has the said H P mason as afore said to proceed to beell the said property under the au dhority given by said trust deed notice is hereby given that I 1 H P mason trustee as aforesaid will on the fifth dakof february 12 noon of said day offer for bale at public auction at the front door of the court house in county utah and will sell to the highest and beat bidder for cash all of the said above described premises for the purpose of satisfying the amount due upon eaid promissory note together with the inte reet thereon and the of executing aard emst trustee attorney lor trustee the sale of the above described property is continued and postponed until monday the day of february 1834 at 12 noon arp MASON Tru SHERIFFS SALE pursuant to a decree of and an to me br 0 dl the first judicial district of the territory of utah r nall at public sale at abe front door or the county court house la the city of provo c touty of utah territory ot utah on th day ol 01 at 2 P mu aba reat estate to artt tile lan 4 and premises directed to be sold by this hect e are lyane and being in the city of provo county of utah and territory ot utah and bounded and par described aa follow all of baits six the east half of in block twenty one dij C provo city survey ol 01 s H the proceeds from the sale of ed property de insufficient to pay the aad coslo and empens s ot ale then I 1 ahall proceed lo 10 sell aba following described real estate the land and premises lyane and being in prevo city utah county attah territory described as follows lo artt the fast flail of lots one 1 and eight 8 in Bloos seventeen W flat B prevo alt bucar ot building lota together with th e and appurtenances ten ances ther unto belong lag or la anywise to be eald as abe property ot georgre A dusenberry il M dosenberry Dasen berry C E loose daniel MW M W william linander F perry jamea E J ward and vard as E J ward bone and fhe Provo lumber and Bul lulng company a corporation at thes rational baak a corpor antipa and nader tho baw ol 01 abc united states tennant Tenna ot sale cah bated reto 2 ISM BBOWN sheriff ol 01 ulan county B Bach iaAn ari AU onny |