Show see the Wor lils fair for fifteen cents bolin receipt of your address and fifteen cents in stamps we will mail vou prepaid our souvenir porta folio of the worlds columbian ex position the regular is fifty cents but as we want you to have one we make the price nominal yon will find it a work ot art ind a thing to be prized it contains full page diews of ahn great buildings with descriptions of sama and is executed in highest style of art if not satisfied with it after you set it we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book address H E BUCKLEN co chicago 4 highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report oj both the method and results when syrup of figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the taste and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figa is for sale in and 81 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may dot have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute FIG CO SAN FRANCISCO cafa KY HEW YORK HY school trustees can obtain at THE office register cards excuses and other blanks which are carried in stock orders by m promptly filled addre co dew provo utah cast paid for efm TO THE history proves that the ancient spartano spartans Spar tans and boman soldiers whose powers were proverbial and theroman theE oman soldier who under julius casar conquered the world where fed on WHOLE WHEAT BROWN brebo not merely in hot climates but in cussia and norway people live en on brown bread here is a pointer to yon there is the same amount of nutritive substance in one 1 pound of lean beef a quart of milk or a pound and a half of fresh codfish and the nourishment in three fourths of a pound of bread is exacts the same the only place where jou can buy this bread is at the next to taylor and Poil tons j COME AND TRY IF ONLY ac FOK 1 LBS also try our toiler catir barnai bind bade ac cibir the best in town every sunday yon can get all the bread yoa can at the next to taylor and cus grocery store ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL AND SEWING tuning and repairing done on the shortest notice leave orders at taylor bros furniture store ANDREW SWARD LAND secured for settlers in the shortest possible time CONTESTED CASES contested cases intelligently and landed OLD CLAIMS DISPUTES old claims and disputes speedily settled CONTESTS between individuals having conflicting claims under the agricultural land laws and bhoge between claimants under the lawa and agricultural claimants and also between claimants under any of the cudlic land laws and tatt railroad Eail road companies and their granlees grantees gran tees under the SWAMPLAND SWAMP LAND and GRANTS specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers who fully complied with the laws under which their entries were made and who are annoyed and worried bv delays in the issue of their patents canned by TRIFLING which can be easily and removed advice also giyen all matters relating to the public lands especially on cointa ari ains ander the new laws which have been recently parsed providing for the disposal of the public domain if you want your land patent in a hurry if yoc want your land business of any character attended to by skills ful and competent attorneys and promptly disposed of write to PRESS CLARIS JOHN general mgr P 0 boi washington D C WB HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST APPROVED OJE IN THE TERRITORY justices of the peace attorneys and all others requiring blanka will find it to their advantage to order from us FULL STOCK of SCHOOL SUPPLIES bhole ale as aeu as retail buyers will receive the best attention COMPLETE OF stationery iia our prices ars way attention riven to hilll or jots PROVO BOOK STATi ORY CO PROVO CITY UTAH CEO S TAYLOR manger manufacturers of and dealers m FIRST GLASS FLOUR FEED quality guaranteed gome and try our corn sheller JW HOOVER best sugar per sack best sugar 15 pounds LOO all packet coffee two for 55 loose coffee per ib to 40 tree tea three papers 50 schillings tea m choice tea per packet loose teas per ib from to tomatoes per can 10 best canned corn 2 cans 25 all packet starch per packet 10 coal oil 5 gallons 85 ALL OTHER GOODS IN proportion corn meal per sack graham flour per sack perfection wheat per sack I 1 SELL FLOUR AT PRICE LIST PUBLISHED BY BOTH MILLS everything alie market affords at bottom prices ALL GOODS BOLD FOR CASH OR SENT C 0 D FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY TELEPHONE NO 20 PP prop to call and see our stock of PIANOS OH CrAS E GABLER BRO CHICAGO COTTAGE EMERSON A H WHITNEY SMITH lbarnes BROS hillstrom mr frank sherrell late of new york an experienced tuner will be pleased to meet all who desire to inspect our instruments partied wishing piano tuning done please leave word at our office we have on hand a large stock 0 lumber lathy shingles rustic flooring doors and windows AND ALL KINDS OF s ato cerialo having recent y bought out the entire stock of the ainslie lumber co and enst received a car of doors and windows we are better prepared than ever to fill orders all of the above goods we will sell at edca arx awad CAM those desiring goods in conr line will do well by calling on ns before baying as we will not bo undersold Under sold by any firm in utah we mean just what we say COME AND TRY US s m B e W ak 33 EA anni opposite RR depot provo uita when you want to buy 7 dry W goods and notions CALL US m BUY m WE BUY TO WE BUY DIRECT AND WE m IN ALWAYS fidfl OCR STOCK COMPLETE WE SELL AT ONE THAT LOWEST api loes are sias lese liay 0 is to gorivo grivo 5 ota texo joest jooa at your child will be served as cheaply and politely as yourself A comparison of our prices will convince you that you should trade with us VO OPERATIVE cooperative CO i A alra i yail am i k 9 w y s 5 all wi |