Show doat you fesl your money bobbing around in your pocket or pocketbook pocket book struggling lo 10 get down here to purchase a taste of these we are still slaughtering and will continue to do so we must BOW make dooni for our spring goods soon to arrive we are bound to have room our prices during the esst 30 days have been remarkably low but they will still lower so rt BK ca of neglecting YOUR OWN INTERESTS by not at our saie of we keep nothing in reserve be waste to quote figures everything is being old at REMEMBER Ks not wise to put off for tomorrow to morrow what can be done today to day or in plain language DONT GET LEFT but attend these GRAND SALES they are for your benefit yours always for lowest prices every day in theP Week sundays excepted H JACOBSON 14 CENTRE STREET FO RiViER STORE CO S A AT LAW bank building UTAH M M F P and CO U AT LA W ama 13 and 14 union block PROVO UTAH W X JOHN john ATTORNEYS A coomb II 11 and 12 bank building CITY UTAH J B booth E A aileon A labooth BOOTH walson ATTORN E W aad land office agents S 22 N J street UTAH E E DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 baak building Bail ding brovo jesski J ATTORN E Y AT LA W boom 1 binl national bank UTAH S K lawyer ofie IB baak of commerce UTAH DON G JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW no S ank building springville Spring ville SPRING UFAH JL H C ED warda edwards attorney sa s A t laiu UTAH adorney AT collection Ai eacy office bank build ng CITY VIAH R G architect and superintendent booms 2 and 3 eldredge blocki provo MRS S A GRAHAM G street between 4 and 6 streets fc KO 0 O CIT UTAH boora 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A me curtain AT D PHYSIC AHO SURGEON palace bloch 2 banic corner no 45 office no 28 UTAH F F REED dentist have all modern lor the practice of operative ana artificial CROWNS AND A SPECIALTY chau work cuaran teea room excelsior block SAM OTAH corace 7 and ath street MJ manager lor THE promptly attended Atte nied t booma 10 11 and 12 excelsior block provo a vve cause c 0 nees arc you willing to work of protection in placing reliable information in tho hands of your acquaintances if you are you ifould bo identified with THE AMERICAN protective TARIFF LEAGUE W ST NEW YORK cut abl out and lend it to the rw md clr mates baba Buch lenc arnica salve the beat balve in the world for cuts bruyea ulcers salt eleain feyer chapped hands coil blaina gorna and all skin eruptions and positively carea piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction satis or money refunded arico 25 centi par box for sale by smoot drug co AH free those who haye used dr kings new discovery know its value and those who have not have now the opportunity port unity 0 try it free call on the advertised and get a trial bottle free send bour name and address to H E bucklen co chicago and get a box 0 dr kings new life pills free as well as a copy of guide to health and household instruct tor free all of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost yoa nothing at smoot drug co 4 mrs C J wooldridge of fortham Vor tham texas saved the life of her child by the use of ayers cherry pectoral one of my children had croup the case was attended by our physician anda as supposed to be well under control one I 1 was startled by the childs hard breathing and on going to it found it strangling ft had nearly ceased to breathe realizing ahat the childs alarming condition had become possible in spite of the medicines eiven I 1 reasoned that such remedies would be of BO avail having part of a bottle of ayers cherry pectoral in the house I 1 ga e the child three doses at short intervals and anxiously K gilted results from the moment alie pectoral was childs breathing grew easier and in a short time she was sleeping quietly and breathing naturals natura lh the child is am e and well today to day and I 1 do not hesitate to say that acerb cherry pectoral saved her life cherry pectoral C lomei mu FOR THE california fair via the lines of the E G W ky or U P system and hv hern pacific co hound trip GOOD FOR 30 DAYS AND FIVE gate tickets to fair EXCURSION TRIPS FELM BAN FRANCISCO to ether points in california wilt be allowed parch mera of special midwinter fair tickets at the following fouad trip rates TO STATIONS undre MILES FROM SAN JfRANCIS CO OSE AND ode vay fare TO STATIONS MILES OK MORE SAN ANU fifth one way fare for exact rates and full n inquire of G W U R ALKY UP R G P ovo L adb addre addres s ardt GRAY 1 U GODDMAN gen brahic imar agn South cin cf faan gal BY archbishop OF DUBLIN IRELAND owing to the great demand for archbishop hs pamphlet on mono and the effects on wm we have reproduced it on elegant book paper neatly bound containing 80 pages it is one of the most logical practical and convincing SS S S bimetallism ever been published this pamphlet is having a wide circulation and be read by every citizen of the united states it haa attracted the attention of europe and america and is one of the most scholarly echol arly extant on the subject cf bimetallism mailed postpaid joany address on receipt of 25 cents Special lerma to agents address COIN publishing CO monroe st chicago ST IS PUR FOR RAPED CLEANSES POWER HAS ST IS INVA LUAr aim KITCHEN LAUNDRY SOLD acy ROGERS ST LOUIS BH akad COLORADO MIDLAND ATCHISON AND SANTA FE railways the biily liae which runs pullman palace sleeping oars between option salt lake city and Chi caffO without change and pullman reclining chair aara between ogden salt lake city denver and Ohi caso THE LINE SUPERB 1 EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE YOU GOING EAST if BO he sere and secure tickets reading oyer the SANTA FE borte grandest and greatest railroad on earth ogden salt lake city or provo on L evening train in ord r to see the most beautiful scenery in america train leaves rio grande western denot salt anko city at p m and at 1034 p m laar AJL r JS agy 4 HAUL JU ajl dooly burldine Buil dine general abent passenger UTAH equal with the interest of those having claims against the government la that who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions became of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to procure patents for the value of a patent depends greatly if not upon the care and skill of the attorney with the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents we have retained counsel expert in patent practice and therefore are prepared to obtain patents in the united states and all foreign countries conduct in make special examinations prosecute rejected basss register trademarks trade marks and copyrights render opinions as to scope and validity of patents prosecute and defend infringement suits etc etc have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof ethar with a brief description of the important features and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue models are seldom necessary li ethers are infringing on your rights or if you are charged with infringement by others submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter THE PRESS COMPANY 9 F STREET NORTHWEST washington 00 oB JOHN wedderburn managing attorney ascot this cut and send t with your inquiry r PATENTS avents ana Ss issues secured lyalle Klat ered and all other patent baui sa in the office and before the courts promptly upon receipt or of in jaboni make garefal ad tree with my offices directly from the apat benl enl being in personal attendance there it la apparent that I 1 haya au ta facilities tor making prompt preliminary le arches tor ane ana to all bosio esa entrusted to my me in the possible time ilsek to patent aidyl an request 1 J R V and attorney in patent causes washington D 0 ofeleo |