Show LEGAL NOTICE territory oletah i utah county BB m ibe probate court in and for sal county ID abe matter ot the samuel mourner deceased order to Bow causa why an order of alo ot real noc ba thomas B cutler the executor ol 01 the Ot Samuel ue ceased filed pis petition praying for an order or pale ol 01 B part of tha real esia teof said cecen dent for the tet loila it la ordered by the probate judge ot eaid court that all persons interested in the estate or said decea sedr appear bo lorethe aalde probate court on monday the dar of february 1894 at 10 in hie ot said day at court S wm of said probate court at lae court house in county ot utah to scow cau e any an order should not be granted to the said to soil so of the real tate 01 the said samuel deceased as be necessary and that a copy ot this order be published at least once a farour weeks successively in a newspaper primed and published in said utah county territory ot ulah dadd jj jears probate territory oj utah county of utah ja leric ot court in and tor utah chanty territory ot biah hereby that ahe foree oine li a Jull true and correct copy of the original aider to snow cause why an order ot of real estate should not be made in tae estate of samuel deceased and now on alle and of record in my offlie witness iny band and the real of said beall court at my office la itoko city this ard 3rd daa of feby A D 1891 V L HALLIDAY cleric ot the Conr county UT |