Show Long Illness Is Fatal to Aged Utah Pion Pioneer eel MOUNT PLEASANT Dec 31 31 Radolphus N. N Bennett a pioneer resident of or Mount Pleasant died at the family home bome Friday after atter along a along along long Illness S I Mr Bennett was the tIre son o of tho the late David DavId and Johannah l Bennett He Ho Was born in Nashville Nash Nash- yule ville la ia a. a Oct October ber 27 1843 1343 He lIe came cameto cameto cameto to Utah with Ills HIs parents in 18 1850 O and io to o Mount Pleasant in 1859 lie He Was wart married to Hannah Elizabeth beth Allred AImed November 10 10 1862 sh She died May 3 1900 Ho was married again on F February February bru ary 12 1902 to Matilda Burns widow widow wid with ow of James Burns She and the following children survive William R. R Bennett o of Salt Lake Mrs Peter Peter Pe Pe- ter Larsen and J Isaac Bennett o of ot Montana Mrs John Averett of ot Emmett Emmett Em Em- mett Ida David Bennett of Sterling Sterling Ster Ster- ling Canada Cariad and Mrs Alonzo Madsen Madsen Mad Mad- sen Jen of ot Mount Jc sant In his younger days thaIs Mr Bennett S SIn traveled wIth teams from tho tiro Mississippi Mississippi Mis Mis- to Sacr Sacramento mento and fr from m Canada to old Mexico He was familiar fam- fam fam fam- illar Hiar with every evely trail in the west He lie crossed los e the tho plains five tirns s In 1860 he lie was vas chosen as o of the tho guard the duty of ot which was to guard every tr trail inthe in the state o of Utah In 11 1881 1831 he was called to settle in iii Arizona AlIzona locating near the head of or the Little Colorado Colo Cob Cob- rado ratio river known now s St. St Johns He remained there for five years ears |