Show Year ear Is Foreseen by Ul U. S. S Leader of Labor By WILLIAM GREEN WASHINGTON Dec 31 AP AP- AP Economic conditions In the tha United States are of such stable character it cannot be doubted that in 1928 prosperity will be as great or greater than In 1926 For Tor several months during 1927 there was a slump but this can be credited almost almost al al almost most entirely to the Mississippi and other floods and a slackening In the building and automobile industries There are good reasons for the belief bellet that 1928 will be a banner year One of th Important is that wages will be maintained by organized labor no matter what the cost Another Is that management management management manage manage- ment has been successful In elimInating eliminating eliminating to a great extent the inefficiency Inefficiency inefficiency of Jf past years and practical economies have been brought about Both management and labor have sought to eliminate waste and they have succeeded In a a marvelous marvellus way SEES WAGE BOOST There is every reason to believe that not only will labor maintain high wages but in many lines wage scales will be Increased There are several factors which are making generous contributions to this result re re- re sult In the first place people are thinking differently They are thinking in terms of high wag wages s and nd low costs of production Second the stimulating effect of the revival of the automobile in industry industry industry in- in In the manufacture of the new Ford car will radiate In all aU lines of ot industry It will have an effect In every community In the United States The millions of dollars t to J be expended ex- ex expended ex In flood control will work I wonders in bringing about prosperity prosper prosper- ity The program of the government and various states the plans for tor r reclamation which we hope congress will a approve prove also will add Immeasurably to the prosperity prosperity prosperity prosper prosper- ity of 1928 In building up our American standard of living which is purely American as compared with that of European countries we have created In the lives of or the people a desire for more things that bring about comfort and happiness The desire for better home comforts luxuries more abundant life means means that they have been taught to buy There Is no honest demand for reduction in wages The people will insist that no obstacles shall be placed in the way of prosperity such as an attack on the wage system system system tem now in effect People will de demand demand demand de- de mand that industry should find other means of reducing prices than reducing wages The more efficient management becomes the lower prices can be without detriment to the wage standard |