Show STAMMER LIMER Write for Tor full particulars particular California f Institute for P 1684 LosAn J t The Salt Lake Telegram Dall and Sunda Sunday Established 1002 63 Main iaIn Strict Street I rhon Ithon hon Wo Wasatch ath no All Mi business c b be b to The Salt Malt L Le k Salt Lake City Utah The Is Ie a member of nf tho the At- At Press Frees The I ri s U S. s entitled to the use uso or repute of oC all news newl dispatches credited to tD It or not otherwise credited in this thle paper and Iso also tb the local gocal n news new w published herein In TER TERMS IS O OF DAILY AND SUNDAY in Jn Utah a Idaho J Nevada e and auci Wyoming y v n carrier varTer ie JOc 00 per week by snaIl man in advance erne cne month ne He one year 10 SiD All AU other tales 1125 per month SU SUNDAY DAY ONLY O-iLY m n Utah Waho We Ne e. e rada vda and Wyoming Uy Dy By mall In advance ad vance cance one ona year 13 U 3 All other states elates IS U. AI ADVERTISING BRANCH OFFICES ICES Vere Veree Conklin ConkIn Inc Ine New ew York City 15 Madison laon l Avenue Chicago 5 East Jackson Boulevard D Detroit 31 Lafayette f H. H J T J. J eU Campany Campa San FrancIsco 14 Market Street Los bos Angele Times Building Seattle White H Hnry nr stuart as ID after at et th the tb at n t Salt Slit Lak lIk City Utah tush under act of or March 3 1873 1319 VOL vor N January 1 1 1928 1925 S 1 Hotel Fifth East NEW YEARS YEAR'S DAY DINNER Per Plate Pate 30 to 10 7 1 p. p m. m Grapefruit Cocktail Olives Salted gaIted Nuts Okra Soup with Salted Wafers Wafer S Creamed Crab in Ramekins Rye Bread Braad Sandwiches Roast Young Turkey Candled Candied Sweet Potatoes Cranberry Sauce Utah Asparagus on Toast Ginger Ale Sherbet Hot Rolls Celery and Strawberry Jam Tomato Jelly Jeny Salad Cheese Wafers Ice Ct eam and Cake Cale Blueberry Pie PIo After Dinner Coffee Cortee Phone Wasatch or Wasatch for Reservations j I The Community j it i M Market ar k el t tJ J I And Its 23 I Merchants J I Appreciate y YourS Your ou l t Patronage and in in Return Wish t You and Yours A AVery Very Ha Happy PY f fAnd And Prosperous I New N w Year |