Show Seven Ute on Star All-Star Team OMAHA N Neb Dec 31 Se Seven cn University of ot Utah football men mell were honored when the two twenty-two lettermen n of the Uie Creighton university sity grid squad selected an all aU opponent team Le Lo Grand Dykman tackle and Pete Dow halfback k were selected t for r the first team while Paul Cecil end and JackH Jack H Howell ivell h halfback vere were placed on the second team Honorable mentis men men- tinn n was awarded to three other Ute Billy Lawrence rence being the lucky man In iii the backfield tobe to q be given this this honor honor and andon on the Un line big Vic Vie Tauter end and Bill BUl Cox Cox guard were given creditable men men- tion Dykman was one of the men on the star all opponent eleven who was a ft unanimous selection f othe of o the Creighton Crelghton U lettermen Dyl undoubtedly well wor worth man was of this special distinction for tor 1 Ii 11 has been selected on elevens levens for forth th fl J past three years I j j I II |