Show RA RACE ACE ff Entries TIJUANA SUNDAY t irs FIra race pur pun Iuru e SOD ISOO olds 2 live five Hill HiU bTu- bTu furlongs s lO 10 JO luco laiCo 11 Fill D Gold Cold Chain in Black Vapor Prince ach Shot Shet Tran Transit lt eFrank cFrank I D DIU entry vada stock tock farm entry cL eL L. L Allen Alien entry Second rae race claiming purse nurse SOD OO 3 olds year and up five fUe and one halt furlongs fur fur- longs longa Douglas 18 IS Douglas II U. Johnston Johnnie Burnal 11 Snow Mountain Maurice Mulcahy foi Faywood Weathervane Combustion Bon Bon- fils Si Muriel 11 H Question Mark 7 87 Jago l iOn l. l Miss Mies Ida Brown Drown Manoa La Jolla 10 Mary ilary Maud Car Third race rice purse urs 1800 noo claiming 4 olds year and up Clubhouse course cOura 13 Shepherd Sheffield 99 09 99 Tanson lOG lagger War balam Quoin Peter Brush Strife Strite Marlon I Elizabeth lIzabeth Wynne Wood aoi Pretty Hill Sophia Goldman Guldman Buddy Duddy Clark Fourth races racer purse claiming 4 year olds and up one ona mile 8 S Culla Culla- Culla cane Be Frank Lord Douglas B Indemnity Fire Captain Bulletproof Fifth race purse puree claiming 3 olds year and up five and one half furlongs fur fur- lons longs 10 10 Jedburgh Jedburgh Abbey lOG Lloyd loyd Drown Brown I Shasta Lily 99 99 High flaIl Ball Margaret Elnora lOB Tim OBrien O'Brien 11 Prospect lOG Major Seth Prodigal Sixth race purse 1200 New Tears Tear's handicap olds 3 and up six I furlongs fur fur- rO longs 12 12 i J Marguerite I e rie 86 86 J Deep Beep Thought Forecaster Alexander Pantages 90 Sergeant Seth 00 aR t l Dragon Draton 86 88 Tamarind Sandy Man 90 0 99 U. U Paavo 94 U. entry entry Seventh race purse noo olds 3 and up six furlongs 7 Frank l Frank Light 10 Pluet HO Master Rode nock Honey Nook Noo liO Dear Red lIeu Ace to 05 Shasta Comet lOS Eighth race pur purse e olds year five ive furlongs S S 8 Glenia- Glenia tr U ll us Egg NolI am aIn the Eye Bye lOS lOS' I Louis 11 Lieutenant Seth aRed aIled Dragon 95 95 Short Price entry Ninth race purse une 00 year olds and up Clubhouse court course 8 8 10 Musketeer Paula Pauls StaCy Shay 10 Hong HongKing Kin King hUng The Tie Falconer King Xing Man Marietta Worthman Weather Weather clear track muddy HAVANA First race SOO claiming year olds and Up six furlongs Operetta furlongs Operetta 04 f Idle Thoughts t 5 Woody Vt O Sentiment eni e Best Beet Friend Tt l Barberry a Benny Castle Castl Second race claiming year 2 o olds olda d. d six Ix furlongs furlong Mr Plaid lOC San Bart dalwood 11 BIlliken Successor 15 Torch Girt Girl 00 VJ Golden Locks l Palm Palm- court Third race claiming olds 3 and up claiming six furlongs furlongs Despite Despite Queen Basil Vernon The Flying 1 Finn 11 Cuban Flag Ilag Polycarp Poly Poly- carp HO Boutonniere l Fourth race nOO claiming 3 year 3 ar olds five and half 1 furlongs Par Par Partake take Uke 10 Focus Honest lOS IDS Open Go 00 Shut Senator Dell Dello Phillip First 07 Fifth race allowances rear 5 e r- r olds old and up six furlong t Pull Full SpeNt Spell rt Bedford Dedford Saint Mc- Mc Ic- Ic Culloch 11 Sixth race pace race 2800 2500 New Year one and sixteenth one miles mlles Euphrates Queen Towton 11 Bill Hare Mare 07 97 I 7 King David OS Hanky Rice Iii Hi Architect Architect Archi- Archi McAUlIffe Black DlaCk haWk IU m Bo lit Clear Sky licy Bucky Ducky Harris Bethlehem 08 01 08 Clear anco anon 11 Seventh race SOO claiming year 3 olds and up one and one wilts mitts 1 Trifle Palatine Mid Lad Magic rJ J Light t The I s i IDS Weather d clear citar ar track fast tut NEW ORLEANS MONDAY First race 1200 old 2 maidens three furlon furlongs furlongs- The furlongs The Okah Air Chief Fuss Fuis French Lano Lane aMy ally Hobby l Paul ul Bunyan Dunyan 11 Alto Crash Cruh Pickup US Western eltern Ea Eagle I a a l Southland I entry as Second race c 1200 l allowances year 3 olds five fhe and 1 furlongs Em Emphatic Em Em- Stormy Port lOG hogans hogan's Alley Alley Al Al- I ley lay Bookie Billy Doc Doe Dreana Dreans Lee Lea L Laughing Blind Cast Cat lOS Pur Pir plo pie Light Third race 1200 year olds and ant up six furlongs Nevermore furlongs Nevermore Break o 0 Morn Orestes II IL lOS Crystal Domino 1011 Muldoon T Tan ran n- n nm n 85 95 Shasta Lad l t. t Fourth race o added New Nw Year ar handicap 3 year an anti and up mil anile and an sixteenth one Arabian sixteenth Arabian Rejuvenation Rogers Rogen 10 lOt IK Ruane lOS War Earie a e bAdios bAdio I lit On Justice rl I F. F 1 R Royal Pennant n 96 86 p Peter Top IOL Malvina B. B 10 a W. a-W. H 8 S. entry b b entry Fifth Firth race 1200 allowances year 4 olds and up one mile J. J Williams n. n d' d i laM 10 Balboa Rejuvenation My MySon MySon Son Bob Dob Rogers ROKers Beggar Boy Doy l lorlan Frank McMahon Sixth race 1000 claiming year 4 year ear olds and up mile and one sixteenth Easy Euy Money MOlley lit 1111 Prince Ronald Up UJ and Down Do Hilary Gao Geo Demar Revolver Good Shepherd Seventh race 1200 claiming y 4 year C ar- ar olds and up rails and t three sixteenths I 3 Jubal a Early I eri Dever I I IOL 7 Treasurer Marsdale lii Margaret St. St L. L L Lady dy Fanshawe Private SetH Lanoil 11 Try Again Weather cloudy track heavy havy Post 1230 p. p m m. Salt Lake time |