Show Shepherd of the Hills' Hills Feature I I at the Capitol W What at makes a a. motion pl ture tur lory tor According to George korge Jean Nathan 1 famous critic crith of ot The American Mercury the motion picture Is su suc- suc artistically and as as' as entertainment entertainment entertainment enter enter- only when it has its own peculiar type of story material Mr lr Nathan opines that the te real fIeld Held of the cinemas cinema's excellence to which It should confine Itself consists con con- of ot realism of t detail broad scenic scope op camera trickery and such plot and arid characterization as may be expressed by pantomime It is the tho opinion of Albert Rogell n west light in the fl field ld of famous motion picture directors that the screen n has on one basic en entertainment r mt clement element which s 's supersedes all its other ather qualities and which it shares Sh res With published fiction and spoken drama That element Is s human emotional appeal Rogell points with pride to The Shepherd of ot the tTe Hills n now w at the Capitol CapItol which he directed as an tin outstanding example This l 1 aj he says is splendid en entertainment entertainment entertainment en- en of the celluloid variety The film version erslon of The Shepherd Shep Shep- herd of the Hills takes ant ad advantage ge of the artistic possibilities of the screen in treatment and and and- photography photography phy h U lt capacity fo for realism its scenic capacity and even Its camera camera cam eam- era magic magl Rogell points out Yet Ye oven i If it were not so line fine a a. production production production pro pro- it would still carry the warm arm human humar heart appeal that is the basic quality It Jt shares with yUh ih the book Alec B. B Francis Molly Mony ODay John Boles Matthew l Betz Romaine Fielding Otis Harlan Joseph Bennett Ben Ben- nett Jett Maurice Murphy Edythe Chapman Carl Stockdale Marion Marlon X Douglas s and John Westwood bring to life screen the characters of the book not only b by their histrionic histrionic his his- art but by the human things they do in the course of the story action O On the stage Fanchon and MarCo Marco Marco Mar Mar- co present their beautiful and exotic Moonlit Waters Idea in which The Foursome nationally famous male harmony quartet is s the featured featured fea fea- attraction Another feature of ot the bill is Madame Ik k famous Japanese grand opera prima donna donnat while Sally and Ted offer otter a a. variation variation vari van Jn In n the bill with a a. clever adagio dance dances The Dancing Millards offer of of- fer fec some specialties while the Pearl Twins give some clever songs and dances and Pat an and and l Katherine dance AlberU and his band have abrand a a abrand abrand brand new arrangement of specially special special- ly selected numbers in keeping with the spirit of ot the New ew Year and Alexander at the organ presents an original novelty which S Is also of ot Ii a holiday nature |