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Show ftprrinU l.lkr Mil lire Uhfn thing! are "lha heat" tliey U come "the belt letllnp; " Abrahtm Hare, a leading ilrmiglit bl llelletille.O wrltei ' Kleilrle lllttera are the belt telling bllter I have handled In JO yean on know why T Moat dlieatei begin In illrirtlert ol tho bowele, itomach, liver, kldneyi, bloud and neryei Hec-Irlo Hec-Irlo Jlltt'rt tonrt up the ilomach,regu-latei ilomach,regu-latei liver, kidneyt and boweli, purldet the blood, iirengthom the nervet, heme enrea mutlitu lee of inaladlfi It bull Ii up the entire ayatem I'uti new life and vigor Inloany weak, ilckly, run diwn man or woman I rice S0, Hold by John Hoyden A, Son, drngglita is tiii: IiIhtuict ( nuur mo bateillvliloa. In an I lor Summit county, coun-ty, Hlnte of Utah In the nutter of the ealateol Irrlrrlck Jolin,dereaal Or' der flillig time for hrarlngrrtnrii of aale ofrealeatate W I Knyder the a I-Uilnlalrator I-Uilnlalrator ol Ibe eatate of rederlck John, deceaaed, having on thedliday of April A I) , 1900, mailo a return to tlilw court nf hli procrellngi under an order ol tale ol real eilatn heretofore made by thle court on the 13th day ol March, A I) 1B00 and (lied tneaall re turn herein, It la ordered that Ralurday, the Slat day of April, A I), 1900. at 10 o'clock a m at the Oounty Court Ilouie, in the court room of eald court, In Coal villa Oil, Utah, be and la hereby appointed ap-pointed for the hearing on eald return, an I that due notice thereof be given by publication In the CVnuvime Tihki, newapaper printed and publlahed In Coalville, Hueunlt county, Utah, for the period ol 10 daya prior lo eald Zletday ol April A I) 1000 Wltneea the clerk u( eald court with the eeal thereof affiled tbla fctL, nth day ol April A I) 11)00 W I I'acK, Clerk. YOU.NO MOTIHt9. Croup la a terror ol thnuaanAol joung motheia becauae Ita outbreak la eo agonltlng and lreiuent'jr tatal. Khlloh'a Oough and Conaumptlon Cure acta like uiaglslncaaeeof croup Ithaa never teen known to fail The worat elite relieved Immediately Trlco 25o. 60c and 1 CO, John Hoyden A Hon, MANY A Mm 11 Ilea turned with dieguat from an otherwise other-wise lovable girl with an ofTeualve breath. Karl'a Ulover Hoot Tea purl-flee purl-flee the breath by ita action on the bowele, etc , aa nothing ela will Bold foryeareon absolute guarantee l'nce 25 eta. and 60 eta. John Hoyden A Ron. , FROM WYOMING AND UTAH VIA Only Direct tine to irmit, omaiii, httSVH IITT, HI. VkVU Clllla(K) and all principal I- aatern I'olnta Tilt QUIkEIT Tlklg II V UAN IIOUKI txiuata Prawlng lloo n 1 alaca Rtav4rs. n iffel ataoklag SB I library tan. Tn HacllBlaaObaUCara urtllnaryHlarplne Car. Illalui tart. Meat! a la ralla ForTimoTrtblea, lollern, Illustrated llooka, l'aui hlcU, doncrlptlvo of the tcrtlUiry trrtvinicl,mll on C, I Will ADON, ARcnt, Coahlllf. Utah. mm Crttt.ioilTn(lwMirktobtt ttd tivtitiru . ottuMQtwcoaductttlforMootna.TC rut OUNOrnecu 0rtiT0. FATHwrornct ' u4 wt o ww ptitoi ia lu Unit Uia Uoh iaoti(ron Wuhlo(ioiv tioo. 9 tJttM, II rtiottbl or not Irtt o( : fUl-ft Our (MtitHdut till fttitntlMffVTfti. . A rMr4LCT IIOWloCbliao I itrtKJ, WUk ! cou ol urn U th U S.aota l4rifacwuauiu ! C.A.smOWc&CO. Dr. W VISICK RI IDUNT ' Dentist. Coalvillo, XJtali CiTOnice nt residence, corner Main aud Second North streets m.-. - tUWBJal y, I I BICYCIvBS. To Thosewho are Interested in Bicycles: If youKnll call on 1. M Staa-er of Rockport, wit is ex-clttsUe ex-clttsUe ilgt for the celebrated J. L, Mead Cycle Company, )Oti wl.I find that you can Ret a No i, guaranteed wheel, at a very moderate price Several of this company' wheels have been in useiu the county over a vearatid have given sttisfaction. Am 5-itisficd I can make it profittb'c for you to buy from me E. M, Staker Rockport, Utah. Always On Hand at the HASATCHj- MINE Lump, - $2.25 Stove, - - 1.50 lEPiLfliiPiili. No De ay. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Co isfi CtaM TiniB is HerB. Get Your WalTPaper, x ' Paints, yi Carpets, Curtains and Varnish from Coalville Coop WJHERE THE STOCK IS ON HAND TO SELECT FROM. OPENING. Our Store will open to the public Wednesday, Wednes-day, April 25th. We will endeavor to carry a general line of Merchandise, which the people of Ploytsville will want, at prices as low (for the same quality of goods) as can be bought in the County. Our plan is, to not open any accounts, but Sell to cash of its Equivalent, on a cloie margin, and not ask you to help pay a bad debt of another. z z z z z z We Ifliri MM aim will treat p rit. Examine our Prioes. CASH STORE, Hoyisville, Utah. 1 C. H. West, Prop. ! MILLINERY 0PENIN(TT Monday, April 23rd, I will place before the ladies of Coalville and vicinity a line of Pattern HATS .thatexcell the past for beauty t'and style. Also a fine line of Spring Capes and Skirts, Waisls, Wrappers, and Laeies' Fornisblngs in General. Respectfully, M. R. Salmon, Some feiiii lis nf PiGiiy SummcrTiiings. Our Woioio are those super" t'Jil UUl HdlDlO lively beautiful I! Z afiairs that we all love so well, 4? L Just simple Cotton Stuffs with J! wonderful patterns in Lace, Em- & l broidery, Tucks and Plads. But . . such words seem clumsy to tell of $' tl the pretty things that have been . . done to them, z z z f! Our Capes and Wraps ifc are dreams of loveliness 7vM and must be seen to be appreciated. z z Our PRICES Will Please You, W.J. WRIGHT. GRASS CREEK COAL. Grass Creek Mines, Stove Coal well screened - - $1,25 Lump Coal " " ,- - $2.00 BIG WEIGHTS and Good Serviel Stable and Bunk Room at Mouth of Canyon Only 15 cents. Grass Creek Coal Co. Get Your SQUIRREL TRAPS AT THE f CASH BftRQftIN STjfe COALVILLE, UTfrl (r |