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Show Annul III VVImluw l-lanla. From tho Farmers' Ilovlon: At ' this season of ths year most plants lu the window will begin to mako strong, vigorous growth, If properly fed. As soon as they begin to grow, but not before, glvo thorn liberal lib-eral applications of somo good fertilizer. fer-tilizer. Many persons whose plants nro not growing satisfactorily think to "give them a start" by feeding them rich food. This Is all wrong, Tbe plants uro not In condition to mako uso of such food until they begin be-gin to grow. It Injures them ir given when they cannot assimilate It. Therefore, There-fore, wait and keep close watch of them, und when sighs of growth aro seen, begin to feed them. Glvo weak applications at flrst, Increasing tha supply as tbe growth of tho plant Increases. In-creases. Tha proper time to train plants Is when they are growing If a branch shows a tendency to outgrow other branches, thus making tho plant un-symmetrical, un-symmetrical, nip off tho end of It at onco. Keep It from making more growth until tho other brunches have had a chance to catch up with It, thus giving tbo plant proper balance on all I sides. Most persons neglect their .' plants In this respect, beauso, they say, "It seems such a pity to Interfere with them, when they are growing so well." Growth Is not all we aim at. We want well-shaped, symmetrical plants, and such plants wo can not have unless wo glvo them proper training. train-ing. Very few plants can bo trusted to train themselves. Whatever train- 1 Ing they get should be given while they are in the early stages of do- ! velopmenL Tbe old saying that It Is f hard work to teach an old dog new tricks applies here. When a plant has been allowed to grow to suit Itsolt until It has reached Its prime. It Is too late to do very much for It, Take It In hand, then, whllo growing, and I make It understand that It must come to your terms. Plants are tractable things. They will do as you tell them to It they see you "mou business" F linnN E. IlEXS'ORD. |