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Show iiocitroiiT I ItocaioRT, Utah, April 18, 1000. I Umtou Tim in: several ol the Itocaporl Vo)a are thearlngtheepat Kamnt. Tbomnt II. Smith hat gone witt to aiilttJamet Sallibury with hit threp. Born, April l&tb, to the wlfa of Win. I). Drown, a boy t all doing nicely, Wm. 1). Ernltli came home from the grade Sunday, He returned Wcdret-day. Worthy Glbbom hat retumed to Hock port and ti going to live In Kllta Malln't home. Born, April 7th, to the wife of Win. Comey, a girl. 'Mother and child doing well. David H. Senmont hat finlthed hit uilulonary courie at the U I). S. College, Col-lege, aod returned home lait Tutiday, Ho will Irate here to fill a minion in Great Britain in July. J M. llottin ban gone to work for Jatnra Ithead In the tenth fork of Chalk Creek. Miia Aunle Arnold of Salt Lake City 1 vliiting relalheaand frlendt In Itoek-poct. Itoek-poct. Bp. Henry Eenmoni hat n turned to Itockport whero he expeclt to remain for tome time The Stake Belief Foclely coufcience will be held at ltockpoit May lit, and the Young Ijillrt May 2nd, |