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Show UA.NKIIII' WAKMiir, Utah, April 10, UKX) Editoii Tiuta- Mn. K. K. teeming jave a rag bee lait week. Tho bran band will glte a dance Friday Fri-day niht for the benefit of the bind. Mr. and Mm. Wm. Pendleton moved here lait week where they will make their home for the preicnt. Our ichool doled (hit week, the teacher F.llti Ilamen, goei to l'nrk City next wi'ik where he will teaib the eighth grade until the cloie of their tchooli. Harnett ltlgby hat rented the ttoio ot Geo. W. and ItoM. Young. He Intendt to carry on a general inrchaudlting builneu, and it receiving new goodt dally. The 22nd Quorum ol Seventlet will bold their quarterly conference here 1 Kn.l.. tb. 22nd ol Auiil. at 12 o'clock noon. All meinuert f rr.itie.i. -' preicnt. Tho Stake 8uperlnlendcncy ol Bellg- Ion clnaiet-W. II. Branch, V. II. Ithead and W. II. Carruth-held a meeting here Tuetday evening for the purpoieof revhlng IhcreHgiou cUn work. Thero wat a good attendance nndn very Intcretllng dat cxcrclie wat held. The clan wat conducted by li. II. Ithead. |