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Show Water Uhleh la Salt, ' ' The water of the Great Bait lake It ' clear and transparent, wllh a bottom W' of fine whlto sand and a margin of In- '" enisled salt. It la ono ot tbo purejt jeW' and most concentrated brines In the s'v' world Its waters give sustenanco to fj? no living thing; ihero is not the ttnall- ? est Insect or worm to frighten the most J timid bather, and the bathing Is tho -9L: most perffel sea-bathing in tbo whole, Sr of North America or Kurope No mi- Mfr man body ran sink In It Ono may W actually walk the water, no matter JK' how deep It Is Vour body will per- jH slstrntly rise up. tho shoulders above Kf tho surface, or you may oven alt down Wk In It. lit wonderful buoyancy must b Mf experienced lo bo reallted, sajs LIjh M?& Plncott's lltgatlne No knowledge ot ' 'Tf swimming la necessary, ono may ontor , jl tho lakn without the .lightest foarj all M you have to do It to lie down and float. H Hut to swim In It, that Is another J Ihlngl When your hands aro put tin- I der tho wnler to make a stroko, your feet, like Danqtio'e' ghost, will not down. It Is Impossible to keep mora ji than ono end of your body under water wa-ter at ono time You cannot swim, but It you aro a man you may float oa your back, wllh jour anna croaaed Under Un-der your head, nnd smoke your pipe or cigar with as much ease as It In your own room The water It so salt lhat t j It cannot bo swallowed without swat -V- - -k dsneor ot strangulation ;-a' Baahr-t-rJHkyl I'lnltuaiajo'.tooWaajijjagijjlgajM I In spite tho'dan$Jff7ll!HrnPaggggl ,lltheiV)reg( BalJaiflWrwsbtsH IlfnvfmallnsV notwithstanding that tho !gl ! body niust'bo rebathed In'freth water W afterward to remove tbo Immensa ' U quantity of salt which adheres to tho "'"CH skin It It hard work to make any 'M headway, even against the smallest waiot Nearly half a million peopls bathe In tbo Great Salt lake every year, they coma from n'l over tho .1 world, and tourists aro beginning to ..4iM realise that Bait Lake City, with Its B magnificent surroundings, presents tho H greatest scope ot novelty nnd Is dcstln- V cd to bo a leading watering place B |