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Show MONOOQBR AND CODI7A Combat (mm UMeh lha l.lttt. Aalmat fame on Victor. 1 havo an uncle who Is In India, and ho wrote mo a nolo telling about a fight bctwriu a cobra and n mongoose. I liked It so much that I want other people to enjoy It, too Any one who has read tho "Jungle Hooks" will, I am sure, llko It very much. Hero It Is: "You remember 'Itlkkl-llkkl-tavy' In 'Tho Jungle Hook?' Well, tho llttlo mongooso'a tall did brlstlo out Just Ilka a bottle brush, and tho cobra struck at him ngiln nnd again Tho llttlo mongoose's eyes got ns bright ns beads nnd ho never took them off tho cobra for a second as It reared abovo him. and oery tlmo that It struck quick as lightning the llttlo Itlkkl-tlkkl-tavy Jumped nwny quicker than lightning, leaving tho cobra's head to como down with a bump Ho watchM his ehtinrp and then sprang In close on the roils of the snake, nnd somehow managed to grab him by tho lower Jaw. Then surh a cirrus as there wasl It wns Just n whirl of snxks nnd bottle brush tall and boady llttlo eyes. Onco or twice the smke colled loo tightly around him that he almost choked him oh', but the slim and sleek little body of tho mongoose seemed able to wrlc-Klo wrlc-Klo out of anything, quick ns a flash ho changed hla hold and his teeth sank Into tho snake. Just back of tho head, then It was only a mntler of a few seconds before thn cobra was stretched out dead. Itlkkl had his mouth too close to (he poison-sacs of tho snake, and nfler tho battlo ho spit and frothed nnd scraped his mouth In the dust until his llttlo noso waa as red ns tiro. Ho was Jnst as tnmo as n kitten, nnd I wanted to rend him homo to you. but ho would bo suro to dlo on tho way." 8t Nicholas. |