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Show 1 VOUTHPUU WHITECAPB. I Oramlixl "l,h Thoso ho laUf I frr l Lo fflrfc What appears to be an organisation of whlteeaps Is operating In this city Tho peculiar thins about the organlta Hon la the motive behind It for the protection of lis members agilnst the Intrusion of outsiders In affairs of love The band so far os can bo learned, If composed of young men ranging In ag from 18 to SO nrs. who are aworn to protect each other, even unto death It necessary In order to keep young men who aro not memnera of the band from Infringing upon their rights and pay Ing attention to the girl friends of any of tho members Tho violation ot th rules laid down In the by-laws of the organization means severe punishment to the otfender and slft Jusllco I meted out to the young msn who dares to mingle in the love nffalra ot any member of the bind Not long ago a )oung mm from the oulsldo cilled upon one of the young women friends of a member of tri band and was passing pass-ing tho evening In her company A knock at the door brought tho hostess and the leader of the hind, who had approached, askctl In n pleasant manner man-ner If the young man wcro present fteeelvlng an answer In tie afflrmallvo, ho requested to seo tho gentlemsn on business As the young man stepped out Into tho darknesa ho was seised by the whlteeops and given n aound whipping and told to leavo tho placo at once, which ho did Another case has Just developed, In which tho punishment pun-ishment was moro severe Tho young man, who was called from tho presence pres-ence of the girl on the second occasion, was subjected to the most brutal treatment treat-ment nosslblo A coffee sack was thrown oer his hoad. his hands were tied behind him and ho was marched to tho cemetery, fully a mllo from tho city, at tho point of revolvers, whllo the members followed with threats ot violence In coso ho uttered nn outcry At tho cemetery n ropo was tied about his neck and tho end thrown over a limb of a tree At this Juncture ths coffee sack was removed, and n ghost bearing a Inrro knlfo in Ita hanus sprang out of tin darkness and camo toward tho crowd The masked members mem-bers of tho band, at sight of tho ghastly ghast-ly specter, broko and ran, and tho joung man became so frightened thai ho swooned and fell to tho ground. Tho ghost, who waa ono of tho white-caps, white-caps, disrobed, and calling to tho crowd, told them tho young man had fainted iho limp form of tho boy was carried back to tho city and laid out upon tho sldowalk, whero ho ro-malned ro-malned until passers-by chanced to ' find him, still In an unconaclous con-union, con-union, somo hours afterward So far the Identity of the members has been I kept a secret, and, though an effort has I been put forth to locate thluatrs, It has iccn to no avail. Tho last occurrence oc-currence has created considerable excitement ex-citement -Aicola (III) Correspondence Correspond-ence Chicago Itocord |