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Show ChtircK ' ' THE DESERET Deportment . Testimonies iTithing j Of 1 t I MAY 16, 1936. NEWS, SATURDAY, 5 Our Leaders i (Pres t Jett t jCt (President (Joseph flow f been . a mT failure irihaving regard to this law of consecration a failure eo serious that it resulted in great misery to the people of Cod a few years, after that the Lord gave another law for the Balnts to observe in place of the law; of consecration. It la called the law Of tithing. If we look' upon this law In ita proper light, wet will see the importance of It and the danger that will result If we fall to it. It wovkj, hardly be Justice In our Heavenly Father if he were to deul with the Latter-daSalma now in any way different from that time In which M' dealt With his people In lackapn County, If we find out what resulted from their failure ih the law of consecration. we may, 1 think, very I1ERE2 this piluiclple (tailing) the loyalty of the people shall be - put to t the test. By this principle It shall be known who Is for the kingdom of God and who is against it. By this principle It shall be seen whose hearts are set oh doing the will of God and keeping his commandments, thereby sanctifying the land of Zion unto God, and who are opposed Uf this principle and have cut themselves off from the blessings of Zion. There Is a great deal of importance connected with this principle, for by it ft shall be known whether-w- e are faithful on unfaithful . . The law of tithing is a iest by which the people as individuals shall be known as a man who' is indifferent to the welfare of Zion, who neglects his duty as a member of the Church, and who docs nothing toward the accomplishment of the temporal advancement of the kingdom of God. He contribute nothing, either, towards spreading the gospel to the nations of the earth, and he neglects to do thaf which would entitle him to receive the blessings and ordinances of the goribel i ob-ser- y PRBH. LORENZO SNOW $ aense j a ) artner, alhelt a humble one, with the Lord in the' tremendous, eternal program laid' out for human salvation. The principles of truth become clearer of comprehension;! the living of them easier of accomis plishment A new nearness established between man j and his .Maker, Prayer becomes easier. Doubt retreats; faith advances;- certainty and courage buoy up the soul. The spiritual sense is sharpened; ithe eternal votes Is heard more clearly.' Man becomes more like his Father ; In Heaven. . - l readily and reasonably conclude what will be the result of a fail-to- e in reference to this law that has beeti put before ua In the place of the law of consecra' j tion. KIJ1KB JOHN A. WIDTHOE lithe-pai-e- r establishes communion with the Lord: This is the happiest reward. Obedienrr to the law of tithing, as towny other law, things a deep, Howard Joy, a cfcilsfaction and understanding that can be won In no other Way. Man becomes in a real gaT HR Smith 2K Y rm F. SMITH JOSEPH out Zion to train their children In the payment of their tithing. There are altogether too many young people coming to maturity going out of the homes of - members of the Church who have not learned the habit of 'paying tithing. It is one of Ute duties of parents to teach their children In their young and tender years, to acquire the habit of paying tithing ao that when they come to manhood and womanhood they will not from that system which la altogether righteous, Just- antk i tlo-'p- KLBF.it MELVIN J. BALLARD "I think Tt is an obligation renting upon all parents through - proper." , Historic Treks Mark Aaronic Priesthood Celebrations h k w J 1 I j i J .e , : fc V f V I 'Q ? s v 1 t -- -1 V Lf v ip .1 -- J. 17 1 "'v - . V' fr 4 v s S , ..KV--n;- ' M - y 1 4 t I Above Aaronic if the Ajmrcmtc IVWdfl 4 - 1" A f PrwitA Per mean Stake, et msriir Mioatidu tost Sunday typical of pilgrimage end historic trek lk Church this restorutUm tin Aaronic Prictthood. eommemarmlinf ihs Wnarwy l MtiW 'It Moving their j celebration one week ahead to join with a stake- Wide historllwl ictlebratibn, the - ' Aaronic Prlesthpod of ParOwan Stake, observed the anniversary of the restoration of the Aaronic 101YH slMkrmLE Our youth art etperially susceptl.-ble to influences! that lead1 them way from faith Iwcaune. in my opinion they (to mot atwayn have an and proper undereCanding of the - gosK-- l of t'hrtet. Sometimes I fear- they een to feel sd much eonterned alxHii the injunctions ami tlie inhibitions and the, pro-- s upturns, that they fail to the ficwHitte, beautiful. of the gospel tovf ul mcs.-mt- e of 1eu Stephen L Rith-ar- Priesthood last Saturday and. jt 1 a.U-jua- tc d- : 4 r k - Sun-day- j !; The group are seen gathered round a marker at Parpwan Which was dedicated last Sunday under the direction of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association, the officers of which Lake ducted a pilgrimage from halt I City. The boys, 121.0 them, took part In the celebrations which saw tha marking of four hittoric spots. Such pit gram ages are being con-ducted in other sections of the Church as ward and stake affairs ' this week end, with Church-wkl- e obaervances taking place Sunday when the Aaixmio Pi les Lhood members conduct special programs in their quorum meetings and also in nearly all Sacrament Meetings Sunday evening. More than 20.000 boys art participating in the anniversary re- this year, according to received by the Presiding Itorts tmhopric. Such activities in the past have been a means of stimulating response in the various quorums of the Aaronic Priesthood. Boys of 12 to 19 years of age are organized into pilgrimage gtoups and .visit historic spots taking an interest in being undertaken by Iha the preservation and marking of these places that have historical significance in their sections. EASY TO MWOnUGK It Is such an easy thing to die. courage faith In this world of maworld of arience, teriality,wetn this laid so much emhave where. en scientific proccaw all phasis thq eN and developments that have been so much In evidence the last few decades.. It is so easy to say a word to undermine faith. 1 wish that those who have within their power the formation of the views of youth, the cultivation of their character. 1 do wish that they would lie cartful Elder btephan L Ki hards. |