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Show THE DESERET NEWS. SATURDAY. MAY 16, 1936; Betrothal Told At Home In Woods Cross To Marry Marriage Solemnized At High Noon .A Fiancee 1 - f. Evans of Woods Cross, Utah, announce 6f the'r daughter, Marjorie, to W. Jacksoh, aon of Mr. and Mrs. S. Andrew Jackson, 763Taylor East Fifth ' South Street. The marriage is being planned for June IS in the Salt an4 wiU followed by a reception at the home of toe bride parents. comlnK nuptials Was made at a rr.n0!.,ICe,nen!.0f beautifully bX MnL E'an I home. Mti "d Mr' Andrew Jackson assisted in ,ATLT; llvln entertaining. fooms were decorated with sprara of bridal wreath combined with yellow tulips ar Mr. and Mrs. Jesse ' btothal An Interesting nupdal event ot the late spring season was solemnized today when Mias Mary Martin-eau- , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vere L Marttneau, 1165 Sherman Aw enue. became the bride erf Clyde G McCulloch, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCulloch of Logan, fhe ceremony eras performed at high noon hi the Salt Lake Temple by Bishop Joseph Christensen. Following the marriage, a wedding breakfast was given at the borne of the bride's parents for members of the two families and s few clgs friends. The table was covered with a while damask dbthf land centered with a bowl of ptnkj rosea. Pink tapers were- at the .ends. I This evening a reception will be, igiven at the home of the bride's (grandfather, J. L. Groo, 227 Tenth j j East Street. The bride has rhue- n for her maid of honor Miss Eg- Miss Glenda Tavlor! i telle Cooler. c7 ranged In taU crystal vases and silver baskets. A motif of yellow, stiver, and gold was carried out in the tahl decorations. A whit damask cloth covered the dining table which was centered with a basket of bridal wreath and njies of the valley and illuminated by an M. rterSlKrr Jam. wi 'g'ajgVS . fmm Alvm each place and small s.lver dmg belis concealed In the center-C- . Huh of ihk Ayhe the announce- marriage willWhitney. piece contained be an event of June teems. U to the Logan Temple. Covers w ere laid for tle bride, Miss Laird is a former student Mrs. S Andrew Jackson. Mrs. of Ricks College and the Brigham Ariel T. Smith. Miss Janet Shurt 'oung Umveraity at Provo. She has luff Miss to Kaedell Evans. Ruth Mi Lomai Mr. Huli is .'former student of - Ah""r;jr mn j'h!3 PTOtMiMam White carnations combined with sprays oftJjridal WTeath formed an attractive centerpiece at the luncheon this afternoon at the Country Chib given 1y Miss Lulu Keyting and Miss Monique Sells in compliment to Miss Dorothy Medill Carlson, who is to be married June 17 to Lieutenant Bruce Easley Jr. ?. Y-- . Covers" were laid for Miss Carlson. Mrs. William-Osca- r Carlson, mother of the bride-elecMrs. Lyndon Daynes Snow. Mrs. Hugh Tuttle. Mrs. Alfred Kinney, Mrs. Welby Emms, Mr. John T. Atkins, Mrs. Howard Tuttle. Mrs, John Carl McGinley, Sirs. Joseph Covey. Jeremy, Mrs. C. Edwin Flandro, Mrs. Benjamin Btrkinshaw. Mrs. Richard Thornton, Mrs. Richard Brunnell, Mrs. Franklin Nelson, Mrs. W. W. Sells,. Mrs. Bride-Ele- ct Thomas Trent. Mrs. Hannah Keyting, Miss LaVonne Vincent, Miss Alice Broun, Miss Edyihe Ha (ton. Miss Audrey McKenzie. Pitis,Miss Elaihe Young. Miss BerA number of social affairs have nice Miller, Miss Delight Dole and been given and are being planned Miss Marion Taylor, in honor of Miss Carol Anderson.) Mrs. Alfred A. Kihnev will toe triage to Elmo H. Lund pertain at a luncheon Wednesday I1 Ivent,of 4Iay 20 111 ine.at her home. 335 East Third South SaI!.V'ske Temple. to' the popu- Street, In Thts evening. Miss Peggv Lund ;iar young compliment bnde-to-bwill, preside at a dinner party at iher hopie. 7tiJ Emerson Avenue, for M iss Anderson and Mr. Lund I Friday, Mrs. Arvilla Mayo en shower jtertained at a bathroom at her home. 1S0 South Mam Street, for the Spring Mr. and Mis. r W. Rawlings t. N . ( " f' : Being Feted - Tanfrilver tTuT 'gat CT rc. HwUtab Stale" Agn- Colle- - H baa fulfilled Miss', mission to Germanv. rra1ua,' irinllnson wttt trf Cedar' Cfty Ibtst man for the bridegroom. MISS MkRJORIK KVA VS daaghler of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Maat of Moods Croes, (. whose eagagrairat to Tajkr ' cl -- he; i Miss Weggeland ,Guest-AtParii- es Miss-Jew- 7 IV I Wedding- Held i This Afternoon bride-to-b- O-ca- K Before Wedding aawoawced at a diaarr girra Friday. The marriage is. plaaaed for Jaae 18 ia the halt Lake. Temple. . 17 Honored By Luncheon . Mr Of June S. L. Bride ! snMt 'daughter, ManontunT Cavln Jack f MrS' Mlll0n Tu,,I of JPPH rrrLo iKait' 717 re- -d and J ta1 Utah The ceremonv w Orangeville. Misf IeNore Weggeland. whose at a .entertained miscellaneous took place this afternoon at to Albert Daniel GneeWHome engagement the on .sliower East at Miss Ida Reichman, Miss o'clock at the hmne of the bride Beth Forest and Range Experiment First South Street for Mi Antler- - parents urundmaim was recently announc The double ring cere- Strong, and Miss Ramona White. Barrow-Knig- ht wax who sou. feted mon'v was performed by the Rev at The hride-elec- t ed Tuesday is a is being extensively entertainstudent of similar affair given by, Mrs. E 'Elmer I. he Vmversitv of Utah and is afed prior to her marriage on June V. Hardv at Iver home on Flll-- I The bridal ouple stood In front filiated with Tau Kappa Alplia. na 4 Monday evening Mrs. Henry ' MIS YOU TtVLOR more Street. Pink and white flpw-'o- f a large w Indow festotmed wl'h tional forensic fratermtv. and forbnue-clr- t of mother the Mr. Mrs. f Weggeland. and Levi ers were used for the decorations garland of deflexus and sweet merly vice president of the Barbs t. entertained at a dinner party A. Ta)k-r- . whose eagagmeat and thirty-fivguests were pre peas and banked with ferns and at the University. Mr. Jackson is at the Weggeland home on East to Hoagla t. K. Haat of Halt ent. Jiaskets of while snapdragons and a graduate of the University or The marriage of Mias Ethel Bar Fourth South Street. A bowl fillTntft today.-- The auu. ts JaVr Utah and a member of the I Monday, Mrs. Ralph William en lilies. The bride wa charming m row, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. ed with spring flowers centered i being plaaaed for' riage showa her wedding gown. a Milgnm mo-e- r at .Thi Fraternity, L. Barrow, 516 Fourth East Street. the table, and pink tapers in Jaae 2 aad will be soteaiaixed tertalned o o at her home. 2152 Green Street 8el of wlrite georgette, and she Miss Elizabeth Bitner Whose mar- and Richard K. were candlestick each end. at Halt son the la lathe of1l Knight, Temple. the carried a shower bouquet of white The small tables at which riage will take place In the near former commissioner John M Cover were laid for I w rule guests guests were seated were decorated roses and lilies of the valley, future will he honored at a number Knight and Mrs. Knight. 14 19 bridal mouf.ranL sixteen! The living rooms were ill "f parties during the Fast Street, was solemnized coming wee. ted Wlth bovvls oCeut-present. Monday Mm. Anne Widlaoe Wal lin the bI1 Lake Temple Mondav ,l)nw" at spring flow- Mrs. O. R. Lund ers and illuminated hv cathedral Saturday. list lare and Mws Eudora Widtsoe will to in t Id Dav Apartment compliment evening at pm. President &ti Mrs fhnheK cdinpli B nd!os frj brstmhed eiher candehc"' In compliment to Miss Della eniertam in honor of Miss Bitnerjo. M Kay official el at the ,inal ra. A nb-rs- . thl mts in at a men edNI 'h'b,nj.sal, a,ke a popular young bride th? 'Vallate home on SigshecjmonV wlmh was follow ejJ by a re- following Mothers' flub for the raWmllK ti,nu,. a, the LurJ goeits were Mrs MreHealv current rap w ,11 be held W edne ) Milton . af Tuttle J. f AV lM, Street. Nor1h lirst b and F. Mrs. G. Raw lings of Los 1 ll?lrnuY 'j:rnwMl- u erf hru.MtfJan reieivm mill entertain nd Wl nnajAvenue, ,wiih Mr. F. W. MUnet, There covers were laid ior thirty .' this afternoon at the Ambassador 'he Site will be assifUed ned an old lasliKined bouquet of!p,.,,rsn- five guerts. lltJUL Det Saturday Miss Yvonne Weg presiding. by her mother. Mrs Arthur I bride's roses, lilies of ih Annual reports will be giveif by table was decked with a'Arlluir Yliss Rulh Ftldy WlTI enter and butterfly Jweet pea.-- valley entertained at a pinner par , p- ,v ' iiome on Yale Avenue for tbe oUwers aud chairmen, at eath, . , mound of bright hues! spring flow Hain at a luncheon on Saturda.'. A hssket filled with committee, after which; standing era. and following the luncheon. U IMav 23. at Weasku Inn In Mwa egland. wUI be new offices Mr. J. G. Sweeten, 225 were arranged or games ,h honored guest. A lace'the f,,llowmg lv?enwdLe f7rthe shims' jment to the popular voung bride. 13K3 South Knud-e- n. Place covered the Fourth Kat Street, an were marked for Mis1 Mrs YVilliam Timmerman .;mUlled: Mr. F. W. Miner, re Mrs. George , hghl Mrs. Daniel G. Spencer.,alned at a kitchen shower Friday ory candles Mrs. Jack TulILs, Mrs. William J twemhg "In honor of Mia Bitner ers. A three . Trnimer-MrsMrs. fhe affair was held Emma at the Bern Beryman. nger.i R. H Hardin. Mr. J. A. home on Hollywood avenue, toppedwas atone end of the table Mrs. the Norwegian Literary hfxiely at Thomas Bovden of Coalville The cled Ml lnMor' and 'llow to 'R fra. Mrs. C. p. Row sell, Mrs. Catli- - anl the following guests were pre- - partv The married left newly oottple jmarriagp will take place Sunday in candleholders' Claude Kenvcm, parliamentarian, lk" home Mias . Jluner. erme Henderson. Mrs.- A, A. Hetv1,l,; Miss Lou for crystal ,h leave at the home of the bridegroom a A Henderon.'-leaFairbanks. Miss Jeanne Par demon. Mrs. James - mother and thelrl sumwill be bv MKS Frances Lake. Miss Don ho- -l Diirinr the tea. readings will be'rin;iav evening to spend the Mrs. R. C. Henderson, Mrs. A. G.lson" ' make their home will President John and J. of rr " honor of the bnde. Tuertay'gfven by sue m.rjvrrr ..u nier month. vis.llng relative, Henderson, Miss Helene Peterson'n Peterson, Miss LaVida Cameron, ,nr, will sail from New York Garland. JZ f brKl Mr. and Mrs. Francis piano selections by Mr. James Miss Arlene Duncan and Miss Beth and Miss Thelma Lund . a of evening sn ceremonv ensemble suit going-awaths weda Following 26 on Stavanger-FJordthe -a Weggeland entertained at dlnnerjt'onkfe. Mrs: James Henderso- n- baa- Emery. ding breakfat will be given for uiutaiuoji.brQw n crepe with acce party, at their home on Garfield S A Avinvitations for an Informal the young couple at the Hotel aoriee to match. Utah. enue Miaa ltr to Weg 18 Compliment at her ltome, 655 East Guests wm inchide members of the Party May her The fiance. geland gnd South guests two street families. Eighth Twenty guests' included Miss Weggeland and Mr have been bidden. After a wedding to Denver. Gryndmann, Mr. and Mrs W. Burt Mr and Mrs. Hoydentrip will reside In Salt Lake Cltv. being planned for June Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. DurThe bride-elec- t the Salt Lake Temple. ft a graduate of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin ham, 174 North Mam Street, Keddington. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon a Wednesday the Ltah State Agricultural College anApartments, 1022 Lowell Avenue, announce the Kensington a mwlibdi of the and Weggeland will entertain at a buf Mrs. Mr. John end of Henry nounce the engagement Sorqur''So- fet supper st their home on Yale their engagement of their daughter. Ixls Ave Hilton. 927 Kensington rority. The bridegroom lt" gradPhvlis, to Jess daughter, uate Avenue honor Mias of in of the to Weggenue. announce the marriage An interesting event will be held University. df Ltah. Ralph Kolte of Seattle. WashRomney Farr of Berkeley. land and Mr Grundmann The af .of their daughter, Grace, and son of Mr. " and Monday evening In the Ibor Tem- ington. son of Mr. and Mr. H. C. w ill also honor Dante! W. Weg - California, fair AnLos of Sanderson Farr Mrs. YVHIard Kirby ple by the Hod Carrier and the Nolte of Fairmont, Minnesota. The geland of Washington, D. C, who of St. Johns, Romney in Santa An- The Arizona. geles on April Building Labors, Loral 79, and fee In bait Lake City for a na In the Church of the Flowfor their auxiliary members. The pro- marriage will take place June 17 planned marriage On 23. C T. Mar visit Mr. ers with George Bowles. Pa25 in the Salt Lake Temgram will be presented a follows-Talk- at the Hvrum Jensen Home end Weggeland will entertain at a May triarch, officiating. The young re- he Fourth Ward Ladies' Demoby Paul M. Peterson, W Ilham will be followed by a large ple In at luncheon home her Garfield Lc M. Knerr and Harold G. Crose ceptton. . couple are residing in Mlsa Dtirliam it a graduate cratic Study group w Ul hold tie honor of the on who in bride, May and Miss nearfu-tis a and Mis inthe dances. Helen Hansen and Angeles the University of Utah Keddington graduate of monthly meeting . Monday at 2 3u 7. will be complimented at "a of re will take a trip ihfough Miss Camilla Weller, with has done post graduate wojk Miss the L ni verstly of Ltah, affiliated p m. at the home of Mre. J C luncheon to be given bv Mrs. Nor will South where the Melba Bonner as the accompanist; with the Phi Mu Sorority, and a Cali of twy at the 265 I street, with Mrs. L. U University man Weggeland of Magna. visit relatives pP"Mr. Sander-soMr. Farr ; member of Mortar Board and Beefornia at Berkeley. Jackson as assisting hotdes piano numbers. Miss Luella hive societies, national honorary is a graduate of the Univerarrordian solo. Dan Savage, Charles H. Skidmore will be Uut Mr. and Mr., John Bailey of reading. Mrs. Thelma Wilson, and organ! ration sity of California and the Unprincipal speaker, and community Arineunremen! have been Mr' Nolle I a former student of Wellsnlle announce the marriage Plano selections by Miss Grethal of California law iversity be conducted by Mr of their daughter. Dorothy and tn Satt Lake City of singing Awill Robbin. reortied the University of Washington. School. Smith. All Interested George of Lo Angeles. Cal., e approaching marriage UamNagle of V'lrtf Keddington WIIT preside - The -will re Refreshments will be served! are , Invited. young couple w Inch .took place MaV 8 at the Miss Ell&e Hardy, daughter of side. in. Berkeley. hoT. home of the bridegroom' sister, Mrs. G. A. YCeidman has reAirs. Laura Madsen- - Hardy of J- M7" Mrs. John Kelties In Los Angele. turned from Los Angeles where Los Angeles, and Max L. Hall Show-Wi- ll of is Announcement made of thf MhV? ceremonv was bjwitnessed The dinfnfXjU.IlS she visited her and of Los Angeles, which will Mis Joan the of marriage few of a the and ntembera Mr. H family and Mrs. take place May 19 at 8.30 pn. C daughter, Mr. Reed Hlcken by Miss Billie Smith, Miss DeRoos. riaughter 'of Mr. and Jean among them Mr. and Haight, and her granddaughter. at the Church of ths Angels, Margaret Joan, of Modesto, Califor- Douglass, Mrs. T. Scott Varlev. close friends, Mr. Wllltarrt,"Ne. DeRoos. ofPasadena. nia. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harold Pitta. Mr. Charles Mr. Olaf Jacobsen and Mrs. Max The arts ahd crafts section of Rock Rapid. Iowa, and RichJohnson former residents of Wells Mias Hardy was graduated C. W. Hlcken at theirshome, 920 I arson. Miss Gloria Duste. lh Ladles Liters ly Club will give of ard Miss vine, now formerly AnCqjinningR Los residing in from the University of Utah a "Rose Show" on "Tuesday, Slav Laird Avenue. Mrs. Hlcken is a Dorothy Anne Lewis, Miss Evelvn City, son of Mr. snd former Salt Laker. and I a member of the ,Phl 26, between 4 and 7 pm, at the Harding. Miss Helen Gall Harker geles. Mr. Horace M. Gumming. was K. Miss Mrs. a bride dinner The Curtis in and lovely George Mu sorority. Mrs. Hardy is Sugar House' Floral. Wilson AvDuring their stay In Salt Lake, Miss May Keddington. Miss Marwhich 150 McClelland Stret, of and carried a bou- - Barbara Olson left today for New a former resident of Salt Lake enue and Eleventh East Street. All the visitors have been extensively cella Jensen, and Mis Marion i,gown of grey took May 10 in Sioux quet gardenias. A reception -was (York where they will sail on .Mav Falls. place entertained. Among those presid- Blakemctre. members are asked to contribute City. South Dakota. The bridefor Europe, pn the S. Sr Man a a a given following the ceremony,a a flowers and have ready tor display ing at parties were Mrs. V. C. HlckfrohU wa groom graduated hattan. will left be metitl London the which ter They en. Mrs. William Silver, and Hr. young couple, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bingby 2 p.m. the University of Utah. The Miae Lucille travel and Curtis' Sun for there Wellsvllle, fby KentJack arriving ham. 243 Hubbard Avenue, anThe rommittep in charge Inwill reside in a day. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, parents on the continent en for four month, Siting couple nounce the engagement of cludes Mre. Scott Jones, chairman, s Curtis has-bestudying in their daughter. Barbara, - to and Mrs Alice YYilhams and Mrs. Announcement is made of the of the bride entertained at a of the newly married Parle FTanpe; the past year. E. Allen. Stanley A. Gudmundaon, son marriage of Miss June Murphy, ner in honor Mr. and Mrs.' Axel Jacobof Mr. and Mrs. O. F. of Mr. and Mr. R. E. couple. An artistically decoratede 4760 Plum Street. Murray, son, center-pieccake formed The Salt Lake City Women daughter the 457 Baltic of Sullivan. Missouri, and wedding Court announce the engagement of 1 Chamber of Commerce met during Murphy the table, and crystal The marriage is being planLeRpy Wright of Sl Louis. Mis- vases for their daughter. Ana, to Lee the week at the Hotel Utah. New souri, filled with st. 'were 20 ned for tulips in the Sait of Logan, whten May formerly Mre aon El of Elsie berry, charter member were enrolled and was solemnized in the Balt Lake each end of the table. Cover were Lake Temple. Anderson of Murray. The the board of governor were cho laid for Mr. and Mrs. NagHv' Mr. Temple, Wednesday. May 13. The and Is for marriage planned being An interesting event of June L. en. Those named James Mrs. Mr. and Wvatt, Anthony ceremony waa performed by Elj June 15. will be the marriage of Miss Vera C. Lund, president; Mrs. Emma der Leslie Bailey, llr. and Mrs. F. Richards, of the Mrs. B. a a a George Hovt, 567 Vinyi East Street, and John Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. John Lucy Gates Bowen, first vice presi- Council of the Twelve Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Apostle. H. Bailey, Rulon Bailey, Spencer Paul J. Hallman of Sail Lake Citv, dent; Mrs. G. W. Teudt. second vice Mr. and Mr. will leave QuisL 2447 Olympus Drive, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony arid Mr. and of Wellsvllle president: Mrs. John C Daly, third Monday for' St. Wright Wyatt Louis announce the betrothal of vice "president; Mrs. Ernest Urien. will make their home where they Mrs. Charles Bailey of Logan. of Koenlgsburg. Germanv. their daughter, - Beatrice to fourth rice president; Mrs. Alice which will be solemnized in the After a visit the young DalThis Miss G. Elbert son of evening. Margaret Adamson, Merrill Home, executive secretary: ton a Salt Lak Temple, with. Elder will go to Anaconda, Monand Miss Melba Worth en will couplewhere Mr. and Mrs, George' Adamand Mrs Efie 'Hunter, -- recording entertain J - Ballard of the Council of they will visit with a canyon party for tana, at 4960 son. Boulevard. Hoiladay the Twelve Apostles officiating relatives of Mr. Nagles, later resecretary. the young couple June 12 is the date set for The next meeting vrill be held Following the ceremony a j re. turning to Los Angeles whera they the marriage which wrlH taks the first Monday in June at Z p.m. will reside. will be given in "the Hv- ception Temin Salt the Lake' place a a rather than on Thursday, as was home Members of the nmrjensetr The will reside couple ple bridal party will include Mr. previously planned. In Salt Lake. James King, matron of honor. Miss - a a a The final meeting of the Kappa n Mis Rosalie Unger, Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Tau Literary Society for the cur- The ' following adult education and Mis Merle Derrick, announc Jonds rent year win be held Monday at classes are given at tba Public Libest and John DeGooyer, Enrolling of their daughter, 2 man. nr AFT acaocn. pjn. at the fiewhouse Hotel with brary. Bunder-son- , to Irvin Q. Mrs. Alex P. 'Anderson, presiding. I Better English and Short Story Mis Ida Reichman will enter. INVESTIGATE THE the marriage to taka An interesting program has been Writing. Tuesday and Saturday. tain Saturday night at a dinner placs June 2, " in tha Salt arranged with Mre. Ruth Jensen Vocabulary and Poetry Writing, afparty In honor of Miss Hoyt and lake Temple, Clawson as guest soloist and speak- ternoons from 3 to 4 .; her fiance. Paul Hallman. The Friday After their er. She will tell of the life of Car- afternoon. 3 to 4 p.m marriage they Business following guest have been bidden: tn reside will Bond Ogden. rie Jacobs and sing some of English and Salesmanship, Friday Mr. and Mre. James F. King Jr v her compositions." Mrs. Albert Ec-- j and Saturday-eveningfrom 3 to lirs Rosalie Unger, Miss Merle New--Mrx: David Mr. and - Miss cles m. is the 40 Ruth- - Heaps,-Joh- n Derrick,accompanist.-"p "TJ Best In the West" 1067 man. West Fourth North DeGooyer. Kenneth Monson, Frank ' nose, fare announce the Street, M engageDerrick and Grant Leonard. On all lain Cit. Utah 0f-Summ- er ment of their daughter. Glor-May, 24 Miss Rosalie Unger. Mws Milo to The Petersen. ta, J. ron Kathleen De Hart and Miss Norma Tin cootoi marriage is being planned for Shrlner will entertain at a break-.fas- t CATAIOO Mrs. Walter Wright entertained at an attractively arranged lunchJune 3 to the Salt Lake Temat the Ambassador Ho'el in eon Saturday at her home on Parry Avenue hr compliment to Miss . ple. compliment to the Jean Douglass whose marriage to Evan P. Wright, of Johannebfirg, SIISH ANN GIBBONS Mr. end Mrw. Frank HISS LEONA NIELSON H. . South Africa, villi take place later In the summer. rhairntza of the decorations , 4 East ToX, 11538 South Third Mr. and Mrs. David. Ngwman, committee foe the annual repreoMeat, sad geaeral riurie The guests were seated st small tables decorated with crystal ells Make mad of the Street, announce the betrothunion and banqntrf the Holy 1067 West Fourth North Street, cases filled with spring flowers In shades of blue, and lilies of the Off al of their daughter, Helen to auaaol Gleaner Girls banquet, Crons Alumnae Association of annnuce the engagement of thpr Whits princess tapers In crystal candleholders were at each valley. A. held aon at Mr. tba of IM Hamilton, St. M ary of-t will daughter, Gloria, to Milo J. PeterFriday eveafag Kay Ttlrphon WaMteh 7560 end of the targe table;- - which held a centerpiece similar to the ones Hotel Utah ha the R- - S. Hamilton and Mrs. Trmm Mattel fast Pa of bold at St. sen. the marriage to take Satwrday. May- 23, UFijftU place used on the smaller tables; Covers vet laid for sixteen guesU. . Ballroom. Riverton. The marriage . to June 3 in, the Salt Lake Temple. Marys. l wood Rogers, Virginia Richmond.' Miss J .rf. lucI!e 'fwS' Marriage Miss Bitner To Be Honored At Party Series -- he-In-g Held Goi-he- In S. L. Temple Miss Spencer e Slate SjFinal, Meeting wSsSSf Four-leent- Complimented P r n,w fttTas ioei7TnTrFTxoUh - 7777 ThUmn - r .'5 decorat-guesix-wer- e 1 Mr-ap- - hrele-elect- - Nmn Couple Will Marry Sunday- Mi-T- x. hr enter-Silence- KS Padficht - ,T: Pv indf f1 yQ tTOn rGtGU targlng .rixln'cn ' 1 S: L. Miss Keddingfon Will Wed June 17 S. L: Girls Leave For Coast Visitn',,,'M,Nnu,r"dFTdR" Program Slated At Labor Temple and-Mr- Wny Nuptial Events Study.Group Meats Monday ' ' 1 s ... rr MamOOe Ul Daughter Told Had-don- n We-woo- n. Returns From Coast daThtxl-h- Visiting Here - j u . r. Leave For N. Y. 'Rose wee Be Held Salt-Lak- - af-2- 0 Missourians Wed Members Added Ch airman June Date Set For Wedding are:-Mr- Planj Party Hall-ma- n ten-da- Mei-rr- . . Final Meet Set Classes Listed brides-jmald- Before s, SyV-vl- Quish School' of Beauty Culture s - Bride wa as -- Honored -- as seetaar iaaMAawiM - bnde-eiect- XEWMAX-PETERSE- A -- n" Y- - ' |