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Show 0' .::',Iiiii.4..10.0. Saticfiót :0 .its..T'Sp.-.....4.76441:0..',-..- t'a. se 0 alt-:, Gam-é- - :,,.t Veele - End .0440'''.41,1.0&.;:v.e.er.:i , : .. LI......... e :, - 1' 5. ft; 4 - 7'. ' . 7- GREET SEW PITOlEimMliits fro" Stow". &se is tight Deo vest Sever Cella; ellotalooml L4E SALT ' ad leatuu. Colo 1441n nv!. e. MAY SATURDAY CITY 18 :er Li AU 1936 c,P,, - Bawd hassywsisti elasissioa bias HAS A IRAND--fona- st as' foe Iambs, as sochostra sow, la HoltrosolL S." Oädliiii eagyi Sites Pictured .Before The Big Rush ni.,,.SAt.:-..L41,;er.C9i- NibleY ; -.- - Pinney's Will Play 4: Forest Dale . In Twin Bill - V,li CORIrESI FederationzA SPRING ENCHANTMENT sks lima Luso To in From ' Provo Club and ssit of 1St owl buss pi o And-Prov- -- ' Indepen d en t . at!bsBusy. : . - jtestosersist:clover - --- -' bees ;III-Illie-MILLER - 51'1.6 44 shmS marts:et lak- Is softy BY PARRY SORENSON , seathe ' of fishing 4tegardlesi Vi'ith State Champion Ed , Rise of d, sass is spkatke son opening Sunday 'ditch will I, Kingsley playing the eecond , , kers; , 61I tliot the goal ea sees, I;1 the ateur tmdoubtedly dravt many players position, and fresh from ' ' e.,MO.1ir and more fans, the baseball 16-, over FOrmt their ottek awes" SR 4; ..,,,to of victory Lop rur schedules of the Industrial, In -- --- --- baie two weeks-ag. Utah Cop. Invkl :. ran of the fly wod kap of the per golfers will invade Bonne-dependent' and Amateur, redera- --: tion Leartes Will tie run off as , Tar Asa rsa eine tomorrow. Intent bport giv I usual. - . 1935 their team the i out! ing champ. -- shadows the fan who prefers veteran For nicker- ompfko'flfirst licking of the season.-- Vib 11141111 ' sitting on the planks to nudging Iley goes to Forest Dale in that I. ioys to sho followwe of cooryess mad should their way along the crowded be a tossep match and 0,..ami . - stream hanks,an interesting Soli, a El Monte invades Provo in the . day schedule has been slated few, RUSHFORTH VS. CRUTEll other team tilts- turing a double header betweed teru ter.': .,4rd that KingstrY, oloild-,b- e Pinnev Beveratte,Snd Provo In the in us Copper ',finely tomtn i tr, ' f"' alaiet .A;isto.rtte t..4a,:-igze'i,:41r'- '' solibothoreat the VhiversitY Of learns, this Morning inutt Howard Colorado at Boulder, steps to,fudge Nara pro who stated that game will start at 3 p.m., Both the trottt today as pother, yesfttelititla arnsteur7oking hadorestitt games sill be played hi , .. re- munftrt plait:,........,,.....,---...,..another, of thoto- -1,, Company the month , Three wel1matehed Asencounter' State Golf (wired undet' Ltali jumpers who must be considered sociation rules. are on the books In the Amateur ps a strong candidate for the It mesas that the caimee club trout.- - LOWER, LEFTThe cameraman snapped are shown four Salt Lake Cotmty,,fish: -- .Here Is shown the most-fishespot on MilL Creek, Here Federation setup, The Bonneville , 1.1,nitea States Olympic leam.First will presern a formidatole lineup In repose. The picture was taken near Second a, portion- - of the raging Big CottortwO6d stream sites before the "mad rush, which will brgin' Lealpte sebechile will pit Midvale No-- 2, Int with hat Jack R9b3Ins it .beat must hos ever, ender thing Just above the anon reservoir. Fishing 11111 be Mat Street. , Moss and 'cress make this stream at No a. and Abel jar. at 4 tun. tomorrow morning n:ben the ttab flab. against D. Iti It. G, at Midvsle at Kingsley Kileveli Rushforlh, at 4 pith., Sumbouse opposite.Cree, an excellent habitat for fish. L'PPER RIGHT quite impossible in this section.' LOWER.RIGHT , kangaroo from the University tithe fourth position. They will face Ina ;mon open& 111 of these streams have been -- ;The wellstocked Spring Runs stream is Leint at Community Park.at 10 Cottonwood East near of Fifth lower portion 'Utah 'whit la Rocky klountainVi7e0111LIn 111;:icilthrvenCiThatvlarett . Judapeg am. 'anti- Bartlett and Weise tired Just above Ninth East Street The water berrily.ntocked and should bring forth bUndreds is shown. , Though roily this stream also has re, against Carton Motor at Ilusil sat' record 1 ovetv to what should bezthree Of ehamPlo, " In thisntream is ow ,end rather deer:- of trout to first 'day ang1ent,TICPPZIt'l,TP7-i.,- "' ,ot civil No 2 at 10 a.m. ' . the n this best. bolder. matches , .woomom,o..., ,Jedepeadest," Gamed Coaariff espreased tittle The eui,orsd man has a much bet' Iteatierwthie maerting-wheFour games are on the board , inform --tIn the Capitol Latague of the lode., leap to his credit than has ea that Khnritiey would appear tit; Aram try 1s the tte which prompts all the first lihe copper lineup and aim mon. vi pendent circuit- - Woodhury , guessers to favor him in the grand idimt of a victory for hm team tors win oppose Cates billiards MaY Deaver. ,at " rt !morrow. Jurnp.oft ' n ia'e r!IC. :;,1,;irrigi,LitrYketPawluptv41 that lc oil except Rushforth who Daiwa Topreee4 4:9 , , I. never beaten until he has missed ..xpreat pate.on, 'Etirrell Soto C. at looeit at p.m. rowers . , . out on bill third straight' triad' atrionsor lineup Itmsorrow will mow Star Sem. than tworlrigi flee "Snatch, k funny that sly. Diving at Municipal No- 2 at Pin. ago When they bowed to All moat of the ' SOUTHPORT, England, 1137,,16,--(AP)r-all due erediVio littOthisay IMPon- - weeks and Club. Larry Rummer011,will meet Topes, copher ' .' Town,-Tea1 Britishana et140. 2 st pm. Mei Jensen wilebe at .the Paced TZ:41w, 6,141,,figur", siva Icts,p,tits May Ivan American ears still nut, Bridget:Nearall, a 16-- the tplzAsitNT GRov E'''' fourth and fifth positirms for tile film) Hall.byrecent spertacuhir bY Alpine .district school It" hoer sChedule for the Manager Claude Erigberg of Pin. ' winner in th e 14 . girl, took ;the lead In th e British,- - WometestbamtlOnsbiP . games remainiog, ,split The Ninth array. It. 13. anwround for high orbore "era wia depend noon Reese 1 , ors lour ways in their annual I tekt of tha first half of ' the Crater, lasstlomP omit. edge over Pithier belatodeors, East Hiehza track defeat shooting a 74, one under par, for a total of CenkreliLlewellyn and Clair Johnson for and Val daY bakt here FridaY'''.'' Uutit hffine ?inks 1811.6 also served Wanda The has been tneetliRushforithhi highapog League champion. notice Morgan, defending comp1eted4he hurling assignment& Llewellyn Se Yet, total ease Th Lektitlye liwantumiha 'arciPhdeY et!! hack. and ill sork the first game and John. released' by alficial&------- Thee that she is on her game by adding a 70 to her, 78 of yesterday 'the Boulder' bamWo skimmer did Harry fkely and Atte steemwon ettfit,iit!ed former the Club twirler, shot, tit the ante eson, tear 6f1. 8 In. an tridoar meet last should image a merry battle for changes.44, 1h, win handle Gerturiell L'inCein MO took hoine the trophy maY be some for A total of 154. . the second tilt. Clyd2' ' high and tow hurdles. and was a ,' for beloW. dates vinter and the tte has den eft' tpoints in ar ' athletics hightheir pro match. Themember boys published junior v snit. the i.a ittlear,,aid patty perm creenwell and Sam Christenuen ot the victorious Stain. in prwlics. These figures l theY Americn Fork out by -- Ilia' dates abOtr-thNibley Inatrtiet(1r aviLli relay team. His roMributionLeopard ell Provo. Greenwell to the neepolis star. played steadily today s single PInt; AnleriCan FOlt "'On Price give Cruter the bettor ot It. but 77 for a total of 156, both a and and Helm star pitcher for last year's posted play cause was 1614 atiwu points. not dtsrOttr la leopard Knenett . the eenior with diminutive '12,Itill high track trophy adversary. South 01home, and on June 14, Price plays;Provo team. Christensen came to w ma Quarter mita ' aanmige.ChN.arl wtehoGeoredluttinot to 70 e nn. ovrwhe lining tkmry; while at Spanish Fork.and Helper at state tournament with DWI. lifoCaptain Leo Leaver resorted to or 1 1 a-rove G to Thera la alt angle on this event a novel method of team selection The 440 yardaridrun between oat 'o content Asa. sonhad total - Apain on June- 21, Nephi will'dend last season after pla.3,i6lig elf . of y rt tisi today for a terday, south chariot phee corm'', thati,Inaii,torn thetide,17. ta,vortit Ithis week; Each of the 16 mom Leopard apeedater, was the feature ..smrs. taonctthe4koethseconer .... .apd priheayattiratitelschedper the vitt at has to ou .'t" 1"ei Piers Picked' a tensnan team' The of the day. The speedy' little Cub ,o. 8. )1.. all. moms, city vet ..,wom en golfers Will gaol. er at opflarileth,, ' 'mown ' ('ruler Forest Dale WIOLEAP ice oeiteam theor k tortiogn weeks first 1n- of jam ' play ....,.....theAway, en inmate irdiley-Tiarfitinday-tirt lati..Kir erehtentrarter The Pinney Infield halt been at 4'6(114 trent a Sunseneue of the leak brili ..,,, ant spurt, after the two had when w high Nrind suddenly blew!, ..,......n, state driving contests. 'In the forenoon , oftimes rboiret tered 'during the past ,.1,,Et.II 1, burglar at sunrise, and r coneer demonstration ves posture :"'" of scrambled iind rest parade the se areth. etesac up engaged, 71,74carialcranaddanniatuck;race,., deeJoris lakeou trouble. 1.3 moto Premler, former Provo stiortstql, Aravore4 Flling is Poser is the way home. in, 43 htrokes foriwheduled. Is a Prehmill to the staged hy, the four lunior ; high, xis. addid to the Pinney ittgf. The El biotite linksters shoUld Tint annual sely, fluahfortit is never diMurbrd or the district, fielioneed uyArrPe at rwrikon:; J4ft m Snantsh A.tuCi be an 62 and a total of 161. leet womcri's champion-win- s City bionguier Maw 1.,ne will rtylltaaattaits Campana at , Mime 14" 64 14'14". aviihc!atimtihreinseriot. kirk pin bail., volley 1411..baseball.1 Jessie Andersoni, heroine of the'ship which pens Oveg' the fóto,,,me. backhortog'Iretioliepi watuthrprisa Lieg,tween the three city hiett schools notorapamaloattert at tta. piratic, D,,,,b1,d, amtp,),Ishortstop. Cam Ps nit and, Curtis Cup teafro, also b held Wednesday. May 20. may he that 'strength , In the seconToundot Fora!Melvin ppaq. Rorer aienol- East course modnity morning. and a abort tract Inee. .. it' second and :MOrr. --a which. total f a U her 77., . 1,2 stadium iwthe gave will KnewsWe complete composure pill., 'will play in the Outfield. Pressler is 'metro hoe ,week tun, and put her' in' , with litett Ht4en 'Koffman is 'expected to mar 30Ditriamal at- Nimbi; Payson fit Lehi Firot be the factor that will disturb the 'Nthol. However, the I Ash ;en ttedt.;!me we yams participation meet.;'" expected to strengthen the Infield I eosilidefend her driving title. proat 154. .1 'mit,. Prigs at Wiper. , In the afternoon the drenbetAtive Spank 31fittnar to decide the aggregation has an improved fine.lwh count equallY with 'the in- - )1oriptn. ' corps considerably.' at ThIdNM Naist Nay event in determining the , ' lkoartn her three shots senior Glutting Gni. - teenrough ' ' echoot she Fork a tided am at avanalk Payson; high with ar and gitis posture tome through negrbtt will make Its 1938 - at Deborah Verry NI:arrester, Mass- Rushforth are up win. The t;wer of lbw match, --'II! Icty chamion. will be held heddtht- - There'd hes the pirate started the prograirt. with Jane 3SelYal , at Staitt; littlaellt at bow to the Industrial Leagne thin High Friday, 14ay 22,: at. 21turnel, in !fr2:2trld, practically ,nut Iwithin 6 feet tall and ive,gb 165 pounds.11;;;e1;;;t4,7; rne:7;71:",,,, Lehi, defeating Alpine wild B. 't 7ISouttt eoten.titore ot other Pike: M the Jtola Poses afternoon 11,44vi4ead at t herse out against Pinney. The tournament. her for : ' kantlertoo ars at Denver win II. relay- - champion again coming !leper.total mottoes aill twgia-ai, teams 1,611 ploy on iiie IfOrgnaplining top ttonots in die drt- through - 12 Ile win .. vbewth spine' aver it Nesbit, 1) lausts4; vat with top honor. Pkogant Joss- Pork at Dertdend Mallte DOM and the Provo-E- l contestants must z event & p.m. d diamond at ing report rise, bliss Charlotte Glutting of zast - Grove being adjudged recent This Seams) , 1st the find' tee at 1 Pm' Jams stttepta st utvisSts-,- - rise at will go, into-- - tho- t- second routwr gilt et 10 snt. ,4 Tia's1;16. her .'...'41CI to 'iii....1.. '. perade-wo43 1,100,3);. liriler"M INV Timm Ism 12 eethee talkie" Emil ' The eteed"ig and probable 111"e. irt-rull'!- .-' "1"'' It" Anel. I . Or;11ge by a. Odor guard Suultuk fiv:trokes 'erM tor Sixteen tioalitY tile against II. S. Mes at Bingham leas hi ond round than eon from the Brigham Yomig rniver 1) tatnes, , , ' dias is else Unita States, startling urc , ' IL: Cored it.; illettislk siowerhsis roar a veatf., of Julie . the Sunda), 4t 0 p.m. a 77 her flight city championship 0017 yesterdays, today's 4 education deetre oring LghGra, girlie. se Statistician Froth blanks. caw I . - rills physical Itse Tort: Aim at e)pantsa with the mo lt. partment. 4 Baird ehemptetemp, W. L. T 'PA et t o m v, It.; Illimr 3 isatu ,, stetivisicasuser . a .; Wabel eat , al Wises 13 gamess; Page. at , sla.Seerel Il eteri ilemt.Ainesayins ike. el 3 143. s. . 11111.'orKansas it IL . , ir Mrs. Opal , et twits, ' City, schedided for Trnday..., Practkally emit 43 WV.) , The Barnett and liVehus team re IL4 tent: et: M.1. I.Ir''. Bander, Shimeo - eet,eee mewl ,.e seee.L,elreePeteL,eetri,7l ,,elte... who earded 78 yesterday. toot 62 , all of - the leading feminine links Jute 44lielow el Prior: SW" Perk ceived a severe setback when Norm ........ ......- - it t . al llmotet14)14eltraeiele 4te lead SAW? -- A doubt still rests 2..1 1"..... final the 161. take Atto are Mt for ati WIN Rie i iI me ese. s.: n.nuo.b.reefLai. Pay": Price at Diskieut et tautest: (Lefty) Baird strained his arm and expected ii'ma torer ., ....... part outcome of displayed soundladepts- todey x : 1st th. .pp.--- sha torA is.sva the junior- buys track resin ea toes; I on seven of the Lint nine 'in the chase. ..,.;,,,.,....... liesetat Berk et Bet- - Nrits- - required to refrain e ... from . I imt 101 Tod tov C091, putting 40.. ',rm.', of the scur shot one tttr- retichad turn judgee put fed the greenx , riltw 1 119Tell throwing for 'several weeks. How eenslist.tsi -- , ago tatasisit Yore ' SDiviated. IrRANsFoRmATIo before Jul" lc MIODES .fourth ?Ting away Medea. Pre li"';A .,,To place NOrnt ever. ray, roam abovl'pr will the outfield k,. (...... A was recorded. If American Fork tlo, r....11,;,...h.. ?octal. 1164- -,,liub4.,..... Itottsgus Upsets, Several , baseball addicts tave Vann Carleson . Motor. - Sunday.. 110ndreialrf Mlle- iNcaftaiti., ,rit$mik014 . ,., OU7.?"---, should be foumi. the wimter of this of .. 14; 0. 3,4 01,. f Icer,,,m0.. !fire. Ball be Law.... is IL,neney. ambidextrous ortunately to GOP:tali tnade ingult7 as rd.? Plodoia--ro- event, which is very unlikely. They PAP tar I'm .todno refs.ton tineltat.16 . and can use his right apPendarP gages,' tame right behind with s Pany bs Net Meet Ar- m- -- Wilmer. 110,k41,41 SaliL Glenn 0. COS would tecetve two IIIIIIam,-- ., additional ' .., Rhodes, ourformer cub reporter tamps Anderoon..,to an advantage. The pittMng will 11"ilw". PARIS. , lay 'Ineretrolnem 4.4 77, which odoedlo uer - -- n....,14 tomotris-- t K It: out by oialt. hoe WI of a . 151, 4 Fotalinte,iy. toed TaMart,bi 44,4 Gott le, be left to Anderson 'and Turner. tindtaging I wins 4. pore 1,b,4 and protege; $o amazingly iki,,,,,k,mben,... France's tanking Bonsai -Amon t 41009 victortes oftynei rm.... im.mrirt n. S.: Cantooltr, 84 Wied!r, at, and .svind a ir ' For Carleton. either Don Co . Joe isagainst Ir. . both feelfor the Philadelphia .',111Apathet,1Isous stlikame - - Tle sopa, ihrorore """!1. and lienior of Fred la "ill'hieh , constantly grew1 tenals.atar, upset Junior, lush, dirt Peny mod Daseinall LeanlIC 11,101.- fig,:,, atmIL mop here Barney or Al Poulton will go. on alumnij,,s,,,G,10,0.100,0, done. ICS when be couldn't win at all 0 a grand England, hi the annual .. 61. a. ica aims a b.lwo. ,iroove. i ore. kin. Chenedeythemade , ''' Itt ""r"'"' rtitn 111mter, Amerkan Fork. I.; Priall' IL: lstWine in Franco-Britisswig team matches today. for the powerful New, York Youthful Al Enttnertson or vet, arius. Pap ... Irme feronter. Pro 1,,t, i, SOCTIIERN DIVISION IL 444 I todu, watt high point man, with 13 taus 40 ,far 77, eran Bat Knig will pitch for Sue-- - - kees or the iniMon dollarRoeton Teas Stasding Dolmas broke through Perry's ponits, four points in up picking Won. Pct arbctuse- - In the .Crescent-- : battle.113"" - PO S. I Rect sox. of the reitions the had to ie.--- - service la the ninth gams to in the pole vault, L. 111 4 Corwor, IL, rtitneeentury,-44- tr..101.: A............,s.rk ,.. LudloW tiny starboarder. or ..e., . itmommi4 2 .. &mien. 11, 14 0 ..Midvale', .32 1.000,Oene the-22tar , tint in: 114.Call and letritill 'WSW .1eVer like this," the decisive advantage brthe first ;:In the re , , toe. EinefmnZi. is', 1... sne,,s,,...,.,,, will throw for ' ' .., ...2 ' .0 1.000 Elmo Lumen thwty himself answered the lent a'enestion Sandy, .Ulna' she said slier' putting out on the set, 141P. In a letter to the writter. t e. e.Ifriverore."11-',"..second .a after , , the . 0 1.006 George Becksteett's Crescent nine; North Riverton e....2 Am ses....,..-es...-.dropped , . ti'l . ' &ski he: ITA I...h. Bill ill 1.000 Page-then 0 and off the 1 Draper go on th e hill for . "....,;; 1 ''1 ' 1 ' 4001. & R. G. against. Alloy Porter rho MOS TrIn S Midvale. The II 'This Is the first time shawl, iff.K.5 1411101. 11 . ... .' .. IF,OP01 INAS. iv. . . 1 , .500Midvale assignment will likely fall AI11 eromimt ............t have been In the majors that 1 ,IPvenloop. Ur II.... Perry ilkarg,.4oro I renc Shoe rizeuing, : .,117. If ..c...11 Don 04 ..sankr . twin -- and Marcel JacquesSnivel 1 have had a 'tree" mind; to John 0 '2 South JR(vr;iat rosily .01 the Level Pkall .0nOlto Lonnie Holt. former Pimtey Bev. s ,vs- - .. Lb w HOLLYWOOD Art ' Tboillall,. Stat. ' horseshoe tl,sols. Art L, Airmen writ term so...A. am is rho sicureo curve bait artisan. .... 0 ,. ' 2- Smith Jur! pitch like 1 'wanted. With the forrt,,i....eltedaertesa , and D. Chap-- aa tte .nro error. anon ,..trViLli fo' .rottort..olthe Trench in iiingios. The n.. ,, noo mi cbstnpion "frt,ching tnnicarimuffdale .0001erage ..... -.. teams are tied for the lead 2 t Yankees 1 wanted only , i0 : inenpou ' .., lee,ees eetoe014"1" aoattatooll3rugnort defeated r. consecutive wows m L'...,'--- , a'''4"' V"".1 M D. Wilde,Iancekaut over Jack 'RoPer New West Jordan min . . ROO us 2 the ., chance to 'work regularte, as orte,tr lit 0, Capitol League.. They et;:wea' tor soe er,"71 reerL001-i6-1- . ume 'oek !,'""", ......,1"-- . la ...IA... 1A.2..."r,...'itaglie Came ot park Panama LiaveY 2 Abed. . tmd Bernard conquerism 47), White Star Service. Woodburr sm getting this year. Vrat , , Tbia Weer) Results O. tournament or oonooks Inworpod roar en "nth,. on tbel,.,.4 pitching 0 D. Tnekey 6,4, vi, 64. hehtweight. ontpointed .b.:e....a..... Iturfoft horseshoe - a r- - .ft .,.ooIn...... ' - -,. 4".. 4117 '18. West Jordan Soinoti it was irriptosibie to ...' Realtors and Midvale OiL Birrell '4 Ind AiM" "17 1 ' ' ParryPI gm" ' Quality The fortrier maintains rot Lopes. Meld() 013' (67- - ca'.2Y 1sec Illuffdale 3. Lark 0 . Bottlers are also undefeated. piteh with the proper control lead in the A division. while )hts o lY uthosed. Cleveiand. We Red. , 12 cern and Ill 11 10 tor ir 1 RiverSouth day North Riverton 1. ;tc - every l'arue ithe latter pitches in the B division. A tanahe. Manila f4).. , , 1,er to tiwo not to teteour own judg MfbillIntlie! 4it IPPL itenta ival Joe Th. moons strgi sisnalrp talkst; Wed So ftballers -- , - ownt some or Lie tU. ltatork t t'L'Iroier Mr. it k o , Sandy 11. South Jordan 5. stl'; LOI Angeles liehtheavyweight, , Won toot I'm Dr c Win Field pay Honors and : help. i r4tirritit deetzioned Dutch Webners Arizona etched la toe Monday, may n 7' - 0, 2',11 biers Thome nht ly,41111.3r dm kilits have been a i01 , Riverton at 'North Sandy, The western division junior high roodiAt 104 tellitlos otinttoot 3 3 2t0 -South Jordan at Stmth Riverton. schools of the Granite distrtct, very hp.rantandetortidoty .10a Pi )4,7004 is sitio'i WittomIS with ;. 2 2 197 ' C - A !grow vraftens trolls an avec tiletsTracomx amigo d.. pace, pay-- I WENT 11,R11;"'Iredlo. Montams., 'Lark at , all ti.e I. a r:t-te- oil a 'withal& learn composed or i3laywon decision over trot tint elleaerioss task.00.-- .3rinakilt ...-i.- . 2 -- .II - 219 14 state-wil- l 1.4 ILine Meet Sunday.- - Mar 241on. and 14;14 Goodrich of ver.. 133.Pu,erton?u, (04 ',1j INtidvalts' id Draper n, ers from Monroe, Plymouth, Gar133. New York Anderson I a 2tg al on the new municipal .111TCheryttial along with Eldon 'Pate. 1193;:i'""'"" "'" I If I dint in ZS. a ,West Jordan at Bluffdide..., field and Cyprus jimitir high ram AllgerlATIODIN 1 reener .. . .. ...4" 201 el mere et Jarden Park M the Junior Who n, (10). Jack Trammell. 190, Youngsinr t IVA mart." Ito '1 knocked whoolr. defeated the eastern dive : t ' ' Chow $ 02.1'11,124..,..,11PS"I', cmtEdd.,.1 1"""'"gaik," t as tournament fielul Irst a' 'Pry : the year theeoropeting morm Im0111 WINS Eprig kt.0,1Artx slot). 23 to 2 yesterday in the Gran-In- a Trm Pritlfgh State mittEnt."'tamt.,' dasociatiom- -, lor. at ill be iroual favorites fort 5looero.,, 4.,,,,l1, ,,,N, ewv'TIrk...1!)- - Bob i341PrIt. MAT f ihopm,-- , tj "en; Tort ,lutor tw:gh district flOd day activities. Pastr 1", ew a"t 0 ' S30 16' Ifilth the Afthery t naPmart - t, senior divsoon bottom. ' ' withdrawal of Marel 11,M4 otst Crottot Jumor 39, .4k rscitt irme. tra,kAteto trairwrorry MIchrit 188, pi.34," Ion Abb.' Frobar to r4;1111rP tht (Vim Junto 'won the baseball so- 3. Peterhof). ,..,. 3- 2 P? 'Virif!:Inson.,1;tah's outstandi ngsiThl )Irs. KJ- kr r Plymouth -ISA tt tor the Htet rare. tI Stamm-Lar. PO PI,,,,,r, trout formal 3 ' li .wnisn -.- ..., ram 14.1'n ler, S ere and Mrs. Dorothy 'GRAND FORkKii7.1)---i---rerrethrow, Granite was victor-7, competition. thwrzfate r, irhimplart molte4 tote firttit stittor ' 04, -4 o ,e ; in- - tile senfori dcvieion first d4rtnt .. tits swing ot ions in ' the - 8' 2 CS $' at, Robinson. along with Al - Riglimidre. 124. Slomfeity. Iowa, a Gf tifx ,ofr wt.) 1.4,, relay, ' -' 46 " tctoornto Cr ortram.. owl kind filouroe and Mison tid r ,.. wide open,- Earoll Gurreater. r, a 1 Avis; 1;1 bead d,,a aretaufg outpointel Georgia '.rtA, )24, sonny. ratty 1 it0 4 - Pr'oartrzn , af 1 for r. 10, to earn ett a beiloot la tms..4ik ILA 1.., . r. Immoral ' Itioriesko. utteptau ticomill .- -- t' Ur Y,g,NivCoor&y adOiMilehiloMbled I .. 0 1,1- 1. tostniziwk ...... Efgkiw.110)0 , ; t Li:71 L 11601 lt - ,-- ,- . 111141114, , h. -- - A . o, --- --- -- e 47! '' d thounp ..- - - meson-Captai- n E z t m, b TriaeL,T earn fCa ts uth er - Well WOIiWIZ mencart - Up In Brzli honors Gentml Divided-IUtoh Baseball Alpine Classic Dates Appmvecl kGolfilleet , r With ' - It. t - , - H.Igetallobd-pue.t- . . , , hfull ,, . - - Women et D tovn ppt , - . at , 2Un41-7.1wil- lotal-Yo- ' ,. Pay-Ith- - si andePpazisonblishatedPrice.wwlyear-tir,lthzetthieektFayosonitutednina- eranlwall-hllif''mrserar- , to ou, . , ' astoftl':-Ittatr-bee- - h - U.-o- , . A ', 'Magna-Garfiel- e d -.- iea Magna-Garfiel- ' wd -- ;. , t ' t-3- 0111-- - -- It. ' ..L .i - . - bardlie-114!'1- 14. 1 1;r7d;;ZI."1-11;;;;;-'reTer-l- pc 1 ... 'ft - It-b- t oll. .. . - reito-Als- . . . ; , ' S. County Farnt Bureatt (1,41,Br'. ; . - , - 1),,,,....-lipo- ,,.. - 6-- 1 , 11-.- - ,"--!"1"- In gnish isme-tieme- , -- , It , . ' .. , . . t . e'! . - - fian -.--:,."6- 11 , otoaM a Le&Pcl-L- 6-- Yday 14 te "a' ' -kt ,- chers .......- - w - ' , -- - , --- 1 ..- . f . - - , For ltlay , -2- - ,r1.....e0. , a WG3-141- , ,, y 101r Neiv.Itanr--- l , , a 6-- r 2 e , ft-i- ' io- Belminser,-19;i3-XtalliTer- , A 44,4r ri ok. ' d - ' ' , I F - - 4....m..mionsionew , a ." 4- - t s,AT A , ,--- e 1 ' . , - .ANdody.71, j. , |