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Show r 4 t 4 4, r - - PARADE OF YOUTH; '' May 14 JWA Goofy Books Goofier Authors i , Trot A IM talktitrbM Bnda lb Mbn m aoptato. U kM atokm h (im tokbkbniniw to to aa etieks akip bn tb Bat IT itkw to Ml wr voter to ttobb CoL faAaoiw. kart of It LiWe Frat- A- PhlddB fuddle. Mbits-to- , g again, says ha can prova these Gaoiles Osaka good raadiag toe these spring "daze." But dont let that atop you. This week's Ec"publishers" are: Robert-W- . tor. Jr, fit North Woodward avenue. Elamero Del. (tb first two); aad Howard E. Van Ltoh, fill Berwyn evepua, Trenton, N. a Ilk ! On kttbt th ship. Lindbergh J-- t THAI TWtR AM MOM PVAMlt hi Mexico TUAVJ M tOVPT ntmkcr of th la a four-tim- e Caterpillar Club" that mythical ' organization of those whose lives saved by parachute! He Save been faith la parachutee aa a rafessiooal chute Jumper and eon aequently wax not reluctant about bung them. Mevertheleaa, ha had a. real feason for all Jump! A collision brtth another plane; a apin; out ot caa, above solid banka ot fog poaalble landing place Jhoae were the circumstance. Parachutes today are almost universally reliable. The phrase, "hie parachute failed to open, usually tWWt gguf of i er eoucroa . . Hughe. 21 West-ov- er boulevard. Lynchburg. Vs.; B, A. Meserva, W4 Westbrook street. South Portland. Me.; Betty Stevenn SS Wilson avenue. Conn.;. Alen Peterson. CBS East Second South, Payson. Utah; Quinton Sun! Murray. Ky.s "Three Pal!" Ogden, Utah (on each, respectively). Tea hi Boom . hr Mirv la-be- ll IMPtl "Aareal the Atlantic.1 ba Emma Oraat; "oaatmle -- I I .err," fcr Haaold Mann; The Hat Be --taler." ba Brnit Wile Heat r I to ArMnr Tooih," by Krnnr hUk Hands I p- ,- ba Tam E. (Inna: "oamir Bonks and Oweflrr Author." hr n. t. heart; "The Baas ( hair," ba Ms A. loti; "Brturn at tbs Bnsllea," by I. Burn lot. Send your titles and authors to Parade, car of this newspaper. rue mbocm eremtips wees AMoetrvi tuoeur uaya Jeennett l Tor-Hngt- ' w Mor.sae COUCfct fROFKCOM THAT louaev? TKAH4 even. tvuj iwe OP WORM AOOBXICD TUB fXq CATueaiue thb oacat at wen . coaouxnoM im mtifehoBo ai 1762. rr mt wr lotto af HtLP tY SO 7Hm Mint icte claimed rr wAi ViOTlO CieviTVW AUO tAKW IMPOIW-- TO AAAK.R A .BA6CBAll.CUR.VB or Mary stussnsias as 'mmkubu aasw eerb weeks three eentestanta srha aen this newspaper. Idea. Addreea Parade, rare Tha only raleet (1) Tow mam bo wader IS and stase year age. (I) Ulee - she aaerre ot year tnrermailea (If a book, give aathar. title bed page awaibert If a partedleel. data of lasae and page). Bend la aa assay Ideas decision Is Baa! aa editor's The aaa time at yea wish. This German stamp issued in 192) tells s poignant story. It is a story of suftering at an entire nation, th hka of which has probably never been equaled in history.' After th World War, a blood-las- s revolution made Germany a republic. Al- TCH( ma s t bankrupt Th pomp a t Scetfwn and , unable to Tk Farteaat Shlpwraek, If andMary pageantry,, the gallantry and borrow money, Gladys Blok. LBO. D. Applet.. intrigues of sixteenth century roy- th nation betha wearer Oeatary Co., Now Yorln N. Y. alty are revived upon th screen gan print I eg by Norman Prisa. ha failed to ; - or ha was too Against a background of ancient ground tor tha chute Roman splendor Is cast this story of an Egyptian boy and girl. Myron ' When a pitot and Atothea. who discover that Irsmt ad gticke to his ship. It la usually be- through thqlr veins courses th cause It la not seriously damaged. blood of Caasar. They nr But sometime a pilot stays with a royal of Cfeopatr am too grandchildren or ship until it ' Juliui Caesar. turning of crippled wreckage, some TO assassinated Though Ha doesn't stick hoping to save was still Caebar Julius othbafora, years himself. He wants to protect ers. ,H Is tha bravest of the a nsttonal haro to th Roman brave. One. Lieutenant Joseph C. paopla. Thus Myroa bis only mala tier, descendant, was a menace to Emdackey. of Ohio, an also extraordinarily skillful, tor peror Tiberius, who was entitled i to th throna only by adoption. still survives. th Ifere to Aefiso last a maser. Suspecting th boys beredtty,sends Egypt UeaL Maekay. parfarabng aver a Romani governor of to Rom for "Wflesf. was straek an tea bead Myron and Alethea token tbs mater eawltag ripped ad. th Emperors disposition. But there He Isatod bia plane before stamp- they fall Into th bands of Tiberius' pit , Jealous mother, Livia. ing oarsnssises to tb seek in innocent pawn A tew weeks age. ha was again Although ' can-rLivia't plot of revangs against a starting above a crowd. The have lever Jammed. He eeeid wealthy Roman, Quintus Favlus ' bandened skip, tetttag tha spacto-- , Vsro, they regain their freedom. A ora below praise! themselves. Bat "fortunate" shipwreck firmly unites ie alack Mantpntottog tha eeatral them with th Vara family. Desirs with hie beads.- ho broogbt prived of wealth. Vsro retires with , i toe ship dawn. his family and th two Egyptians whom he adopts, to a homey farm far front turbulent Roman politics. I Amtkur Gladys Blake, bom In J Fayetteville, Tenn, lost her hearing while a girl.'Foreed to study at home, she read a great deal Writing was the next step. While still in her yOiCAAfT j, was a newspaper columnist mumoaafeoeu teens Has written several, books for boys ' ' and girls. , Dear Prof.: J V rip-co- rd I i) re i ex-Ar- at - Prof. Ph;id!efuddle Why is a greyhound aoma-Umblack? Doubtfully, DOROTHY JONES. Id Castlewood road. 'West Hartford, Conn. i ear DetetbT! A Is a taesr. A sreyboeed s. racer" Is ased te raO eus Br ar errors, Mistakes res are eften made by baseball Baseball players ase plarrra. bat. Rats set la pseples hair. Penates hair la sometime black. That. Dorothy. rfb .why greyi sometimes black!. deubt- m that ee mis-Ms- I 'i ft- - . .1 t, 11 Prat. PblddiefuSdla. Phe.TC JLZ P. a. A black creyhaaud. by tha way. might be railed aa Inky Tear aomtlen almost rarer! bad the profesaoc aa the ran, whes hie breath but Dorothy, la abart peeta ha teals yeenr enoorh to answer anything. Be shoot year a aestleoa at Pkiddlefuddie. addressed te la ear of this nswsaaair, good target, an)' ... J Virginia. Every day tb big pointer rules on th running board of Jo Aiaop'a car aa b cavers his new routs. When they com to a customers house. Joa hands Diana a paper. She delivers it. flies rides an tb School Ilikes Interest June in Birds She fTins Contests,' June Coutchure, ot Burt, Mich, e winner pf the Michigan y Audubon Societys annual - Is two-tim- bird-stud- ' con teals. first became Interested in bird study In th second grade," June writes. Our teacher used, to take us to ih woods to see haw many birds w could find. Whan wa got back wa wrote the name on the ? blackboard." ? Last year June entered the coolest for the first time. She received a prize of a set of 50 bird canto This year she woo again. 1 s No Pet Saurian. Huckster How about some nice alligator pears, lady? Young Housewife Ha, bat Why. wa havent even got a do or out! s in this Dises 'Feints' Wik a Paper. running board to tha next stop. And sh learned this feat in Just two weeks! Early training, patience and treatment th real secrets at good dog handling constitute JoAi method. 1 began teaching Di to aerva papers when sh was sixinonths old." ho writes from V! lAt first I had to put lropct. tho paper In her mouth, lead her to each poren and mak her dfop it When sh understood this much, f just opened gates for her. Now sh Jumps any gates she rant push open. "I seldom punish Di. yet she Is very obedient. Sh likes to holp mo and seems to enjoy doing everything t command. Her are soma of D.ana's many other teals: carrying her own tin plat to tho dinner table and taking it back to 'the kitchen to eat the food given her; bringing in firewood; latching her masters Slippen, then putting his shoes sway; carrying package from th Store, and dosing door! Of course, Jo takes ad vs a tag ot th remarkable hunting instincts Of Diana's breed. Though last Season was her first In the field," be continue! "Di is a fin huatef." Tha first Dianes EoefcgeeuiW pointer! hoovier and slower than Ih present dogs, mere brought to England from Spain. They war bred with foxhound! adding speed and dash for hunting. They are able to distinguish th scent ot quail and other game at great distance and their "frozen poses spot the quarry for the huntsman. They , stand rigidly, one front pew raised, aes pointed directly toward th hidden game. Among the most popular breed! they can be ruined by either rough or too'gentl handling. Beautiful and smooth-coatethey are intelligent, energetic apd durable. I Dogotogy Flea! which worry Mid actually harm a dog, or unnecessary. When you discover these "free boarders on your pup, burn his bedding and clean the kennel with disinfectant Comb tha "critv ters" out of Fido's coot and douao them ia kerosene. Then rub pyre thrum powder (ask your drug-giainto th coot, starting at tb baa of the tars, working back 1 tb tip of th tail. Leave powder for about ten mimrto! then brush out Bath the dog next day. t C Owe dollar ewalra th -srlaalng New I Esse , rull tha to tha to function. fas - AIR CMUCKLgg- - ancons but two thing was aa panietricken lit Waal Because her Dag ot master, a high school senior, knows haw to handle dog! Diana is on of th most useful and happy dogs RKO-flit- s hug quantities The more print"c ed. Ih lose valpicture. uable it became Katharine Hep. because it was nod backed up by burn plays th gold in the German treasury. , ret in Bafora tb war, th mark, chief this ambitious German cola, waa worth approxicents. Now, aa Ameriattempt te por- mately tra- can dollar would buy 4 trillion tray th mark! Billions and bilgic lifo of postwar lions of marks ware needed to buy Scotland's . of bread. Little wonder rucen, urt a loaf starved! K. Hepbwrw. r people Mary Stuart, Lata-i-n 1B33 th government seIVedrto March is a cured a loan, restored tb mark to gwoahbuckhng, toy! gallant. its prewar value and Inflation Pa Essentially the story is aa ceased. But this, too, ruined most happy one, since Mary Stuarts businesses and those holding th life waa one of tragedy. Said to printing press" money. Th face value ot tho stamp was follow actual History cloaaly, the thou-- f 20.000000 marks (one-on- e picture runs th gamut ot peace aandth of .a cent). During the It and war, plot and counter-plo- t. a aeries of these stamp was carries th young queen from exile period issued blonk and values as high'ws ih Franc to claim her Scottish 10 billion marks were stamped on' throne. ' There her nobles, led by them after they were printed. This aland ambitious was necessafy because of the her treacherous plot against her life. most hourly change in the value of Through the turmoil that follow! the anark. Ih-- se stamps hava little Today. John, Earl of Bothwell tFrednc value since many are still in March), th only man sh aver sale existence. But seme day they will really loves, remains her on sup- be valuable, tor tha period Whicn port j But finally the plots succeed, brought them forth may never and Mary is imprisoned. Escaping, occur again. sh throws herself upon tha mercy of Elizabeth, Queen of England, only to be betrayed again. Her execution in England brings the picture to a sad end. Sloe Daughter of a Hartford physician. Katharine Hepburn was Grab a ouesHow from tht Grab bprn In the Connecticut capital . . . Her college was Bryn Mawr, which Bap aad see what vow can pet out of it. Bui don't fOrpat lo coper the cashje left to embark Upon a stage (below) with your thumb reer , Beginnings were discourag- answers While you'r gnr fling. j ing . j. . Whenever the get a part, I. Unscramble these letters either' the show closed or she was OOMBEASRte both sod J get fired f . . Hollywood found her after names of a prominent radio "songher success in The Warriors Hus-- ster." 2. When is a black dog most bar-d--l likely to enter a white bungalow? 3. What's the difference between on yard and two yards? 4. What Funny Feline! fi. Doctor, doctok.1 came the ex- lime at day was Adam created? cited Voice over tha telephone. "my If calf skins make good shoe! what husband's swallowed a mouse!", ., kind of skins make rood slippers? ? St for 'Bow! Answer J Tty Waving a piece of cheese wee. before hi mouth", tha doctor ad- When the door is open. 3. On fe 4. Just s htil before Ere. (. vised. "TH ba stung soon." ' He derived to And th woman ex- Banana skins. Parade thanks three Utah reader! citedly swinging a bit of catnip Verda Mangum. at Junction; Mins mouth of close to th wide-ope- n Russell, ot 1S7 West 2 North. Nephi. ber husband. U, and Barbers BeaL 930 West First "I told you cheese!" exclaimed N, Richfield for riddles No! 2. J tbej doctor. and 4, respectively, aad Jeanette "I know, doctor," cried th hys- Beaver, Waterford, Va, tor No. fi. terical woman, "but Fvq goMa get Send poue contribwliooa te Parade, care ot tht newspeper. the cat out first!" ai-tum- a- title py L - r, i . L ' t) g THE WORD h II A TARIFFfilB I M . ' j n -- usyr- A tc v fc the mmt yoa seisins) at a erawtng to a tea Ward Mas to PMara, era of lam newwpa tb bra. Mm original wtfl I Stow , wooM 'I Mbs' |