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Show r m- w THE DESERET " , r . NEWS SALT LAKE CITY SATURDAY- V'. - MAY 1 IS A 1SC3 - J - '''" avbfl. r WAil v i x tevri-'f- 4 ' , t j" te I -- JLiL-seeJ'.' "ttaji- .((iiiJ 4s i f , Getting Ready. For Opening, Iu. S..L County Uintah Lakes Country Is Regarded Anglers Will Line v As Future Paradise For Utah Fishermen Lakes And Streams Of Utah At Opening Sunday Propagation Work - - - T -- , - i '"SkfSTM-- . 1 Fisk Holes Rod And. Gun Just Gelling "BY HAROLD KIIXfZR flSHIKG CONTEST jonistic totalled sporiamen relative The Deseret News-SearRoebuck to the sugar factory situation and s h Mtart fishing contest will officially cpetgthe accidental polutton of the mm f mMfkmm mtEtcmm fleherweImkmm the Luh fishing season accusations These River. ItotaB morrow morning and will continue, were made by persons not wholly until the season clones. familiar with the beta. Thera will be five divisions to! Several streams have been po the contest, including one for boys luted by sugar factories In the and girls under 16 years of t several years. Following an The winners of each division will investigation to 1933 and 19o4 by BY ROY THOMPSON When first discovered, most Of .be awarded valuable fly rods made; Dr. A. S. Hatiard, former chief rod of the U. 8. Bureau of Fishenea, lead the lakes to the t'lntah region these compeniee were asked te-: were barren of fish We because of i nutacturerw. ponds for their lofty Rainbow of hs waste before it foSftha hTblmed dumped into toe river whera lower sirrama The water that un0r jrequwt ws. complted with im years of age. me down from most of ths lakes I P contest is not Umued tojinediatety thereafter mid the and barriers. voa over high travel Uius nd, fPMcPonds wore built. Since that tone Good Start s Jor-wtt- n BY HACK MILLER Between 1 and 4 UL Sunday morning more alarm dock will sound Han on any other day In "IT the year aa fishermen from all ..Lover Utah ahgbtfram Ifeeir beds : and etagger drowsily to nearby streams in quest of the thou . Warden Posts r Strict Enforcement To Be la Vogue Thi fernla bM'j to sands of wily trout that arms. ally thrill openingday angers. icfei 23 age-jpas- G&tto!punfwatmn tTtaHfisrSwS1" state wardens were Enforcement Deputy Sires ms and lakes to of ihe State Fish and Game fisher'eoBijty wffl be lined- a ith These beau will men .who wlfl endeeror to get . the residue during first chance at the trout stocked the month of May after which from the state hatcheries. they will be changed. ,Th ktreama'an higher than at An appeal was made by Deputy :'' the corresponding date last year far slritter enforcement of, The smaller and clearer, streams Argyle the state" laws and more diligent Hot will be considerably congested. by the state warden force, weather during the bat wtek has A has also been outlined program increased the eeUxity of. the in an effort to diminish the en- streams tremendously. This "Hl.nrcement expenses during the make spinner and fir fishing im coming season. to will stale of stream the most in the waters. fcvery possible be patrolled regardless of whethper 111 fly easting. For the emwemence of the fish er it is open to fishing or nob .?? rn mtafwSt im-lH- ssibtofor 1 . , apprehend violators. Be Special Force There wiU be no special warden force this year. Heretofore, many been deputized by rtsmen tohave voluntarily assist in law enforcement. This program has hot been very successful and these special men will be dismiss- ed end enforcement duties con fined to til CeguiaL salaried war- : f - may enter 'lower region rn t. m . toad.- li!h and t,'C. r l wnssne will not toe ro - 4 v. -- y. . rrt RIVER High and very so Soiiv. XTTTAnf DELL RESERVOIR season by the Slats '.UiWMEhh cae d this Board of Health. FAR LEV S CAXTOS W and verv few fish. th High and 1.3 COTTONWOOD Very high - end mu- - ;y In upper portion and v unfishabie. liwer tw Stocked ed is murltv UTTLE COTTONWOOD Verv and sUty and few fish wUI . he taken. MiBrreek Beraey KILLCREKK Upper portion from Iti-- to Reservoir not verv pood. Fish have been planted in the reservoir and also stocked t- heavily to the lower portion he-- . Street and the V'Hm ',nU fl Jordan River. If'F-INRCNR High but clear Mocked heavHy near- - Ninth r last Street. JORDAN RIVER Low and ear and stocked heavily between touMdale end Mid rat, j- RIG WILLOW, CRELK-H- lrii end rothr hot well stocked. FAmifOC.VT PARK Rtockcl hraviiw. Children turner-t- j years OfoT will he allowed to fish. MILL CREEK (Cache County) L Uifh but clear. 5 LAST CAM ON (Cache Countv) High end roily. MAMMOTH CREEK (Garfield CouBtrK-- ' wt hisrh and roflr, 9 FANGOTCH CREEK High hut gleering ASAV CREEK Low end clear , practfe-aii- gkm is w- -q " - F-- - Mack Corbett, Deseret New sports writer, caught several fish planting scenes with the camera during the week. UPPER LEFT Chick Evans, state warden,. Is shown on the truck while Harold (Hack) MiHcr, Is handling the dip net. Looking on to Merrill Hand, Draper sportsman. The picture was taken while stocking Big Wily low Creek east of. Draper. UPPER RIGHT- - -- Pmary interwt will Streams, neverthless. 'vttforrement wifi be carried out in the other departments the fish and game setup. In most instances the assignment hare been made In county divisions. .However, several of the game dicks' have been assigned to individual streams and lake. Thi creek will provide the best fishing id Garfield County: DFFR CHEEK High and roilv WHTH FORK OF PRoyO RIVER Hiitli but not verv roilv. SNAKE CREEK (Near Midway) Low nd clear - and .heavily stocked. Chalss N reded STINKING SPRINGS LOW and clear. The road will likely be The Utah division of the Napassable Sunday but fishermen tional Wildlife Federation win be are urged to be supplied with the to be held at a chains as the fast melting enow organized 10 meeting at the Chamber drifts have made the roads miry. May 23 at REAVER CREEK High - eni! of Commerce under the sponsorsemProilv. Braver Creek will be ship of the 8alt . Lake Junior nest below the Kama hatcher Cover- Chamber of Commerce. BARTON LAKE (Duchesne Count v) Clear and heavily Chick Evank to inspecting the small oxygen pump which keeps tha fish alive during toe transportation to the streams. BOTTOM A soribr box of legal sized fish is shown Just bFfofe putting them In the truck for planting. ISET Bill Jacklin, hatchery superintend-ent at toe Balt Lake County hatchery, wys caught by the camera as he was displaying one of toe many large fish that have been planted from the county ponds this rpring. In Reservoir lee Kaw-khw- h ' - I Beaver Requests More Fish Plants rifhtpJSSi "J'SL fbeS ? - tUtKUUA ?VJ theiv; f? g't tot - UtOCfcl MOON LAKE . rw Heavily stocked. Trolling is expected to be profitable in this lake FREMONT RIVER High but rather clear. ALLRED PONEt Stocked brav-- rourt mwuM Ptr . nmt-na- n) tfMdfartns Snolled Hooks 4we- , MMMittateMaeeMFe fiADCfe,, i4 $m : a D HvIaaJ Lakft. eoort-men- to l9tdar s E3i G for mb teteret a h .... 1 ' Chubs Perish. Frj-- V nor Henry H. Blood will.be one of the principal epeaker of . the gathering. Chub Other prominent speaker . Graylto Started BEAVER, May' 16. f Special I . . be Dave Madsen, supervisor - . Application ha been made to the Cravlings, native only In JV p ation.ffo 8, Bureau of Fwherics for the ten. Wlsronstn and Alaska. wereL tEALSMCIAL wildlife resource for th n " -.u e..tPlan,i,18 f stream to Beaver and introduced in thi region because of L' Mri, w .11 n their unique feeding hab.u. AarSto art el state game warden. jfact that the rat of rrproductloRl?! v h2wtor George Mush back, eupertntendent The a indication contained ,pESTl L thi lake more a pie to exceptionally high and becaure of the Bear River marsh. for a complete stocking of these of their qualities aa game flak. Junior chamber front nine sec- streams as soon ae the water per- These fish than to th Straw S slightly resemble the The natives havebery. tions of the state are planning to mit. Planting activities have been wot baron to Hike the same lures a and herring as vet, Kav run at the send delegates to the meet, accord- carried on bv the State Ffoh Mid trout. i Game Department ing to those to charge. lent summer 10.000 California announced. The. spawning run k ' !Gold trout were stocked to Shidflft harren wetere near- - Mirror vi 1 1lk 2122 the state department. Thia by Hy. 4134 m socatra raize nearxe rev up mer the result of thto experiment Uibutartew Ith . 'J ,, ' will be disclosed. The fomi Salt foka air, Utah. Three expen nvmt and suwws were made possible through the' . , Wkea CanxM fee st fob ftriiermn CaaeM ,.Wb ere-cooperation of th State Fush and ' - - 3. Oink ... . fenrth .. Vwlil to fob iviW dr Game department. Fewest Service bn i t f amltovs tha teUevias tacWa mt to Intone your Inb; and th U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. Atom M aecMMim of nd Progress of the Uintah lake tr, at ew a fish propogation has been rapid E Jtaha as bp ef reel .... Caw or tSsok. sees eeaaedb a eeSBeewtoaeae ewaweeeeeeeeseuaeeoeestoeeen and much remain to ba don to make the Uintah Ranee the Kate ate into ef has Sc aoesaaftaeee itMMMMMyfatMtfHeent4iHttMewre playground. In Uiia rection of w afo ate bn a) fir (tt fir) a aswe Aw oas ! the state there ara more than 1.000 lakes in 4.000 square miles. Most Vma, ante ate bv sf M w tom owoato s of tite Jakes are natural habitats . i. e ...... . .. jMbl Xl4r if toft .. .. . , for fiah but hare never been plantette foh abare wriM m nm twbl six- -. ttotoA ate to awrinra'inib tke d- Thera are 7S fake within a to si Cfo InHI lioWrer Imglcs inofl Ite law. ate tintfto'.f ataMata awtotMac I th oichi ei Un foh trw. Wnaist VcGbil 6 pspagciK Ad kix mile radius of Mirror Lake, the mmrk ha- Aar ft9 . iite tree bunt to tout ymm mm so eye r0 gateway to th finti-- Ftergronn ftt imam. , qmt SO mile is which Bun from 4toS ate Punter only .... Mato e was Weo oei ..Cr iMieeN Lake Ciy. 2 Sc TperaJ Uzlet roar ftovttof Oorts Geator's Xaaw ate AMrtm I2e Wildlife Confab Set r ,i tl M ' LLArKFYITH'8 FORK fCacne Mich but rather clear. County IX- -r CREEK High and veiy D -- toeT to nd the state of hamburger and beefsteak fishermen roilv veiy for seieral weeks. IXKSAJf JRIkER High and very - ro East Juab Game Society Holds Election pro-ara- .. T: g Fuller's Woll Poper cond Points. Draper ie. Window Shodes Bicelow's Ruas and Armstrong's Linoleums. . : , , 9 m-- thoiwai.f-aewifer-Sffl- cx IU , M -oen , P UIr. maurance puil- P?0seem construction of the dame stopped dee and to feel that their NEPin. May 11 (Special) Th this fluctuation to the water sup- beneficiaries need the money. The annual election meeting of tha East to Juab Flab and Game Protective moral is. If you art going 1923 Pine bland Lake received off your Association wa held thto week to ita first trout. This lake is ont of fail into theme,river .... s take th Juab County Courthouse Dr. M the scenic spots to the UlnUh Lakes F. H, Beckstead. local physician, and fish taken from it now uua!lyf0u' ul f0 wa elected preitdenL Chhep to from three six averag pounds. elected Were Grant Alien, ,of!a.. trice CHANC. THE JUNIOR Fine Island Lake lies about six WHVT R.- - R. Minn, aecraury president; What baa ebaneo tha Jaalor Biiira southeast of Mirror Lake. T. and Dr. W. treasuran Allred. Im fUhmra ever had oa Utah mediate The first extcMiva planting past president and Russell wss tostigated in when Hawkina, Earl McF arlan and ) flatting t 37 lakes to tha Mirror Lakt region Bwasey, board of director. tbkallg and tha planted wtih Rainbow and ara Ceorg Cox, state game warden, sceapied by Brook trout. These fish to of th Burras ton Pond charge Iked Ta give the flay tota a were three inches long when plantmad a itirring appeal at ed and averaged from 11 to 13 ebaaea ta compete ta tkHr project, meeting for local sportsmen to awn class, Fairmont Park has inrhea after 13 month. In saving the big gam bees clocked. at participate Ftahtag and Knowing little about tot Uintah gam birds from extennmauoa. ba wtU to Fahmoat hatted Mr. Cox outlined region and its poeslbilitie, and not ebUdrea aader U program of . yean ml gam preservation to thia district desiring to plant trout to reqato-i- d void of food, an investigation was age. Ureases ara but stated that th outlook for the to tha state Jaw future w a dark one unless aome-started to 1930. During the Bum- for aerardiag children coder IS years, -mer, 84 lakes were studied. The thlng'wa done to conserve wild life. He called attention to the date compiled from this survey has SUCAft FACTORY SELF been the guide used ta planting for of Eik and DmC The Sute Fth and Game De- on the Mt. bard th past five yeara. Kebo dtotttct and tha has been the victim of great toe each year of the Rainbow, Eastern Brook and Na- partment gam tive trout ergs were placed In much criticism by several an lag bird, many of which warn kuied out of season. these lakes, The Native eggs were obtained from the Urge fish to the Reports of three Important same mittees ware made at th meeting famous, Pyramid lake to Nevada bv Grant Allen, chairman of tit From these eyed eggs, thousand of pheasant committee; Earl McFare fighting Native trout have been tone chairman of the big gam hatched. These fih now range from Ice on the Strawberry Reservtor committees and Rumell two to five pound. the part winter did right by chairman of the Burraston during One of th best result n pood. Fu-and Cams Depart- - prefect; eved egg, came from grey ling nhich were shipped tn from Lh!!h Sow stone National Park by to,tll!.to!?v,5?t!? W Stale Fish and Game Department JjJJ These were put to Hoover Lake m urn and to July of 1935 three growd to b. SSI!?"- - p-- HwW . a. Re-ton- -- kAfeT LAVTOM High-a- nd rather riser. Road is closed at Jere- torts sw (iso miles down Inuher are tne ones that irrecam on I. Fiream is atorketTpenal.zrd most it b- .. h heavily. l.v from hur.twll's Ranch onl i srw. f iiwsv to Jeremy's brltlte I . . jrj, - The lUmadap ' foltowtng la the summary of the lesding w tiers: den. FF Try Rn t R High end roll" The leniency policy Instigated T" t o ul be best in the up year will be carried out y . to. m ticm-ior and' also the F or violauotw that era ate i of t'har aome equitable consider- cuiental i!mi ity WCI..r RivtR High and atton will be given by the It will be best near mM. warden. Ihe trouble' arises eil bridge rn IUoa. , pot-latin- - f rulf a- i -- wad. P. iPTr;1' . . This condi uon has made It cum bent upon sportsmen to stock lY,vC The s mtotog ,h !? ?!f tn these barren waters. The Initial ta qualify their en- - sliver nitrate silt flowed, into the planting srss carried on by Inter- - w-Jordan River wear Midvale, This ested aiieepherdera who remained .Y' must be accompaneerident reeard Ika toss sf waif in the higher altitudes during the iedEptriee or means submitted by by, hotter summer months and plant- of the certificate printed elsemishap Commiesioaer Cook ed these fish to make food .easily on this page. Certifi- veatigated the mining where available- - The first plantings were cates must be filled out and day following the feteal made, by taking the fish from the by either a sporting eight hone teams sad lower water by means of traps or attesteddealer or notary public. tag ta rebaOd the dike. The o goods even by hook and line and carryFishermen are urged to enof the Jordan trae pnrrly ing them to buckets and other ter their fish Rfter aoddealaL largest appropriate containers back Into ewe-- " trip. It may be a winner the higher lakes. Numerous lakes each as fellow the with the biggest FOPtXAB SPOT to7 were planted this somewhat fish enter. BRIGHAM CITY, May IS. Flee may forget to - -- a t fv r ' v.v.1. BCACTfOt dumped into Bos Elder Creek I The lakes at the headwaters of Due to high streams the State above the dam here yesterday by 'the Provo River, Wamelv , Lakes end Game Department has state fish end game officials. On to can to be fishermen JTryol the opening day ills expected this jrjappeeled to wading and to permitting will be one. of the most. popular ptanong were the near to get fishing spots ta this locality. tone than 2? years agh abouttbe ,;smaU.children edge. Every year the raging ,the dams were being constructed streams take their toll of human e Lite the preservation of water. lives. these dams were built, the realise ths would be high Experienced anglers water in the lakes ) general roundup of the most popular! streams has been devised This date was compiled folloaip an extent ire survey bv The De rt New ports nr cooperation with ttie btaie Fish and Game fie pe run Fnt. Frectically alt of the streams to the sute were toves'J-gaw- . F U nerioe4irtUwrt Wilanet Stonalan ate ate ate Os wtoeteie ref Ite fob I abate halite art tent wmr rt H ID' T1 tetr-w- : . . ,wn" ' ' Hr Xotvy riibnri at tte tree (be fob wa stoto. ate Ita Jteto "?,'? ffiruUcw. rod tel asuiwl withi wool, attar tte fob waa caurbl. m ' ersrut bte fob te any bite lure in Kliftcte.. aar m Freotitreo m K ta ta yta W Aula cr.3 - tetert te ter. AKIM er irtri. a?tl wt ftreeft to f ohrunfytfii k.te te fob to rlto.tte. row- rfHTOd 1 BiURt r--T, be te te re Ttstar U-r.- - Ccavo, Ccr.-;1:- to d, to. Jwtew retry mftrftrvl wilt m 'toiwr ftr utoiltertl JSSiiSb. Wair po. r swart as bm fj lrf ft icBifR to i&Q mmrM 4 bo ioa- mi rn mi Cftmpmm tn t to lt 239" Tct taaume.m Hsd Zl Paul Level 12 Lite Fly er tin V? M CJ V. E. fad 73c t 7 mt PVt Ceonas. r Use 3c FIye5,!4 Eod 4X3 spjrn ozc: j r.3: Wc-:rr:- I ' CONTEST nr Aompiyic wmwreered v mteiw Ite tmtfj. .A 0 trcnnrzrrs g re reef eeevMeieifMelgMeeetaeeMtetecefeeiaMeMitaaaegtajtoaiaieeaMeetafoia r . . tolffbwaj iireaiiife ate Aitortte br: fit fowtuw fruou. iMfor) .eeMeefMieeeiteMbMeeebeeeeebetaHeeiirtieetalWteMestaeMeesueeMeieereeefeea y? TL, weruei . A tom to Vton v IK M fo 75c 25c f r 4 7' |