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Show X f ' THE DESERET NEWS, SATURDAY, MAY s 1,T93. CfvurcK Department n-- ti r - EALOGIG , - ;artrrimtr tory of this Mission. w4 "have instififth Sunday! night protuted. the grams i devoted to genealogical work under the direction of our Mission Genealogical jaoard, An ha been arexcellent program by the Board of Directors of the ranged for the Sunday night of ' March 29th, built around the dedt-- Genealogical Society of Utah, and truej cation of the Klrtland Temple and is here reprinted for the Ins the centennial of the nppeorance tioa of all Saints doing research s of Elijah in that building. Special ' and temple work: f exercise are being arranged In a In view of the loosenos. with y number Of branches and Borne special genealogical songs ofhave which the term "relative" la used-btha been composed by members some In making out 'temple , associations. From now on we insheets, the following ruling naa to give genealogical work its tend been adopted by the Board of Diproper emphasis In this mission and especially urge upon the memrector? of the Genealogical Society bers the necessity of doing their of Utah. at the research work her of the rule The Temples permit source of Information that 1 necesIndividuals to do temple work only , sary for temple work, Aa the enfor their own blood kindred. They closed article will explain, wm hope are not permitted to do temple to jrellove the through thisInpolicy work for frienda" or those outAmerica! of the re- ' Hollander side their lineage, - except by speof doing clerical work. sponsibility cial permission of- the President them to devote their time allowing of the Temple. to the actual temple work and thus cause the work for the dead to be The exact relationship Of the should heir to his dead progenitor speeded up. a genbe given wherever possible. Where "We have wry inexcellent the mission, this exact relationship cannot be ealogical supervisor the-ar- t 1 are in known dead trained well a man who given, but the connected of research a well as the nebe directly to by lin1 well eage with the heir and to belong cessity of Boeing that .Work to the family group of ona1 of nU ' done. An article by him relutlve to work to or the family Dutch genealogical appeared progenitors, In the Utah Genealogical Magaelne group of one of the descendant about'1930, having been translated of any one of hla progenitors, the term "relative' may be used, from, the Dutch by pro. Albert . ' If the suriftvme on one of j he llragonje of Ogden, heir's ancestral lines is an Unusual Thousand of miles lie between and uncommon one, and It is resamiably certain that all bearers of . the memtwr of the genealogical i descended are from that sumaino Society In ill NetherlNnd Mission a common ancestor, ordinances and the temple In tha Hooky for those of Mountains. Many of the saints here may lie administered an Or are filled with a dean to receive surname relatives." this surof hla one of their own. endowments) and do iho if bearer again, e name resided In the same temple work for their jdead. With . of the great majority of us, however, locality aa known ancestor It will, have to remain, a desire, a surname, that bore who the heir and evidences are at hand to indi- , tha economic and social conditions of make it impossible fartthg most cate that these are descendant of u to ever visit a tctripl In morone of hla progenitors. even far from tha temcantality.a Diving though the exact relationship we. do, it is needless to not at present be given.- - then ples state the that under spirit of genealogical work may be done for these work has not penetrated so deeply the designation of "relative." , Into the consciousness Of the mem- In no other case should the term ' her as within the slakes of Zion. relative be used In tempi work. We have but a vague, comprehend Surname organisation should bear sion of the great hies tugs that are In mlttd this rule. . derived from performing temple The Board of Director of the work, aa It la tout natural that a Genealogical Society have officially understanding of till thorough of . theirto take disapproval expressed great work and a desire some Church methods adopted-bcan only be received It in part names of all members of gathering through personal expedience. their own or aimilar surnamt W do, however, hi ve the adfrom any book or locality, regard-le-ofu vantage of living at the source of w iiether thane are name Of the genealogical record of our own those belonging to their ancestors. It is therefore our duty the from were taken or family, to property propate our genealImmediate locality where their .anthem to the temogies and send cestors were known to have reThia we have been doing ple. endeavor should sided. Member welt aa we could. We are filled own pdi always to trace their with gratlude for the temple work and obtain names of thitr gree. that many saints In the valley of own famine so they may be propthe mountains have voluntarily f linked sealing, by up erly don for our dead. We have thus share In The above ruling shoulda not oc been able to that person the blessings of thia work. Interpret ml to mean not may research In genealogical In the summer of )J4 the presl- wisely gather name from the ttk dent of the Netherlands Mission mediate localities where his alterscommenced the organisation of the pure tor actually resided foroutthedefinite genealogical work oti a mission-widpose of later working basis. The mission bdard was ancestral connection. However, two composed of a supervisor, should be these, connections counselors, and a styretary-treas-ureworked out and th nom In the seventeen branches possible n arranged just a far of the mission a local organ ira-- v tha Wore group family a complete k I (ton waa perfet ted consisting of begun, Lineal con-ne- t temple wot a vice, chairman a secchairman, names these to heir tion of the n elus leader. retary treasurer ami Was Simula be made In every- - ease posA course of study written, of sible, and the exact relatUgvship consisting of theological and docthe heir to each of the i nain ion act ical Instruct trinal lesson, pi shown upon temple sheet, before In archive research and filling In names the thug gathered gioun temple sheet, one Mmtlv In . ad- -' f to tha temple. sheets and pedigree tbaits. Hemem-br- a , tot rtilton Hook the ttENKMAM.ICAL FKOr.HKMH IS and pule nee" wax transln-liHhed and lesson copcerwing till Tilt: NHTHEKLANDS MISSION the In Included were ireeelved study been alto Word lias, just UVatem for A uniform Edgar guide from Mission ITesldent T. Mission secured infm mailpti recording Lyon of the NethorlamUf Is in the an hives, the registerthat aulwlantlal progress of this inforIn and filing activities ing made in Genealogical mation, and tlie filing of one famfrom his Holland. We quote below and pedigree t, ily group sheet recent report: chart was instituted throughout j or the first time In the his If RK.HK UtCH LIMITATION AND TEMPLE MOltK been The fallowing ruling b officially approved som year ago ' ' , lmm-sll-at- - y u accu-ratt'l- v -- h .ta-ln- g ? Tributej Says Genealogy Mormons To Exhibition Y. Lead Way HefdlnN. rag M have been ANY comment made during tlie past three Twel (Continued from : Sweden, Germany, Axotee-anHungary, HolAmers a. land, the Section seven wu a brilliant d concerning the Church-widprogram tor w cl lure andcomment security of coined heraldic plates on of it members. Such the stage of the amusement hall' coming from people outside of the tlie exhibition ws held Church generally express Interest a number of Imoks on her-ldrIn the program' and hope that it a at the Oliver end there will he successful.' Of the hall, by the entrance, tii One comment to' reach the Gen- - i Splendid toats of aims of the rral Authorities, 1 indicative of Twelve Tnlies of Istaet. the attitude expressed by many A Temple lt sun j who know of tlie organisation, gov( Sectum eigtit on the link betw eea of ernment and accomplishments genealogy and the Church and temSaint.It I an edithe batter-da- y hall ple w i k . aoccupieda part of the torial published in the New York In the and also small, Herald-Tribunof May 3, 19.10. and numerous exliiblt wre fnnin dt title "Mormons to Lead the charts showing lines of orWay. is bulk alive of .the content dination to the Priesthood, A set i of the Editorial, had been wotked out for the ConnThe comment of this New York . ed of the Twelve In the ante-roopaper Is as follows: , Which hhw-e- d Was the lieautlful series of scene The Mormon Church, In Chun It history together with out for itself a place in the Did models of the Salt Lake tempi West, and showed energy and courand the tabernacle, borrowed from reage In- doing no which were the Eastern States mission for tlie ntal kable, even In a pioneer agtj. Us Occasion. Augmented by enlarged about to undertake a new enterphotograph tiff Other temples, thit have impoi tant prise. It may little roryti needetl only music tor the nation. . , . tttake.it jierfecU The tones of a "Membership of th Mormon faith great jrg--le. came from the model la said by Us adherent to have taliernav made remarkable growth In .the It was natuial that some would tost few year, so that! it now Inreturn for a closer study of tlie excludes in the United Stales more These got the. most out hibition. w iho are memthan 730,000 persons, fi.OUO f it. Hut those whom th exhibichurches. bers of more than tion tiki not reach, or who did not As a rule th congregations are reach the Drooklyh chapel, certainmade up of devout, industrious inty could riiit resist the appeal of eclfmupporUng. dividual. who are Alia vivid pageantry presented In number of , the new For that reason, Manhattan ward chapel on the Mormons on relief rolls may not inupper llroaiiwsv. be large, but that the Church scene is a Tlie encompassing tends that all shall come off the wiser quiet Street by a church dole before the autumn elections is to th drawn even the young fed a hopeful indication.. If tha exsml wava than no less childish In stii-runs pie of tlus Mormon ruler their elders th firoltlema of etern- - ( heads of other bodies to emulation, A lly, kindly wayfarer pauses to and if all organise tton,rehgtou, answer their questions and unsocial, industrial or political, should told hislorv to their understanddecide to get their member took ings They liiten. Tlie past coujes to work, the relief question would life against the shadowed ihurch to dw Indie so materially that It would walls a major soon cease to rank a Tluee s, i n - show the a jmisI a,y of the t lunc h ih tlie Meridian of Times, and tlie state of men when tii rulssiixtv In addition the memItself. There is Heaven withdraw ber were taught to fill In their an apo le pi caching. Perseeuiion own temple index card that were lift Ins a soldier Homan and wage ultrmatelv to Ijecom part of , the siwnrd, Then much later a Christian file in Halt, lake. All genealogical soldier takes up the sword and work 1 passed and checked upon goes on a crusade, exemplifying and the mission board likewise reW hat gross dal ktiess came ov ei the sheets and tains th family-grouhearts of men. cross reference pedigree chart totoravoid Scene of the second part .depot errors in and checking With struggles certain, heroic the temple list. soul winked for reformation, fur la some to Once a quaiter a bulletin religious i light and liberty, to the new land of be drivj-rpublished In which the surname of all line on width research work Amei it d is tieing d,me are listed. together Tti KMuratioa with the names of persons doing Pail tin, telts how to a people the work, and the places a which bov with made ready and to the information ha heen found. eat faith calm. the re tors non of , learn event-unll- v In thia wav the member and et the n lasting thwptd what is being done and very freall the kty of the kingdom some other that quently discover of Heaven, Ttiat not g word was member in a different town ha lout and that nothing which needs the same line already completed lie done wflt he left undone The for which they re hunting. Thi fetal scene is of Elijah restoring ha work of cowrtive system the sealing powers hv Wbli h, hi Through saved time and money vindkatlon of justice, those valiant board this device the' mission souls who sought (tod even under serve a a clearing house for darkness would have an opportuniInformation. genealogical ty to Joio their descendants in th At the present time we, have th Church of the Firstborn,, and inentire mission membership Inter herit Celestial glory. a - "Temple . rsted in preparing Members of the cast were as folTestament for themneivea. This Hfosroe A. Grover. Mai ton and lows; Enand consist of a Baptismal Jr Boiiert Bolin. Edward Co ' family-grouoh dowment Sheet, C la rente Barker. Itonk P. Waiki,, How-Koilll. sheet, pedigree Chart, and where W. llelliert Front . sealing required, th necessary ard Cluistensen. Kunlgunde (Hets-nesheets tor every mcmiier of the Hoseo W, 4 Elsie Sieinert, Church in the Netherlands. These Turner, llarrv Nelson. W iillant A. v are filed at the mission office, Metclier. Robert Dueling end the and as the member died, The New oik stake Ivas necessary sheet are withdrawn celeliutcd the coming of Fliih from the flie and sent to tlie tlie Prophet to Joseph smith a hnn-dlGenealogical vears ago b a riih and life by wav' of the a Society of Utah. In this ay every te display of some of th pfoprta assurance the has memlier faithful to. the oi finulx of his that the necessary lowipte work will tie done after death ha end' spend their hme tiding the ed, earthlv existence, thi opporattuat temple, work for out ile.td We desire to take who who are so In need of it. Now tunity soof thanking nil those gladly we would like o tie id your have willingly given of their ihe liliwisings of pl.ur.! Me prav time and talents to go our temple the laird to lie upon- you in this woik tor us Especially are we eat work. , and Holland gi holy .Temple thankful to the Thi Mission Bonnl of die tone, Committee in Salt latke for th difNetherlands peraloghul Society in the ficult la-- k they formerly . formed In pro taring all of the Now dead. GFftutn tam is wr.nEEK. our temple sheet lor JUH VVM.S OVI.ltliik.K. s thut we are ghle t prepare our Hi y k KcmppMts. own temple slteets, th , lirotliet JVN'SJE CM'IEK Sis- Tivas ami sisters wli foimerly did this week e ar-to- y lie-Bid- me-roo- e tllus-tistc- -i i -- a . j -- p irvi-s-- tem-ide- cl i. rtu-ei- rn - i Me--.i- |