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Show ' 7 I THE DESERET NEWS, SATURDAY 6 MAY 5, 935. n GKurcfi ' Department -- The Indomitable , Spirit .Of Mormonisni By P res. William H. Reeder m Of the Mount Ogderi Stake ! j i and the, Jews.! And w know it He has certifnanded uWto gatheo Katnu, onrihis contitogether hia nent. and buiid up hgl citie and sanctuaries. And w know to to Gentile He has said.-tha- t should come Into th sain gospel and covenant. and be numbered with the bo ode ot Israel, and be a blessed people upon this good land for ever. ff they would repentit-- and etnbracy to And we know said, (hat when these Hhaa Wrauons srer made, both In country and in Jerusalem, and gospel In alt It fullness preach- to all flat mns for a witness and nd all teDUtnonv.- - He will comev the Saint with him, to. reign on one thousand years. the earth RADIO ADDRESS SUNDAY. MAY S IMA - The Church of Jtmvm Christ of Saint organized N' April A IMA with U person as aether in Nauvoo from the vartou member. This umber satisfied leader whose personality and teach where they were parte of th world , Inga had been so forceful and comtht requirement ot the law of the missionaries of tha serving as Issued live. What would manding to theirChurch Bute of New York with respect to a proclamation. Church, they and the folhappen to the vTe all th waa addressed: (tie creation ot corporation. Among It There Smith? of lowers Joseph Khun of th world, to th Presithem wee Joseph Smith, the Morwere those who professed to know, dent of tha United State of Amerand they were not slow to declare mon prophet, the real founder of several of Governor the ica; to that the death of Joseph Smith was f the Church. , the States, and to th Ruler and Peoend of Mormon Ism. Instead, , In the locality where Joseph . and ple of all Nation." buffeting notwithstanding f Among many of th declaration Smith lived to to youth, religious from without aurt ambitions withtherein contained I quota the fob, Controin, those who had been closely revival were common. lowing: with the Prophet assumed versies occurred among the leader We would now make a aole And w know 11. the responsibility ot carrying on other of tht various church a. Joseph appeal to our rulers, and the work of the Church, and they Ha ha said, that he will hot , I try R whether eiUaena, low Wmaeat hewn, no less sadly found on courage with Smith carried come In his glory and destroy to what to even or to know, publish exhibited came been DIM had throughout h than npou dered. In th warning were wicked, till the w know! If It la. then tofik the ttwse preparation were hi Ufa, by their martyred leader. and given, what in tha epistla of JaincA to llihn but Passage blow, murderous Apostle Called made for hi reception And w A (and W Rtf. reading Chapter l Verm x know It, ' Early to the formation of the We say. then, to ti ft of l death. i a follow: Church twelve men had been railIf thi Now. fedow-rittaeIn bond or free, tha th great God called . am of UJ If any of you lack wisdom, let , ed a apostle. They ofwere or th And publishing Wa age. knowledge, has spoken to th Savior a were th apostles w not to crime.' or refuse treason M. hint aak of Cod. that giveth to all know arose The Hi time. In apostle to die. H ha given aa tha holy priest, men liberally, and upbrakleth not; and dignity of their in th aur toat strength of tola, be to But y and key hood and apqeUeship, place of and U ahail be given tom. callings and assumed thewhich whether we live or die. th won! Klngikmv of God. to bring of to had . of tii testimony of thla proclamaleadership of th Church all But let him aak .1 faith, nothof restoration things the about of death the vacant h left been waver-etby tion which we now aend .(into you, b that aa promised by th holy prophet ing wfvering. tor la It their ft. olde-Anw know shall, alt' be fulfilled. . driven of I Ilk a wav of tha of Dm oldest io that note Ung Heaven and earth shall pass rhaa revealed the octal and , with the wind and tortcd,". these men waa 1 year and th tribe away, but not one Jot or tittle ot ertcorda of th aboriginal majority revealed word shaUHtatl to be Birth ot Chorea hi future dew youngest was 27. Th , America, and their - to their Hurtle. They were fulfilled." , nv --And we know K. Pondering upon th meaning of x wet new re--x this to earnest and honest of fullnaa the 11 Alacere revealed take has to r Kaywledg concluded he this language, anonslhilitv of leadership end they i the gospel. with Its gift, blessing Run of you Salt, did theae men . Jame at to word, lie prayed earwished their people end all of the and ordinances And w know It. know, could they know, these III pray peoples of tli world to know It He ha commanded ua to bear nestly, again and again. , tilings? Welt, their whole Uvea ui Iseea Proriamathm the vUlutlon witness of It, flrat to th Gentile, art were answered towho .sequent aa well as prior to this of him told remnant th and then to , Aa took a they could of holy personage air, proclamation attest that they were churches of th nun that they did have Diet eerely believed In- - . the would be he With that of and thee thing. knowledge right t i rumen t In the hands of th Eteri the propliet they had had a variety nat Father foe the eatabltohment to of religious experiences from which an abiding conviction p had com this modern time of th prlmltlv that thevt were In th work of tha Churrh of Christ In ita purity and kerned, modern world he stand aa 1NDER this fltlato Daily Tla-r act H reeolutely that th teachings of the an immovable pillar of faith and lord andcontained completeness., graph recently published a letr in Holy writ Savior himself to th task of fulfilling that such with logie convincing apeak Ambrose Fleming, tor written by meant exactlv what they arid. To opposition and that he rescues thousands who othdestiny. Mid much he some persecution persevered. them, these reiigkma experience F. R. A, replying to writer who erwise would make shipwreck of . With never a thought of wavering Were actualities. They did not their faith. On matter to which he asserted among other thing, that himself a few aa on think they could Is-- mistaken: they he gathered around himself he tear addresses for speaks ram, H waa useless to pray hi to were devoted doubt. did not, knew they They had friend who bashavingunauthority. .Th ebov letprayrrs for rain have noofreal work. In devoted their Uves.bVth cause. Thus wa bom th Church ter is meteor example. the is since development a faith that they were U ia pruimble toat to gentlcmae of Jeaus Christ of fAttoridxf Kir Ambrose a aclehc. (a ology , of the Church, the servants living God, set to whom Sir Amlirose refers wa Saints, the answer- - was a follow: AH that hia Jwneat conyicltoa r' apart to build up hi kingdom. They of Christ to titl new day. la don has science expressing meteorological would have no other thought, no that prayer are unanswered. Hut Joseph Smith, and those who beto indicate tha normal cause of other mission th life. Thev were ram associated with him from question tltut go more prove that surely on hastoa right toTh but rain; restored to this testiobliged to carry on, and they did hia eligibility over toet time to time a testify. control canont be there tt magnificently. whose prayer huone of witness to Church, persistently and ardently to mony respona Creator, their by Th leadership of th Church by devoted themaetve to it upbuildhave been answered is of more to issue of a ' than man prayer, were these twelve apostles, the couragemil ing. Missionaries Wright than that of a thousand k railway directorate table ' time by manner In which they conous their and never proselyting have who many land really train a prayed. put bring special prevents ducted their people' away .from who have qualified t added thousand ot new member. aiy those oa to meet esceptionai eotftmlon homes In Nauvoo, comfortahl a per divine direction, are i Their firm belief to the visions of pray, request. adequate by of across th plain. In want and sufIn On the Value of wltnrseee abnorman credible their Prophet, tha consistency toat "Hi suggestion fering, to a new .home In h Great th restored religkm with the prin- . al extension prayer. Atheists, unrepentant tinof daylight, to respona Basin on th shore of Great Salt promulgated ners. doubters, pretenders ail such aeema 'an ciplea of th gospel aaand Joshua to prayer, wiltheir outpost Ilia day. lake, far from th existing are Incompetent witnesses; their to view of modern as- by Christtotomake of civilisation, and th establish-nrien- t greet sacrificecrea-to evidence la worthless. Thaw never ta also without aufftclcnt lingness (ronomy' commonwealth in . a of to great every andirect Jame as this the gospel V In which Apostle pray preachaa commanded reason. The direction on this new land ail are convincing Uut la all ages of genby our Savior ture. 1 that in (James I1 seen .depend evidences of .their honesty of purI5 were th convincing , obiect there were many whs faith of light reach to uine 1W ray (Mark which pose, their Integrity of leadership, learned liter to efficacy in prayer, Influence In their prearhlug. Great , observer's eye. Ray of sunlight and their fclnrCHty of conviction N rumliera were impressed with their prayKthelr to for round experienced they bent are actually ahghtly In the declarations they had mad of three er were answered. Multitudes live , a refraction. sincerity. iThto fortitude earth by atmospheric in thrir proclamation to the world. th fulfHlment of who ran bear this testimony. missionaries I seen aun . today th when Haw Testimonies appfri that to frit responsibility no To prey to to do a rwasmabie their keenly the hortaon it 1 1 Th history of .Mormon" pioently touching waa man created has who God. H teach th restored gospel tom I tut refract tola a thing. raised in the west to more or tes by neering In Hla awn Image and mad hint Inereaw less marvelous then waa th sucfamiliar to all. Hundred of thouthat refract kn were locaHy to than lower a cess with which their message wae little angels," but to daylight. ed It would prolong " sands of tlie members of the met on evervhand. For a fewrlof certainly love Hla handiwork Hla Church In th past have partaken Can Mr. Rowland say that thi la own children. For, ascribing to of ray, years th Prophet Jaerph Smith Creator the of that splr It of testimony. They by Impassible to . lived' to the developand Church, of mercy Justice guide of light and the atmosphere?! hinaa-have testified to.th 'divinity of Sualitie ta illogical to brilrv other-wisprofoundly the ing and manufacturing of write the missions. of Jesus Christ, to Thirdly, he charac. And to .cut these children Impressive and successful tl of faith lit the eternal and savevolutionary liable truth their Him with communion teristic of leadership, tit followall oft from hypotheof the gospel of Jesua hyopthesl.' No acientlflc ing principle fhonatrous a . ers. to th main, were earnestly to do would thing he au la unassailable. The history Christ, and that Jcsita Ciirlst waa with devoted to the esuse and to Joseph an act of incompatible wholly Is of th resurrection th story fruits aclence of th first largely ' , Smith's leadership.--' a loving Father character. those .and that th aaving plan of The gosdiscarded hypotheses, mulare There Opposition and persecution conBut why arguq tih of phlogiston, calorie, the Ptolemaic pel and resurrection front tinued t follow tha progress of the titude who know that God hear make posuth! lb eternal life M hypothesis, and former theories of fae th new Church, making It difficult to In deend answer prayers. have soul. and radiation human th structure They atomic find peaceful homos. The peopleto of this fact, arguments, either pro clared thrir faith In the restoraail of them now on the scientific were obliged to shift from place needless. slava-tlo- n are con. or ' J of tion of that gospel plan acrap heap. New York they went Let those who have failed la in thee tatter day by th "So It may be one day with thisSac, from from Ohio to Missouri and , ammdIy-stbHshetake heart from those who prayer hyevolution Joseph ftmlth, and hunProphet thousands to Illinois. our in Father aucredcd. God, from Missouri have now do so and of dreds nntbesia." , . i The Martyrdom remem- - . heaven, it not far away. It to necto do so and to will continue Star of the may Header Him. On th hank of the Mtssloslppl however, to w approach essary llcve that thi restored Church canher Uutt several month ago . t the right attitude of spirit. What River to Illinois. Nauvoo, a beaunot fall. It will not fall but will called attention to a paper Kir Am-Attractive. to may easily be learn, tiful city, was reared. were attitude Intola Victoria tha before grow end Increase. That to th brose read erect-and comfortable homes ed from toe New. Testament by indomitable spirit of Mormontom." which he very ably assailin stitute and Jesua what but enjoyment ed. Tht to not only' profession of carefully reading ed the supposed soundness of the reference to said thereof waa aoon to cease. On (he with Hi , man' Apostles the of lips, but once possessed of thta pypotheaia evolutionary the IMA Prophet 27th day of June, Indomitable spirit the faithful of the origin. a ta beautiful th of Smith, president Tha prayer spirit Joseph among theae hundreds of thousands When a writer of Sir Ambrose of The to Church,1 and hla brother, ttyrum feeling possess. on what thing honestly attempt to practice what Fleming's eminence apeak tiuit God to near gtveai , thev profess. Wherever Smith. patriarch of th Church, th work does not do in the and doe acicncc othwhere . went, aa the Prophet eyprewed Of th strength and confidence would exist. Church to organized, there faith he Instant-of realm religious They to the fear lamb slaughter." and doubt like erwise are devoted men and women givwa y commands attention. To those subsuffered martyrdom for whatcause Divine guidance I th beat possible , ing freely of their time-an- d who cherish such a faith he gives to he, Fortunate ad-- ; of direction. kind of th to them the moat s righteous aervlc stance In th Invincible his comfort Jba-ep-h by great it. secure to world. to careful to th who Church. They ask for no money. vocacy of the divine inspiration ofa F. Merrill. (Rdworlal In toe Imagine. If you can, the bewhdaw the Holy Bible and the reality oftort peop '(Continued On Pag Stfr.l Millennial merit which came to th of th living Gdd. n this doubting, from 'the catastrophic lo , Latter-da- y , s V A ! ( ' prophet-presiden- t. -- H lrU 'PpvSr And Science" deep-roote- d - -- " 1. v. I e. S 1 -- to-wi-t. 1 - to -- w i I -- 1 ttt) ! i |