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Show r. r- -t m a sv" -- w I 'I wvisaesr, i fj CKurcK THE DESERET NEWS, SATURDAY, MAY Depoinenf1- ' rMi t Fulrtess THK OfRKDKKMEK The Gospel AS ntOCUINKII TO THE ANCIENT INHABITANTS OP THE UKD 111 Nephl, f)ftr-- oe It h (Its. Ttwax BEFORE t e A--- ;v.y By We Hus f nun tAY Eight) MfflMqjE the mult) the mdi ol tk lint thesest eongraga-tkn- n into twelve graopa. Each of them took charga of ona division. Tha conference opened . with prayer . Than followed faithful tha preof tha proees-dinvious day! they evidently by tha SpirM. for it la aald front tbay trara nothing Varying tha wordy which Jhim had spok-an.- " A apaclal 43 Na. 79: &, prayer wait now offered up for tha Hole (vl I) gift Of the v Baptise AU i The conference , then adjourned to the water's edge. Thera Naphl Was 'barrtjied. whereupon he tised all those whom Jeeua had1 fervent pa-rhnarq." And then jhe tit Iona lor tha gift of tha Holy f.hnat were answerartkfor tha people were filled a il b the Spirit aa with fire, and the altered flames et, circled them. Angela from heaven them, and rang and ministered to rams and behold, again Vd ministered stood In the midst 10-'t unto them." (tv. Our lewd nowtjqk charga of I the tArcting. He first directed? Ui people to lrneel. Than ha (commanded Illy While disciples to lead 10 prsvar. InstmO-ib his they compiled ona to himself he stepped flora, aide and engaged In prayer. It wan thus that both the speaker, tha Son of Gad himself, and tha audience was prepared far tha sermon fvv. 1 that way to follow, their suppuAnd' so fervent wary rations that tha supplicants became transfigured, (v. III TVsver Is an exceedingly Important function In the private and of man. It to the public-lifby means of which spiritual conveyed to fight and powerneh--lira r failing radio him. It to tha connection between hint and hla relestlsl home. pristine, glorious,Wkcrs rat Gives After the prayer our Lord distributed the Sacrament to hla dis-- r he Instructed totes, whereof them to give tha consecrated emblems to tha multitude. (3 Na. 20! ft to noted that neither tha diwndes nor any In,- the audience bread and wine, bad brought theware but' that both surely there. Whoever 'brought them, their peee-anewae a manifestation at tha power of tha Master.our Lord tit-On this occasion fared those memorable words, "He my that aateth this bread aatetb at body to hie soul; and he that drink-et- b at this wine drlnketh at my blood to hto soul; and bin soul shall never hunger nog thirst, but shall v be ruled Our.tsrf. it Will be aheerved. g settles here by sntiolpstioa the the roneemlng controversy emblem. There to neither "transub-stala lion." nor "consubatrantia- t . The emblems remain breed and wine, or water. Thee ore received such. But be pan king worthily of them.: the soul draws spiritual nourishment fmnf the stoning sacrifices of our 1 ord. the Iamb of God. as the bode recelv physical life 'end vigor from the material etcenema. It la a spiritual function an eating a nd . drinking "ta the soul." . l The Apostle Paul, hi I Cor. Hfc 13, ev presses the ine thought, when be vs that the bread we break w ar communion, (a "k KMkkLTfiof the body at Christ. On ihaMfhe' cup we bless to a par tie Itjhfl.of his blond. He sees the : dtvlne corporation. t die-tat- Clt. i ' J1r -- Jny ) 1 . me-diu- nt tha common asset at which la thy atonement of Christ, In which each individual member haa an equat 1 ahora. Thy Sacrament la. further, wis toonj ar a short dramatic skHelt, of tha death of our laird, aa a rthra ft tba sin of tha world. Aa often aa ya aot tha bread and drink this cup ya do yhow oh death UU he coma." (1 Cor.i 114ft. ) It la shown aa a It Wna rapraoantad by tha aacrhi firaai In tha Old T lament. It is.f therefore, a moat solemn and lin-press! re proclamation of tha atoning- death of tha lamb of Ood, highly11 needed when unbelief and ini Kir ty In various forma threat i an to overflow tha world. J Three Great Mao a rata j Tba Church owns three hlatori-ea- t monuments which ail stand aa to witnesses .unimpeachable Christ's work aa the Ravior at tha world. These' are. ft) tha Sacra-- 1 ment of the Supper In mtnw ary W hla death on the cross; 12) In memory at hto burial,' baptism and (3) the lrd'a day, in memory at hto resurrection from thy dead. If we understand the significance and i Importance of these monuments, we Will treasure them for ourselvee and our children, and I not negiert them, Oar bard H peeks Again After the administration of tha Sacrament. Our Lord delivered the add re recorded in 3 Ne. 30.10-2- 5, Which la a Continuation of the serf awn begun the previous day an tha subject of tba gathering of thy remnants of the covenant people j (3 Me. 16.lilJi0.) Tbfs Land Belongs ta the Kami asst at Jacob. Our laird begins hig add re by the assurance that thy scattered remnants would be gatly ered In from the east and the west, the south and the north, and that, tha Father hath commanded m that I should give unto you this land for your Inheritance. (20:11) He next promised that he would eatahltsh them In this land, "unto the fulfilling of the covenant which 1 made with your father Jacob." "And," he added, "n shall be a new Jerusalem." The remnant of Jacob would be among E ta . I i! t day's tmfmno eAlon, Jmui prbmitml (hem to appear again tha following day. (3 he, 17.2.) The and report of the day's this announcement pwdlnua spre ad rapklly among tha penpledurtng tha evening and tha night. Many aauaad thatr day' work to by dona before morning. In order to fee at Mberty for tba mm Inga. Consequently. a large concourse way gathered. Antnng thnaa aarty present wyra ba twrlry disciple. 3 Na. 1M ) divided II to ft J. M. Sjodohl ' Thaa oI BOCNTlFILe-Bo- ok ' t6, ?936 the unttppeilitant igentilea as a lion In I he forest or among a flock ot Sheen, (v.uj.) The Jews will rInw be In due time, Jesus says, gnthered. he will also remember the other Mattered remnant of his and gather a Item In the landpeople or their fathers, the land at JeruMlIem. Tliey will , receive tha gospel, and then their watchmen wilt lift up their voices and sing together. Then, be says. . shall Jerusalem be Inhslsted again the by my people, and It aiiall be . land of their inheritance, (VV, ' ' . The Riga Preceding tha Gathers next, reveals the ' lag. The land, Use observer may sign by which know that the gathering of the dispersed remnants to about to com- pence, lie says that when the rev a 1st ions now received and others suit- - future, should come to the of the Gentiles, and knowledge through them to the remnant of Jacob, then they might know "that the work of the Father had already commenced unto the ng of the covenant with the pen-pi- e who are of the house of Israel. (21:17.) And thiat la to be a time of extraordinary commotion, both pte lit leal and religious. In that day the I.nrd will do a work great and marvelous to such t a degree that even kings will stand-silenin awe end wonder. (V, 8.) A man shall be raised up to declare that work, but some will re-- , fuse to believe hla me age. (V. 9.) , The Lord's "servant" will be persecuted and "marred," but not killed, for hto life to tn the hand of God. who m heal him. (V. Id.) And then It will come to pass that those who refuse to believe in the words of Christ (proclaimed by the messenger mentioned in verse 9), will be cut off from the covenant people. (The "servant ") It may be said In passing that the poema In Isaiah concerning the "aervant" (V. lo may best be understood to refer. In the first place, to Israel as a nation (la. 4ft with a special mission among the gentiles; and. In the second place, to the Messiah, the Saw , lor of all. In the rase of Israel, as In the case of tlhfc Incomparably greatest of her Sons according to the flesh, the road to exaltation haa been laid ever Calvary. And therefore, we read. It shall come to pa that whoever will , not believe In the words of J us which the Father shall Christ, cause him to bring forth unto the grntUee : Shall be cast off front the covenant people. i(V. It; oomp- - 2 Ne. 3.1 M3) 3 Ne. 20:23.) (To Be Continued) . , BRIGHAM -- BY ' YOUN- G- (Continued Prom Page Three) dinanceo pertaining to a Temple can be performed. Another told be built In Cache Valley by the Saints Inhabiting Box Elder, Cache and Hk-counties and thorn who dwell In the contiguous portions of Idaho." Unfortunately the President was not to live to see the completion of the Tempi at Logan and At Mao-ti- . ' but both at them were -- visioned and planned In hto mind. On November 1st. President Young, W Ilford Woodruff. George Q. Cannon, Brigham Young, Jr, ami members at their fsmUtoa " departed from Salt Lake City for bu George, where they arrived after a successful Journey on 9th. It w their intention to remain throughout tha winter. , (To Be Continued) RADIO SERMON 4 (Continued From Psge Six) and receive none, Every member to entitled to do something In She Church, and, the Church organ 4 nations not only afford the oppot (unity but enooursge the performance of sosne service by everyone-- , A Job fee Every there to a Job for every member. Many fall to. work. ' but a large percentage do serve faithfully. We live and work, in the flesh, are therefore human and are subject to human I nf I uenoca and failings, but. nevertheless, we altall strive tn our human weakness . and in humility Jo improve our lives according to the standards of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to encourage and help others to do likewise. Our responsibility to to seek to know his will and do It, living humbly and attempting to walk uprightly before our Eternal Father. The Savior says In the gospel of John. Chapter 7, Verse 17i "If any man will do his will.' he shall know of the doctrine, whether It be of God, or whether 1 sneak of myself." That to the challenge of the Church of Christ. Indeed, II to the challenge at Jesus Christ himself. 6) ft 1 i Orangeville Primary Gives May Festival ( - age-lon- j r J h (i .) 4 im OMRfvwJk, CtJk, Iitmtfy off Jmdmm if wnfcfi U 0m Mmy r. III (fww. W4 Primmy Tky n Ammrimttmm mm rwM Mm mtrm ctiw Mmy Tm&tml prmgrmm picture mkm mpmmUy t t t r i 4 I fr tk ' M ( I Pmrcf 1 I f H i e ' A l r |