Show meadowville Meadow ville mites farmers are arc all busy bugy putting in fall dill gra grain I 1 n earnest Earn tel kimball Kin iball of logan is ig here un on business started on in the dinst with miss delia cheney cliency ai aa teacher walt and earnest jenkins are arc here on a pleasure outing front from border ida J 11 II kimball Kim liall lias liag been very sick with quinsy but is on the improve borri born to the wife of oft J P gordon on the alie 22 lost a son soil mother ind and son on doing well and father smiling mr joshua eldredge has just rc ie turned from logan havi having ng taken his daughter grace there to attend the A C grain is about all threshed jos jog Gibbo gibbone rib threshed 1278 1218 bushels mostly wheat some slightly frosted J S 1020 bushels and others from to bushels the average wheat yield is about 22 21 bushels to the acre oats yielded 3 bushels to the acre N M hodges of 0 garden city lid did the work with an Agi agitator titor at a saving of three men to each farmer J S MOFFAT f meadowville Meadow ville utah sept 23 1897 |