Show WERE TOLD OF DEA DEATH IMPENDING CALAMITY FOREWARNS THE SENSES victim of 0 tho the parl fire who dreamed ot of her frightful doom president lincoln saw sav his own assassination limned limbed while ue lie slept ROM the new york herald there Is a very inte interesting 9 paper on ments bulge suggested sted of 0 course by y the terrible paris fire in that staid and reliable periodical the journal acs des D debats it Is from the pen of henri genrl do de Par carville parville ville than whom there Is no greater authority on matters relating delatin 9 to hallucination second sight obsession and kindred subjects first the fact is noted that ame mme julie Ga garivey Garl rivet vet one of the victims of the fire had a clear presentiment of her death when she bade her friends goodby on the morning of the fatal day it was as evident that she never expected to see them again she said that during the night she had suffered from a frightful nightmare and that she had dreamed of being burned alive aliv e equally singular was the recent experience of a parisian doctor this gentl gentleman emall was taking a walk one afternoon when suddenly the thought struck him that his house might catch fire during his absence there was apparently no rea pon poll why any such accident should take taka place nevertheless the doctor hurried home and sure enough as he approached pro ached the dwelling he saw volumes of smoke pouring from one of the chimneys rushing in he found that the flue in the room adjoining his bis own had bad caught fire thanks to his presentiment he was soon able to quench the flames the anna annaer es des sciences Psychic lues recounts two similar examples of exceptional value president lincoln it says bays had an unerring presentiment that he would be assassinated during the night preceding his death he dreamed that he walked down a flight of stairs which were draped with black cloth when he asked the cause of this mourning he was told that the president of the united states had been killed at the opera house he told mrs lincoln of his dream and she begged him but in lain not to go to the theater that evening he smiled at her fear and went calmly out to meet his doom the second story recalls the mysterious tragedy of louis 11 II of Da bavaria varla this mad monarch threw h himself into St lake which surrounded hit his palace and dragged down to death with him his physician dr von gudden who had plunged into the water in the hope of saving him now a few days before his death von gudden had dreamed that he was struggling in the water while vainly trying to save another man from drowning lie he told his wife about the dream and after his death she told the story 4 to 0 the anthropological society of munich equally singular are the stories told about mr de Leriz olles this gentleman was recently crossing a mountain pa at a little distance from his home when he be suddenly received as it were a severe shock which plunged him into atz des desht mt melancholy he felt as though he be had been struck by a clinched fist and for a few minutes his anguish was extreme hla his first thought was that some terrible calamity had happened to him or his family famila and that he would hear of it on his arrival at home he was right hardly had he crossed the threshold of his home when he received a dispatch announcing the death of his father on another occasion mr de le riz olles was tr aeling with his wife and she remarked one morning that she had bad not been able to sleep during the night as she had constantly before her eyes her dear friend alme ame de B D who according to the vision seemed to be dying As ime de B was supposed I 1 to 0 be iu in excellent health mr de Leriz olles assured his wife that there was no ner her dream but his wife would not be convinced and indeed a letter came in a tew few days telling them of mine de Bs unexpected death eight hundred cases somewhat similar to this last one are recorded in a book published some time ago in england in each case some person saw a ghost or apparition of 0 some living relative or friend at the precise moment when this relative or friend was on the point of lying dying it if it were not for a presentiment mozart would probably never have composed hla his immortal requiem one day while he was sitting silting alone lost in a melancholy reverie a stranger entered the room and laying it a handsome sum of 0 money on the table requested him to compose a requiem in memory ol of a dear friend who had just died mozart agreed to do so and he began work at once night and and day he labored with extraordinary beal until finally his strength gave way and he became when his wife tried to cheer him he said brusquely its no use I 1 composed that requiem tor for myself and it will be played at my funeral nothing could rid his mind of this idea nay he was even colv convinced incel that the stranger was a visitor from the other world who had come to warn him of his approaching end so he be worked at the requiem rn until it was finished but when thol the stranger came tor for it was dead |