Show scientific to eat that which tastes good regardless gar gard diess less of its dietetic value Is the only guide which too many tollow follow in the selection of their daily lood food that there are ingredients in some foods that are much more appropriate than others for the uses ot of persons who tollow follow certain occupations has probably never occurred to them the man who eats three meals a day whether he craves them or not in merely arely because he ha has 9 been accustomed to do so from his youth up probably does not realize that he be Is doing more than his duty by his digestive digesti ve powers he has never realized because he has never tried the benefits of abstinence and would no more miss a square meal than he would forego any other reasonable pleasure that came in his way whoever eats until there I 1 la s a feeling ot of sluggishness and drowsiness succeeding the act Is and very likely unconsciously overtaxing overtaking over taxing his physical nature the fact Is that almost all persons not only eat too much b but lit they do not select those foods that will do them the best service those who are inclined to take on flesh are very often inordinately fond of sweet and starchy articles of daa and these are as a matter of course the very things which they ought to use with the utmost caution such persons would be greatly benefited by a diet such as has been prescribed by some of the most eminent medical and scientific experts and which is to be tried in some of the argi cultural colleges by the students themselves in order to test the question practically and upon those who are intelligent enough to follow out and see for their own satisfaction what will come from a strict adherence to rules it has been tested and proven past a shadow of controversy or dispute that to frequently abstain from a regular meal is to give the digestive organs a much needed rest and to allow the system to clear itself of a great amount of waste matter those who doubt this might for experiments sake try the following diet and see it if their bodily and mental condition ls is not greatly improved by the regimen dread bread 16 ounces potatoes 16 ounces milk as ounces butter 2 ounces and steak fourteen ounces eggs and soup are to be used as a variety very few people realize the fact that water is one of the most important items in a general diet most people consume too little fluid and the consequence is a feverish state stale of the blood and general irritability and uneasiness attempts at strict diering dieting often proves a failure because the appetite leads the subject so tar far afield the goodies of life are too tempting to be resisted and all efforts come to naught even babies and small call children cry tor for candy and cake and tarts and because their mothers and nurses are sometimes weak and indulgent the little ones suffer |