Show A prosperous FARMER N X dr hodgem the lake town ml miller I 1 ler now fit bt work threshing hin big grain crop A representative of this paper visited the beautiful town of garden city on the shore here of the lovely bear lake last monday and beheld a scene of such activity ns as he be had bad never seen before on a farm at the well regula ted and prosperous ranch ol of N 31 hodges surrounded by a landscape of 0 mar beauty were twenty three men at work running threshers thre hauling grain carting tile the threshed wheat off and doing the various odd jobs connected with a big threshing the grain is being threshed at the rate of 1000 bushels per them diem and the work will occupy twelve or thirteen days mr hodges expects the result of tile threshing will be bushels of wheat and 1000 bushels bus liels of oats the grain is unloaded direct from the wagon into the th thresher thus saving time of stacking and expense of handling langit it eight wagons are on the road hauling the grain from the thresher to the mill at lake town a distance of ten miles each wagon carries from to lbs ibs of grain but cannot haul it as fast as it is threshed out the threshing machine in use is a J I 1 case 12 horse pow pon er with automatic straw stacker WO acres of land have been cultivated this season and two boys each with a minnie binder did all the harvesting there is 1400 acres of land on the farm under fence a fine orchard farm machinery valued at sheds cost 1000 held head of stock horses one an english shire wl which c h cost chickens a large dwelling house under construction a blacksmith shop stables etc tons of lucern was cut this year mr hodges intends draining acres more land next year mr hodges is also proprietor ot of the rich co roller mills he could riot not get wheat enough last year to keep the mill running but has made arrangements range ments to buy up all the wheat in the neighborhood this year and has the cash to do it he is continually opening up new markets tor for his celebrated flour and has this year sent carloads to diamondville Dia and opal wyo heretofore exclusively evanston fields |