Show your friend L aa bicycle A thed gaii can p v V for or aig lightness ess swiftness and strength it is unsurpassed y you ou cm can two all U about ll Is by hamilton kenwood henwood cycle co 20 S canal st sl chicago afe ufe dr miles miler for SPINAL ali tetter salt asid and eczema the intense itching and smarting incident to these diseases in instantly allayed b by r applying chamberlains eye and an skin ointment many very verv bad cases have been permanently cured by it it is equally efficient for itching piles aud and a favorite remedy for sore nipples nip plea chapped hands chilblains frost biccs and chronic sore eyes 25 acts per box bos dr cados cadys condition row bowders ders are just what a horse needs when in bad condition tonic blood purifier rr and fuge they are not food fond lint but medicine and the best in use to p put a horse horsa in prime condition price 25 cents per package for side by all Ille dicine deal siw fill ruml by dr una ono centa cent a aso doso I 1 0 I 1 I 1 0 0 caveats and 1 arade I rada mirla obtained and all pat ent business conducted for or MODERATE fets FEES OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE 4 U US PATENT OFFICE lent and nd we can secure la less time chaa t those remote ote frain roin tc send nd model drawing draing or photo with description we advise advis c if p or not tree free of harge our oar fee ec pot t du due till is secured f ic A 1 ilow how to t obtain patents with cot ot I 1 same in the U S and foreign forciea 0 bent free addra 0 CA 00 41 0 S OPP corrier W 0 C i rain hag no alth dr milaa ralo alar rag lils la grippe followed by heart disease dese cured by DR MILES HEART C CURE URE I 1 PC 11 f R 0 C SHULTS ot of winterset iowa MB M inventor and manufacturer of 0 shults safety coupling writes ot of dr miles heart cure two Tivo years ago an attack ol of lagrippe left mo me with a weak heart I 1 had run down in flesh to mere skin and bone I 1 could not sleep lying ISIng down for or spells frea frequent sharp darting pains pain sand and palpitation caused a constant tear fear ot of sudden death nothing could induce me to remain away from home over night my local physician prescribed dr miles heart cure and in a few ew days I 1 was able to sloop well and the pains gradually lessened and finally ceased I 1 reduced the the doses datil having gained fifteen pounds and am now DOW feeling beelin g better in every way than I 1 have for or years dr miles nem remedies edies are sold by all druggists mil 9 ests under a positive guarantee first bottle benefits or money refunded I 1 book or on diseases I 1 of tho the heart and nerves tree free address DR DF MILES MEDICAL MEDICA CO elkhart I 1 hart ind we il r M v alst ulu ec co e al A large assortment of do r t in S h also cuffar sugar cured hanis and bacon get our prices before purchasing elsewhere mail ordery ordal 8 Ivic receive eive il prompt pt attI attention tirL 41 01 10 0 1 1 1 1 N IUD uxa r 4 4 WAS buy your goods of blakj faaee own WW W C 0 W 0 P RUSTLERS of everything necessary to the Fa farmers Coni comfit fort it at lowest lowe livin living prices for the ever welcome SPOT CASH highest market price always paid for farm PRODUCE jos irwin mana manager er mm TO WAS li ak TOM tm aih antl Gs utah hill alu milli N M HODGES proprietor manufacturers of high patent F A IN 3 Y high patent golden colden sheaf U i nta sheaf straight patent TT TD 0 graham craham family pride I 1 FL J U 0 U U jiff Q germade made and mill feeds of all kinds professional cards ED SOUTH R S SPENCE 1 tonsorial toresor ial artist AT LAW montpelier IDAHO RANDOLPH UTAH dr E lee THE UINTAH HOTEL Is prepared to do all kinds of 0 dental work evanston Evan wyo crown awl aud bridge work ork it a teeth extracted without pain WOODRUFF UTAH when in evanston call at the uintah best house LE ROY N FRENCH in town AT LAW will practice in all courts mrs 0 lachappelle PI prop 01 collections promptly aly attended to RANDOLPH JAS H WALUS WALLIS ITA UTAH M th hahl bellfl JOHN SNOWBALL prop and counsellor at law first class accommodation will practice in au all utah aud and edulio courts for transient and other prompt attention given to correspondence Clu guests ests PARIS IDAHO j ilay ir grain and stabling in connection 5 terms reasonable ge geo webb L mckinnon 4 carpenter harness saddle builder and maker contractor repairing done on albort notice nothing bothin but best material materi tl our work guaranteed to be well ind and used in our work promptly done randolph Randol utah RANDOLPH UTAH J L ATKIN ATKINSON SONt THE manufacturer and dealer in KEARL HOUSE furnishing and lumber siding T C LAKE TOWN UTAH flooring lathy lath shingles I 1 es doors windows quests guests care and ami comfort guaranteed and Moul dings good stabling in connection colose CC cluse lose to the beautiful bear lake office near tile the mill I 1 IV woo it mrs ANN KEARL prop NEVILLE JOS he H contractor and builder Build I 1 sr j WOODRUFF UTAH furnished furnval 1 plans dang and STAGE LINE arch mckinn on jr evanston wyo randolph and GENI MM laketown Lake town utah A now ji is the tile the ts t to ge S dally daily except Suni liy day repairing dol done ie WW 1 inta along llon sotir 01 aloe t arse leave evanston at 1 1 p in ill ons ami larm arm machinery or r 1 I t toils 1 is 13 3 tile route to the alie railroad rall road inac laity first A lu hale manager |