Show conference RATES via vl itlo artio orando grande western railway for the semiannual semi annual conference li D S and womans comans conference L D S at salt lake city october ad to ath inclan sive the following rates are authorized authorised to salt laki city and return via it G AV railway aili al FROM 1 1 ROSI ROM a I 1 M elnell ta 50 nebo 00 roy 12 1 2 indianola Ind lanolA clearfield de alfield milburn 3 01 layton 75 fairview 3 00 Kay sUllo mille IS 60 mt pleasant 3 00 farmington 50 spring city 3 00 lalio lake shore 40 ephraim ephraem woods cross cros 2 25 manti 3 00 murray i S snarling t e aling 3 15 germania 25 G gunnelson Gunn t lson liln eliam junction 35 salina 4 00 bingham 1 BO 4 40 10 sanda ao richfield 4 70 riverton Kiv eiton 70 elinore lehi ica 1 25 joseph joeph american fork 1 35 helpap 5 SO gencena ibo 1 DU clear creek 3 pa provo 1 IVO W P V junction 4 1 ville 2 10 scofield eld 5 00 I 1 spanish lork l ork 2 0 21 25 ca catie castle tie gate W benjamin 2 21 2 helper paxson 2 31 35 pi puce ice B r 00 quin 2 35 Sunn sunnyside Sunny yide side 7 0 goben 1 75 G green reen ali ither er 9 50 lek eureka 3 2 aa Thom thompsons Thomp pons sons 1 1000 mammoth 3 1 25 15 oco cisco io 1000 oo 00 S 3 25 fruita 10 0 K springs 2 BO 60 grand junction 1000 thistle 2 7 15 1 1 tickets will be sold on folic following wing dates from ogden bingham Spring springville ville silver city and intermediate points ficia october 2 to eth inclusive tickets limited to oi tober 12 1 97 front from all other points to ti inclusive tickets limited to october 15 except grand junction fruita and cisco at which points tickets are on oil sale only on ill october 3 limited to date of issue on oil going trip with linal final limit october 15 the train service of the rio grando western is up equaled for speed safety arid and comfort |