Show DISTRICT continued front from pane page P F smith thou hast raised up is as men of god to hold up tip the hands of Thy servant in ill bis declining years 3 1 car 9 bless ug ni thy children assembled here it at this time pour out upon us the rich blessings of the gospel we thank thee that thou hast ble ss thy people in this vicinity with faith and a spirit of unity and with a disposition to rear this howe to thy name as a house of pi prayer ayer a house of learning and a louse house of god and we nye dedicate it unto thee froni from tile the foundation alie t lie basement and the walls N 1 all and all that pertains unto it we make this offering to thee the lord our god and present it to thee for thy blessing that it may be kept sacred and pure that it may bo be holy unto thy name we pray thee that thy blessings may rest down upon the trees that may be planted on the grounds surrounding this house houge may they flourish and grow as the green bay tree ind and be a blessing to thy children who may inhabit this goodly land let thy idoly spirit be here in rich abundance when thy saints shall meet here on n all occasions let thine angels be here and commune with thy saints arid and dwell among them when they shall ass assemble embie here to worship thee the lord our god accept holy father of this offering which we present unto thee and sanctify it through jesus christ and accept of it as a holy gift unto tile the lord grant that thy presence may be here and thine holy angels and the holy ghost and thy power even the power of god our eternal father these with all other blessings we humbly ask at thine hands praying thee to accept of this building and all that pertains unto it and we ine ask that it be accepted in the heavens above all these blessings we ask at this time at thine hands through our lord and savior jesus christ amen bishop edwin stratford and president budge occupied the remainder of the afternoon in administering valuable instruction to tile the people on oil sunday night the presidents party met with wilh the saints of randolph the speakers were pres win will L rich bishop stratford pres hart elder jana james 11 II wallis and pres budge the subjects dwelt upon by tile speakers were nere most interesting that of pres budge being especially su s he Ife spoke of the absolute sity of the saints seeking first the kingdom of god and subordinating our dispositions to the up building of ills his work pres budge also alluded to the cespon responsibility ability ibi lity resting up upon n parents in properly training their children I 1 the singing by the paris quartette was excellent the seer by jos M wilton wilson being particularly so the randolph choir sang the closing piece 0 my lily father jas 11 wallis walli 3 singing the solo somewhere come where the lillies bloo bloom nill was beautifully rendered by peter and leni lem mckinnon McKin tion mrs L C and mrs pearl brough the stake presidency and party left for bear lake on monday morning |