Show DISTRICT conference at woodruff the new ew meeting house home dedicated A SpIrl spiritual and musical feast enuch E enjoyed joyed by the saluta here the woodruff Mi district conference was held in the new meeting house at that place on saturday and sunday september 25 and 0 there Ther ewas was present on the stand during the conference pres william budge and Ws his counselors JIs jas H hart and wm win ii rich ot of the stake presidency bishop edwin stratford of 0 ogden and elder jas 11 wallis SATURDAY 10 a in the choir and congregation sang softly beams the sacred dawning prayer was offered up by patriarch IV 11 loe lee the paris quartette sang jesus our savior pres PEES wit BUDGE was pleased to again meet with the saints of woodruff and was thankful to god tor for his goodness in permitting the saints ot this place to assemble in conference lie ile gave the saints some good counsel and advice and also commended the saints of woodruff for their goodness and unity unit vin in building this beautiful meeting house the best finished one in the stake and be was pleased when bishop baxter told him that it was the intention ot of the saints of woodruff to use it solely for religious worship and to keep it holy and sacred for that purpose the saints of woodruff would be blessed for erecting this house to the lord our god many communities were as well able as woodruff to erect such houses it was tile duty of the saints to build up and beautify zion ELDEK JAS 11 II WALLIS spoke at some length to the saints assembled on the necessity of obeying the counsel and instructions of the priesthood who represented god upon this earth lack ot of faith and attention was the cause of many saints falling from the path of duty the lord has promised that ills his people will be blessed and triumph over their enemies but faith is necessary to secure these blessings in full ELDER T W HORSLEY then addressed the brethren and sisters assembled and gave them much good counsel tile the choir sang BISHOP EDWIN STRATFORD was pleased to meet with the saints of woodruff he congratulated them on ori building this beautiful meeting house which was a proof of their unity and success unity was one of the greatest blessings the saints can have he learned that it was fully paid for tills was a grand thing the saints would feel blessed for their sacrifice in building and paying for it they would enjoy their meetings in it much better lie was much pleased to learn of their determination to use it ex elusively du Clu for wor shipping god the people will feel that the house Is the house of god lie he deprecated the use of meeting houses for all purposes dances lectures concerts etc the 1 people did not feel the same reverence i for a house of worship when it was used for other purposes regarding politics it was one of the greatest blessings the saints ever had to divide on party lines but we should on all occasions see eye to eye for all pur poses that unity may pr prevail brevall evall aud and that we do gods work upon earth v wherever brever we live we should avoid V placing ourselves ou nelves in the power of our enemies and avoid getting into debt the waste places of 0 zion would all be settled by people fleeing from the wrath of 0 god we should treat all strangers kindly but avoid their evil ways our duty is to build up gods kingdom upon earth to prove our allegiance to god through ills servants whom lie he has appointed to obey their counsels and we will not go astray but will be ble blessed sed tue the parts quartette bang ang joseph joeph X 5 the seer benediction was pronounced by bp john kennedy 2 p m tile the choir and congregation sang tile the morning breaks the shadows flee prayer was offered up by elder byron sessions the paris quartette sang god bless our mountain home PRES JAS II if HART had derived much pleasure from the sweet singing lie ile congratulated the people for their sacrifice in building and paying tor for this fine mee meeting ting I 1 house and was glad to learn of their intention to keep it select for the worship of god we certainly b have ave reason to be pleased with our mountain home it was sterile and barren until the servants of god blessed the land since then it lias has produced plentifully ti the lord had indeed blessed blei sed our mountain home it is an inheritance from the lord the land of zion and the saints of god would inherit it from the atlantic to the Pac pacific itic the lord has had ills his eye upon it from the beginning of the world it is a choice land presidents taylor and woodruff had ble blessed sed it lie ile referred to prophecies which had become true regarding the saints also their trials and sufferings in the exodus to this land of zion these sufferings are now ended evidence of their unity and faith was their fine school house and new meeting house Pres president dent woodruff would be proud to see sec them now and would bless tile the people wo we are called a peculiar people we ve are as we WC believe in the bible but the bible is simple enough to those who have the wisdom to understand it the prophet joseph when in doubt asked of the lord to give him light tile the lord gave him light and appointed him leader of his people lie was chosen of god for this purpose and was of the seed of joseph A great number of the saints fail to realize the seriousness of the work in which I 1 they are engaged the lord is carry 1 ing rig out his purposes in gathering ills his people to this land many gentiles will also gather with us when we live our religion as we ought flit these gentiles will exclaim how can we live with these people of god we ought to con consider how we can best work to forward gods work on tills this earth we are doing this by building houses for the lord Tern temples ples and schools for our children all tills this helps help to build up zion and is plea pleasing ling in the sight of our lord the lord has established a law of 0 tithing for liis ills people it if the people neglect this or the work for the dead or their fast offerings and do not listen to the instructions of their teachers they are in danger of falling beware of the spirit of rebellion against the lords the paris quartette sang heavenly love PRES WILLIAM RICH was much pleased to meet with the saints ot of woodruff in tills this now new and beautiful meeting house perhaps the best finished in the stake it shows the unity and prosperity of tile people lie ile commended the people for payi paying dg for or it instead ot of laving having a weight of debt hanging upon thern them for years a weight of debt which they would never seem to get rid ot of the people would be blessed for the sacrifice they I 1 had made the more they realized the sacrifice the more they would appreciate c it and they would meet with greater pleasure the harder it was to attain a thing the more it was valued it was wag only by doing something of a public nature that we bind our ourselves seles together in a spirit of unity which we enjoy and which is very acceptable in the sight right of the lord the lords people had pulled up the hill their ditches were made and their hardest hard cst licks bad been laid on and he now believed the saints would have better and easier tine times ile he felt certain that the people had only juit ju it started to know the value of the land ulin which they aliey were were learning bow to obtain the best results from their farms had we not obeyed the counsel of our leaders we would never have stayed in this cold and uninviting country our leaders told us where to make canals etc and we were blessed in obeying their counsel lie ile referred to the wickedness of the people in misjudging their leaders regarding politics we will never come to grief by obeying the priesthood priests and teachers should be diligent in their labors how can a bishop do his big work well it if he has not got a good lesser priesthood under him even though this is a life af f sacrifice we can well afford to live it for the pleasure joy and satisfaction we derive in living our religion choir and congregation sang glorious things of thee are spoken benediction was pronounced by bishop J ina M baxter SUNDAY on sunday morning the priesthood met and were instructed by the stake presidency upon important principles connected with the administration of tile priesthood many interesting questions were asked by bret limn from randolph woodruff and other places and in their discussion much good was gained in the afternoon the building wag I 1 filled to overflowing every available space being occupied after singing president hart offered the following dedicatory prayer holy and eternal rather father who dwell cst in heaven we N c thy children tile the workmanship of thine hinds hands sons and daughters by adoption in the new and everlasting covenant and who comprise the presidency of this stake of zion which lias has been organized 0 through thine th apostles and prophets and the seventies and Bisbo bishop pr of the several wards thereof and thy th y priesthood who have met here this day with their wives and children desire de sire to worship thee in spirit and in truth and to dedicate this house to thy name and to thy praise that it may be made holy to thee the lord our god we approach thee in all humility in supplication and thanksgiving we thank thee for the gospel restored through thine eternal priesthood and through which the ordinances of thine house are administered for the living and the dead we thank thee for thy servants whom thou bast called to lay the foundation of thy great and glor ious work and concerning whose destiny thou hast assured us through thy prophets seers arid and shall never couie toan to an end we chauk thee for leading us ua to this land of zion for the gathering of thy saints and tor for this goodly inheritance where thy people can build and inhabit plant and cat tile the fruits thereof we thank thee for delivering thy saints from the trials afflictions and perse captions of their enemies we acknowledge before thee our weaknesses and frailties but rejoice that thou hist called us to be thy saints ta that bat thou eliou hast bast acknowledged us a as thy people that thou hast bast forgiven us our sins and we pray thee that thou wilt look down upon us at this tinie time that we may come to thee and ask such lucli blessings as shall be for our good fill us with light and with truth that we may continue to rejoice in tills this district conference and continue 0 lord to bless us with thy spirit may ever rejoice in thee bless the people who are located in i n this little 1 i atlo town of woodruff called after thine humble and aged servant wilford woodruff nahom thou hast bast raised up to be tile leader ot of israel in these last lays days anil and who under the inspiration of thel loly spirit lias has led and dl directed thy saints in the perilous times which they have pas ed we thank thee tor for the bleb blessings sings thou baa ba A bestowed upon thy people through him film and pray that Thuu wilt continue to pour out thy blessings and favors through him upon thy thi people we ve pray for ills his counselors brothers george Q cannon Cariou nand and jo ept on oil fourth |