Show Mens Men's Soccer Looking for Trip Back to Georgia for Nationals Editors Editor's note Due to the holiday weekend the Bruins game against occurred after deadline Read the Sept f 15 edition to see how the fared By Eric Bresee Horizon Head Coach Enrique Velasquez and soccer club Advisor Jim Hampton were walking through tournament tournament touma- touma ment meet headquarters at al last years year's National Nation Nation- al Tournament L When one of their colleagues stopped them he congratulated them on the dynasty they have built at It Il is quite a dynasty In past years year's the Bruins have advanced to lo the quarterfinals quarterfinals twice and semi finals once Both Velasquez and Hampton gleam when they talk about this years year's team learn This years year's team is Vel very ery similar to the theone theone theone one that thai made it to the semi finals three years ago in Austin TX With the Bruins playing the top lop teams learns in the region in the coming weeks Velasquez and Hampton will quickly find out what this team is made of f w. w d I 4 c Photo by Elroy Begay Dave Huber scores his second goal against Dixie Aug 29 I |