Show HORIZON S Sap K Late s 's f Community Newspaper p f Horizon is the official student newspaper of or Salt Sail Lake Community College published each Tuesday under the auspices of the Student r f Association SI except during finals weeks and breaks Horizon Hori t runs weekly bi-weekly during Summer term lerm Horizon Hori is distributed free of charge t. t to all campuses with stands located in high traffic areas Send all correr correspondence correspondence corre corre- r including signed letters to lo the editor to lo C Hori on H Salt Sail Lake Community College t South Redwood Road PO P.O. Box i S Salt Sail Lake City Cily Utah Ulah t r Editorial Business r r- t. t Business Manager Feature Editor I Angela Berry Theresa OConnor O'Connor I News Editor Photographers Gabrielle Martinez Bertina Berlina Begay BegayE E k Opinion Editor Elroy Begay Edward Fuller Staff Starr Writers I iL Sports Editor Edito Eric Kric Bresee i Andy Crow Meghan Heath Entertainment Editor Jake Nelson Amanda Nielson y We Encourage Letters to the Editor I Letters to 0 o the editor are welcome from all readers of the Horizon Hori While the staff reserves the right to lo edit edil all letters for length and language language language lan lan- guage every effort will be he made to lo retain the authors author's content Submissions should be words or less and include a name and daytime day- day f time lime phone number letters can be he submitted by using the mailing address h 1 above or by hand at al the Horizon Hori offices in the basement nt of or the College r F. F Center at al Letters can also be he sent by mail bye mail e-mail to lo r or a I Q I J.- J. JJ J |