Show The Human Side Balancing Committed Relationships and School The Health and Counseling Center welcomes you to the new Fall rall Semester Semes Semes- ter at al SI C. C Fall raIl is a season full of striking changes in natures nature's beautiful color scheme of reds oranges yellows and browns these visual changes become obvious to us all as the cooler temperatures temper temper- and autumn weather patterns evolve However what might not be as obvious are the emotional changes that take place due to the stresses of going back to school perhaps for the first time in years starting a new semester dealing with the adjustment of new courses courses time schedules and other life commitments Yes this is what it is all about actually having a life In this article and future Human Side ide articles we will be discussing various life issues Being a student and being in a committed relationship can present you with important life roles that sometimes seem to be very supportive and harmonious or they may he be conflicted con con- and incompatible There are an many types of or committed commit commit- ted relationships some of which include being a spouse partner parent child friend or a roommate At Al times these relationships may represent additional responsibilities and demands on your time lime Trying to meet your expectations and those of everyone else can he be a confusing and frustrating experience What to do First identify expectations of sell self and significant other As a student you may expect to have irregular hours and drop everything to cram or do a last minute project Also you may tend to put your relationships on hold expecting that difficulties such as unequal divisions of labor or not enough one-on-one one time will magically disappear once I you have your degree Il It is important to understand what the others other's expectations are reduce or modify certain expectations as needed and then learn how to establish clear approaches and routines routines routines rou rou- tines for fulfilling those readjusted expectations One example One One- example of how this can work is to make sure that when you first greet you child spouse or partner after a period of time lime apart give that person your undivided atten atten- tion Give them a kiss and or a hug lelling letting them know that you are emotionally emotionally emo- emo and mentally menially as well as physically physically physically phys phys- connected with each other Children are exports experts at al letting lelling you know through whining or other getting attention behavior Open communication leads to selling setting set sel ting ling appropriate boundaries especially time boundaries Schedule regular and specific e times limes to spend with each other free rree of school and household responsibilities Treat Treal these times limes r with wilh even more respect than you J 11 VP would a meeting time lime with wilh a hoss boss v vor or an adviser since your significant cant other is more important than thana r ra hoss boss adviser r a or an f rte t- t Most importantly loam learn to lo say s. s J no to lo outsiders outsiders' iders' iders requests for time lime that exceeds the priorities that you have set together l Learn fearn arn to lo AA consult with wilh your significant other when making alterations in joint priorities There are many additional issues that are associated with tt d r a Ions hin sue lI h an n l d t 1 i in t Ih h d n f n l d 1 1 u U 1 IU U U. U money problems household and daycare The list is endless end end- less Perhaps the most important concept concept concept con con- to lo remember is that when you and your significant other are arc empowered ac iv III UI U lU an p WI WIning ning processes the end results tend lend lo to lobe lohe he be more satisfying for each of you If II there is anything the Health and Counseling Center can help you wilh with stop slop by hy or give us a call or I |