Show L The Club Experience at Campuses i f By Theresa OConnor O'Connor Feature Editor t f 7 students experience the thel l J thrills of being involved in clubs and organizations around campus Tuesday August J 25 and Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day August 27 the semi-annual semi Student Student Student Stu Stu- dent Services Fair Pair was held at Redwood Redwood Redwood Red Red- wood and South City campuses respectively vel y The clubs showed their colors in inthe inthe the fair commonly known as Club Rush to expose new students to the activities that are arc available to them through the school Although there was free pizza pi drinks and a raffle the most important important important tant part of the fair were those that attended Many clubs were represented along with BACCHUS the International International timal Club Emma Lou Iou Thayne Community Service Center and the theother theother theother other major student service organizations organizations on campus They explained the benefits they offer for students and how the students students students stu stu- stu- stu dents can become beCame more mare involved in campus life The Thayne Center explained their activities from from past years and notified students about upcoming events They are involved in such activities activities activities as the Red Cross Blood Drive which will he be held on Sept 25 They also will be he holding a Book Fair Pair to benefit the Spina Binda Association of Utah a Walk to Cure Diabetes and the Fall Pall Produce donations for Against Hunger Other organizations also told about their activities past and present present present pre pre- pre pre- sent displaying awards pictures and informational packets The BACCHUS Club gave out pamphlets on their Fall Pall is in the AIR alternative in Recreation Fair Pair They have held events such as the Distress Fest around finals which sells small items to help stu stu- stu- stu dents The money they receive is contributed to their Sub for Santa fund in December They plan on doing more of these events again this year Perhaps the clubs that are less clubs w well known are the academic The Dental Denial Association Delta Epsilon Chi DEX and the apprenticeship programs However these organizations provide a great service to students and a wonderful way to become more involved in student life DEX the club for marketing majors had four students make the National Deans Dean's List The students who all had 40 were honored for their achievements both academically academically academically and with extra-curricular extra activities vi ti es DEX is known for the hands- hands training on-training and marketing experience experience experience ence they provide for business majors who chose to get involved The Dental Association here on campus has also been involved in helping students They have a clinic open to students with great rates campuses are booming with activities and events ROTC members from campus will be taking their annual rafting trip to celebrate all of their accomplishments and have a little fun The clubs are the heart of campus campus campus cam cam- pus and prove that isn't just about taking classes but finding linding a a groove for yourself and getting involved |