Show Employs 15 New Faculty Members Member By Eric Bresee Horizon The beginning of a new school year brings new faculty members to Fifteen new members have joined the faculty this fall The School of Technology has added the most members with wi 1 eight Ka Kathleen Powell and Shannon Burton will serve as assistant professors in inthe inthe the nursing department while Paul Roberts and Soni Adams will serve as physical education faculty Susan Daoud and Elaine Klaine Holt will serve in the dental hygiene and occupational occupational occupational therapy departments Whitney King visual art and design and Ross McNamara electricity electricity electric electric- ity were also added to the faculty School of Humanities and Sciences also added live five new members members members mem mem- bers to its faculty lee Brinton and Francis H. H Afghan have joined the pre engineering department and Ka Kathryn Eppler joined the ma mathematics ics department Reed Markham has been hired to replace time long-time instructor Roselyn Kirk in the communication department department depart depart- ment Christine Eckel also has been hired to teach biology The remaining faculty members are arc Shauna Hatfield accounting and Harold Frossard criminal justice SING I S I b 41 J r 4 0 t. t v Y |