Show Campus Word Happy Birthday will celebrate its iLs anniversary Sept 14 There will he be hea bea a foot 50 birthday cake in honor of the occasion along with free lunch at noon on the th Redwood Campus quad other nine sites will celebrate with cakes as well Other birthday activities will also include the re-naming re of the south perimeter road and a parade scheduled to end al at the quad Th There re will Yil ahe be c free j l I Q J lunch e I. I Ul jit between 1100 I 1100 I 00 am a.m. and n. n A DJ IJ will be performing music from the I to the The lunch will also include a special appearance appearance appearance appear appear- ance by bee iri the Utah Grizzlies Grizzlies Griz- Griz js mascot A Free Barrier Convocation The 1998 Convocation will he be beheld held in the Alder Amphitheater Sept 16 at am a.m. The event will feature keynote speaker Kathy Buckley billed as Americas America's first hearing impaired comedienne Buckleys Buckley's scheduled performance will augment the convocation committees committee's committees committee's committees committee's com com- declaration of being a free barrier school Other festivities include a performance performance performance per per- by hy Four Shadow an a cappella group and a mobile Dixieland Dixieland Dixieland Dix hand band Kurt Bestor Concert Kurt Bestor will introduce compositions compositions compositions com com- positions he wrote in honor of anniversary The concert concert concert con con- cert will be he held Sept 25 noon at atthe atthe atthe the Alder Amphitheater Facilities Fallacy A sign was placed on the westside westside west westside side of the Markosian Library Sept I 1 that read Caution Venomous Snakes In Area and included a picture pic- pic ture lure of a snake When facilities was contacted they noted the sign was placed there to keep students from cutting culling across the lawn This tactic was viewed as a humorous way to prevent students from walking across the lawn t tin There are no venomous snakes in the area and officials have removed the sign J |