Show by Keith Hortin If it is friendship harmony and love for one another then it itcan itcan itcan can only mean one thing Latter-Day Latter Saints Student Association Association Association As As- at the Institute of Religion The building west of the Automotive Building The purpose of the Student Association of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Latter Saints is to assist in more effectively effectively effectively bringing the influence of the Church and the teaching of the gospel into the daily lives of Latter-Day Latter Saint students during during during dur dur- ing their college years In light of the basic purposes of the church and in consideration tion of the challenges facing Latter- Latter Day Saint students the Student Association seeks to accomplish accomplish accomplish ac ac- ac- ac the following specific objectives 1 To provide for the correlation of all weekday related church-related activities on the college campus under the direction of appointed leaders 2 To increase the communication tion between college students and their leaders in the church 3 To reach out for the returned missionaries returned servicemen service service- men young married students new college students and in fact all Latter-Day Latter Saint college students help bring them into a close with church influence influence influence in in- fluence while they are on the campus and thus help them tobe to tobe tobe be more effective students and t t t t better balanced human beings 4 To strengthen and support church agencies in their efforts to accomplish their to college students The seeks to answer these basic 3 questions 1 What are the needs of the Latter-Day Latter Saint students attending attending attending at at- tending colleges and universities universities universities 2 How can these needs be most appropriately and effectively met 3 What organization or combination combination combination combi combi- nation of agencies of the church churchon on the campus can best meet these needs Every member of the church enrolled at is a member of this Student tion It is mostly run by the students students students stu stu- dents themselves They sponsor all of the activity at the Institution Institution Institution tion of Religion The President of the is Russell Cahoon with John Bahlman Vice-President Vice and Debbie Gordon also followed by Nacy Edmonds as the historian Heather Galbraith is Secretary A few of the with the Chairmen are Publicity Velma Hanna Socials Kent Re Rebecca Smith Decoration Joni Buttars Buttars Buttars But- But tars Programs Bob Bosen Boson Sorority Mary l Ann Craven Missionary Tom Torn Service Service Service Ser Ser- vice Gerald Ludwig I Care Keith Hortin and Forms Gary Wilson There will be a Fireside at atthe atthe atthe the Institute on the of December December December De De- De- De cember during the evening Mr Thatcher will talk on the Christmas Theme m 1111 1 t I m N 11 1 1 1111 m 1 11 11 1 |