Show m Club u Corner orner CIRCLE K INTERNATIONAL Its Its Ifs Working Worthing The Circle K International is isa isa isa a rapid growing campus service organization working for a better better better bet bet- ter tomorrow for Trade Tech and its it's surrounding community The Circle K Club has been involved with several activities and projects It has been busy raising funds for the Sub for Santa program Circle K had a bazaar featuring a large variety of items ranging from baked goods to jewelry The bazaar was wasa a great success and Circle K members wish to thank the fa faculty faculty faculty fa- fa culty and student body for their patronage Books to be resold by Circle K are now being accepted and will be sold Thursday and Friday Friday Friday Fri Fri- day Dec 11 and Dec 12 and at atthe atthe atthe the beginning of Winter ter They will be sold in the College College College Col Col- lege Center between the Cafeteria and Games Students will receive 85 of what their old books are sold for the other 15 will be used by Circle K for community service Students are asked to turn in books that will be used for Winter Quarter Any books or money not claimed by its it's rightful owner will be donated I The Circle K Club has invited invited invited in in- Governor Calvin Rampton Hampton and US U.S. Senator Frank Moss to present flags to Utah Technical College Governor Rampton and Senator Moss have both cheerfully cheerfully cheerfully cheer cheer- fully accepted Governor Rampton Ramp- Ramp ton will present the State Flag and Senator Moss will present the United States Flag If you would like to learn more about or get involved with the Circle K Club just contact Martha McDonald Russ Long Richard Baker or any Circle K member Well We'll be looking for you at our next meeting |