Show UTe Vets Vets e 8 Where the action is i The Wasatch Veterans Club is alive and active on the Campus this year Officer elections elections elections elec elec- have been held and a petition petition petition peti peti- tion has been drawn and circulated circulated circulated to secure financial aid benefits benefits benefits be be- for the clock hour veteran William Rich veteran of 20 years service was elected club president William Wiseman was elected vice-president vice and Tom Turner secretary- secretary treasurer John Matheson was welcomed by the club as the new Veterans Affairs Coordinator A petition securing equal financial fi financial financial fi- fi aids for all veterans during during during dur dur- ing vacation breaks was drafted during the club meetings this quarter Currently only veterans veterans veterans vete vete- rans working toward Associate degrees qualify for full VA benefits benefits benefits be be- during Christmas and summer vacations The veteran seeking a diploma cannot draw pay on vacations no matter how many class hours he has at at- tended The petition asks for equal benefits for equal work It is being circulated among veterans veterans veterans vete vete- rans attending school throughout through through- out Utah and the Salt Lake Area Bill Rich said There are 1300 veterans at this school most of them with their heads in inthe inthe inthe the sand V VA A benefits change all the time and the V VA A needs the valuable input the vet has to offer to guarantee the program will really benefit the vet and not be a waste of time and money The only way the Vet can keep pace with the benefit changes is to join a club like this We are organized throughout through through- out the valley and Utah and actually actually actually ac ac- ac- ac have a very strong lobby to promote positive goals if we use it The more veterans attending attending attending at at- tending the meetings the stronger the Veterans Union Meetings are scheduled for every other Friday at 1230 They will be announced in the Pink Sheet Bill Komlos |