Show INTRAMURAL SPORTS The opportunity to get involved with an basketball team has been extended to Dec 12 Games are played every Monday night from 6 to pm p.m. in the Eisenhower Jr High gym women are more than welcome welcome welcome wel wel- come to join in ALSO GET READY FOR Foosball tournaments will be beheld beheld beheld held during Winter Quarter the deadline again is December 12 for registering teams These games will prove to be brutal considering some of the High Performance players at this col col- col- col lege Individual and team trophies will be given plus various various various vari vari- ous gift prizes Come be Also a new form of punishment will be inflicted called BROOM BROOl HOCKEY Larry Dean of Students will organize this event I presume a couple of demonstration games will be played for the t of those not familiar with the game COME WATCH then join up Winter quarter will prove to be a fantastic fantas fantas- tic time of year all you need is desire To register for the team games just sign up at the games counter in the recreation room Have a good time hope I play against you Chris Wentworth |