Show C CLEP L E P by Judy Greenhalgh How does two years of college credit without two years of college sound The Level College-Level Examination Program can do just that for you The CLEP program is offered by the College Entrance Examination Board for the express purpose of letting you show just what youve you've learned Knowledge youve you've gained on the job from the armed services services services ser ser- ser ser- vices or wherever can give you the basics you need to pass the CLEP tests The exams of two groups general and subject The general exams are five tests including English Composition Humanities Natural Science and Social Studies The exam determines you knowledge compared to that of the average college sophomore Unlike the general exams subject exams test specific knowledge of the materials taught in standard undergraduate courses These exams cover a wide variety of courses A few are College Algebra General Chemistry American and Computers and Data Processing The College Entrance Examination Board which administers the tests does not award college credit but simply reports the test scores to the examinee and the college he designates It is the prerogative of each school to determine for itself how it will interpret interpret interpret inter inter- pret and apply CLEP scores Virtually all of the schools in Utah will accept CLEP scores for credit The CLEP exams are available in this area at the University of Utah The College Entrance Examination Board has control of the program and has determined only three places in the state that the exam can be given Because of the proximity of the U it isn't feasible for the exams to be given here too Application to take CLEP exams can be made by contacting the testing office at the U The cost is about but it itcan itcan itcan can save you much more by reducing your tuition A booklet Level College Examination Program A Description of the General Examinations is published yearly by the College Boards and it is available without charge by writing to COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION BOARD Box 1025 Berkley California The booklet contains sample questions as well as descriptions of the general examinations Anyone planning to take CLEP exams should obtain this booklet The Regency CLEP Book which is available in most libraries is also an excellent study guide It costs the same price to take two exams as it does five so if you plan to take the tests there is no harm in going all the way with it Looking into CLEP could be an invaluable way to spend you time during the Christmas break |