Show liabilities capitol capital stock capital debentures none surplus vet undivided profits 2800 gerves tor for taxes and interest none ICes wres tor for depreciation none for losses ans and con none deposits Depo alts of other banks none DO deposits por its subject ti tv check ia rubble funds demand certificates none J cashiers Cash lers and certified dividends unpaid none trust funds none total demand deposits deposki SC postal savings none time certificates 2214 77 savings deposits total time deposits 2 22 2 q 1 IV bills payable and rediscounts discounts Re none securities sold under repurchase agreement none liability ac ale acceptances and letters of credit none other liabilities shareholders trust TOTAL LLUU LITinS STATE or OF UTAH county of san juan A J redd cashier being first duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is cashier ot of the above named bank that the above and foregoing report contains 0 a full true and correct statement of the condition ot of the said bank at the close ot of business on the ath day lay 0 of march 1131 1931 A J REDD subscribed and sworn som to before ruil n mils 2 ath day of march 1931 1934 L FRANK REDD notary public seal residing at monticello utah my commission will expire ex e jan esth 1933 1035 correct attest aloyd AV nielson parley redd geo ceo IV perkins perk ins directors director STATE OF UTAH office of bank commissioner 1 I john A walla malta bank ner of the state ot of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing la is a full true and correct copy of the statement ot of the above named company filed in my off office ice on march are 30 13 A MALTA pank bank Colli commissioner mission |