Show PEACE ON EARTH WHEN As aa justified ns as people are in desiring peace and to ito outlaw war var amon nations this dream appears to the oe average mind as rather distant many factors enter cuter into this world dramn drama such as these the edilth lias has only one fourth of t its surface above water vater and this area is divided into continents islands etc each enil end ot of the globe is cold for cor a radius of about 45 I 1 1 degrees decrees while the equatorial belt Is always warm races of men of many varieties make up tip tile the population religious religions tire sire more numerous than races struer gle ele for weis lifes necessities according to ideals and culture is necessarily constantly changing ansinK ch yet alvais s real halt flair or of tile llie peole are mongoloid perhaps 20 percent of if luk dark lu k races and 30 percent so called white men yet having mixed blood easily life is therefore essentially complex idealists Idea lists who believe they may bring peace and 11 their ideas of right an and wrong arous into practical use should study sociology some astronomy and then spend a year or two in chemistry he and physics war will come ag itin and perhaps 4 too soon our country would like to ai abid old it ns is the nation has well proved Ilo however wever our culture our nationalism will not give lve way joany to any dict p this nations destiny is to help all men to t become tree free we shall hall not shirk this duty tat us have pence peace but not at any price |