Show Legal Notices 0 Q SHERIFFS SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL WITHIN AND forstthe COUNTY OF SAN JUAN STATE OF UTAH FEDERAL LAND HANK OF a corporation plaintiff vs leroy il 11 1 stevens a single mall JACK jaci NIELSON also spelled nielsen administrator of 0 the E instate state of 0 walter 0 dubois Du llois also called W 0 dubois deceased till THE MONTICELL LLO 0 NATIONAL FARM LOAN association a corporation II 11 E dubois Du rols also known us ian linss H B dubois DuIS nis and JANE DOE darois his wire FIRST DOR DOE SECOND non DOC THIRD DOB and DOK DOII defendants j to lie sold at 1 Sherl irs sale on the ath lay day of june iain at 10 am at tile the front door of the con county n ty court giouse in monticello san juan county utah all tile the rights rik lits title claim and interest ot of the above named defendants of in ili and to the following described real property situated in ran pan juan county utah to wit the northwest quarter the west halt of the northeast quarter the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter quart cr the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter or of section thirty five alve 31 35 town hip 33 of ranse range 33 25 east of the salt lake base and meridian SIerl dian utah containing three hundred undred li twenty acres more or leo together with all rights of every kind and nature however evidenced to the use of water ditches and canals for irrigation of said premises together with all tenements tena ments her edita ments ind appurtenances thereto belonging or otherwise appertaining dated this lay ilay of april 1934 ACE ALLRED sheriff S ann an juan county utah terms of sale cash first publication may 17 last way stay NOTICE TO CREDITORS in tile the watter matter of the estate of maude A palmer deceased creditors of said estate will present their claims with vouchers attached to ithe under signed on or ir before the day of tune june 19 1931 1934 34 signed T J ward palmer administrator donald Don alil T adam camj r attorney tor for administrator first airi t publication april 26 WA IMI last slay may 17 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matter of the estate of J NV palmer deceased Dec casel creditors of said estate will present their claims with vouchers attached to the imler signed on or before the day ot of june jonii signed J ward palmer executor donalt T adams atty for executor first publication april 26 1034 last may 17 0 S SUMMONS U M M 0 N S IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT WITHIN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN JUAN STATE OF UTAH THE r LAND NT HANK BANK OF BERKELEY a corporation plaintiff IT vs Is 1 C formally formale y josephine C downing rind and it P A WELLS her husband hus liand CORAL I 1 13 ll 11 IVARD and jolin john DOP don WARD WAID her husband an 1 FIRST DOE S SECOND EC ON D DOR DOE and POI DO THE STATE OP OF TO tire till gaid baid yu you are hereby summoned to appear within thirty days after service ot of tills summons upon you it if served within the county in which tills this nc ae flon Is all 0 11 11 t otherwise within thirty days after service sen ice and defend the above entitled entitle action and in case 1 of I your failure so to do judgment will be 10 rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which lins blis been filed with the clerk ot of the said court this action la Is brought to lo recover a judgement jud gement foreclosing tile the plaintiffs mortgage upon tile the land described as a s follows to wit the north one halt half of section thir ty four in township thirty tour four south range twenty el sit elc c fast east of 0 the salt lake base lind find meridian containing three hundred twenty acres more or less DONALD T ADAMS attorney tor for plaintiff NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of john NV dalton deceased creditors will vill present claims with vouchers to t the undersigned undersigner under signed at liis ills re residence idenie in monticello cello utah on or before the lay day of june geo IV W dalton administrator P F IV keller attorney for P 0 monticello utah first publication april 19 1034 last publication may 10 1031 |